Other Projects

Open Game Art

The natural heir to the now mostly inactive Free Game Arts & Free Models Project is http://OpenGameArt.org . We occasionally contribute to this project.

OpenGameArt.org screenshot

Fantasy RPG

"Fantasy RPG" is the official Game Arts Guild version of the 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons rules. It is a reaction to both the OGL controversy and the awkward complexity Pathfinder 2nd Edition. It is a big improvement over official versions of D&D, and we have released it under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

The Frontier

We have been working on content that is compatible with 5th Edition D&D called "The Frontier." It is about a time in the future when Earth discovers faster than light travel by way of accessing what D&D calls the "astral plane." We have various space-marine-type classes and lots of other content developed, and may release some of this in the AFK/IRL future as microcontent on DriveThruRPG.

Old Projects

Previously known as "Galbraith Games," the Game Arts Guild has been involved in many gaming projects in the past, ranging from books to full blown 3D game demos.

old Galbraith Games logo

Mano a Mano

We worked on role playing game systems since the 8th grade in the 80's. The first generation of these efforts culminated in a game system we called Mano a Mano. You can see the original Mano a Mano as part of the documentation of our old Hack and Slash progject on SourceForge.

90's Mano a Mano logo'

Heroes of Wesnoth

We have been contemplating making a game related to the one of the greatest games of all time, fantasy turn-based strategy game Battle for Wesnoth (a project that we have never contributed to) for years now. We have something in the works that may or may not ever see the light of day.

Live Tabletop

One of our main projects over the years has been a virtual RPG desktop called Live Tabletop. It is in pre-alpha development, and has gone through some in-house pre-alpha testing.

Live Tabletop screenshot

The Free Models Project & Free Game Arts

As far as we know, we started the first open source content project ever - before we ever heard of the GPL - called the "Free Models Project." You would have probably heard about this if you were a Quake mod developer between 1996 and 1998. This eventually developed into a larger project called the Free Game Arts, which has largely been passed on to others: http://freegamearts.tuxfamily.org/

Open Quartz

The most famous project to come out of the FMP/FGA was a little stand alone Quake 1 engine demo called "Open Quartz": http://sourceforge.net/projects/openquartz/ This is why we were mentioned in the credits for the (vastly superior) Open Arena: http://openarena.ws/smfnews.php

Zombie Uprising 20XX

Much more recently we actually put together a project using Open Quartz called Zombie Uprising 20XX: http://gameartsguild.com/zombiexx/ It was a first person shooter demo, with certain experiments in AI.


We recently released an older 2D RPG experiement we did in Pygame called MiniMaM: http://opengameart.org/content/minimam-fantasy-rpg-characters

Hack and Slash

Hack and Slash is what we call our action-RPG video game engine. The latest version is 2D and web based. Before that we had a version working in Pygame. Before that we had a 3D version using the Blender game engine. Before we ever heard of blender, we had a version based on the Quake 1 engine.

Making a game with Hack and Slash comes up in conversation with us often. Our latest version is right here working in your browser at http://gameartsguild.com/hands2d (look mom, no flash! And if you think that was cool from a web development standpoint, you should check out http://gameartsguild.com/scrollio , a mock up we did to see if it was possible to use graphics made in Blender in a 2D web-based Squawk game.)

We aren't doing a lot of 3D stuff right now, but this old page at SourceForge will link you to what is left of our old Blender and Quake Hack and Slash 3D projects: http://hack-and-slash.sourceforge.net/

Scratch Role-Playing System

Scratch is the rules-lite role-playing system used in the first editions of the Squawk Role-Playing Game and The Dark Woods Role-Playing Game.


Back in 1992 we envisioned a far future setting placed in the Solar System, which eventually evolved into an early version of The Dark Woods RPG, which then eventually evolved into the Squawk RPG. We have worked on a new variation of that original idea, and the project working name for that game/setting is "5kk", which means "5,000,000 AD."