Squawk Role-Playing Game

Copyright © 2020 by Benjamin Galbraith and Seth Galbraith

This is the system reference document for the Squawk Role-Playing Game. Please reuse this document under the terms of the Creative Common Attribution International License version 4.0.


The Squawk 2nd Edition book contains the Abbadon Setting, the Eye for an Eye campaign and hundreds of additional color illutrations not found in this system reference document. Get the PDF for free when you order the hardcover book from DriveThruRPG!

What is Squawk?



Making PCs

Single Player Teams and Minions


Agility (Agi)

Perception (Per)

Strength (Str)

Coordination (Crd)

Toughness (Tgh)

Power (Pwr)

Non-random Damage

















Training and Upgrades

New Abilities and Ability Ranks

Defense Training

Improving Coordination

Toughness and Armor

Power and Weapons

Action Points



Combat Specialties




Derived Statistics

Hit Points


Rest Dice


Coordination Modifiers

Defense Modifiers




d6 Checks

Casualty Checks

Casualty Example


Event Checks

Imagining Space Combat

Event Example




Critical Damage

Basic Actions



Distance Without Maps


Moving Fast

Moving Slow


Dragging and Carrying


Fighting Aboard Spacecraft

Encounter Example


Replacing PCs

The Game Master

Non-Player Characters

Ad Hoc Role-playing

Single Event Checks

Event Design


Areas of Expertise

Difficulty, Success and Failure

Player vs Player Events

Vehicle Events

Vehicle Casualty Checks


Event Design Example

Creating Encounters

Creating NPCs

Adverse Conditions

Template Design

Generic Abilities

Intelligent Reptiles

Field Guide

What is Squawk?

As long as there has been life on Earth, alien visitors have used samples from our planet to populate other Earth-like worlds. In a distant part of the galaxy, intelligent dinosaurs evolved and colonized the other worlds using advanced biotechnology. After millennia of constructing worlds these colonists have fallen back on more primitive and sustainable technology, from beanstalks that lift cargo into space to chemical rockets, steam engines, animal labor and stone tools.

Squawk is a science-fiction role-playing game (RPG) where each player takes on the role of an intelligent avian or reptilian creature. Squawk can be played by two or more people, but it is most fun with 3 to 5 people. One person serves as the game master (GM) and everyone else is a player. Each player controls a player character (PC) and all the PCs form a crew of adventurers (the party) who travel together in space. The GM controls different non-player characters (NPCs) in each encounter.

This game is designed to use writing materials like pencils and paper, at least one 20 sided die (d20) and several 6 sided dice (d6.) However, we have optional rules that allow you to play with only a single d6 and no d20, if you prefer. (See Missions/Checks/d6 Checks and Characters/Attributes/Non-random Damage.) The players and GM should browse the player character templates to see what types of characters the players would like to play. (See www.ResilienceRPG.com for more information on this core game system.)

There are no humans in Squawk.

The players and GM should browse the player character templates to get familiar with the beings who populate this setting. Read the setting chapters if you want to learn more about their worlds before you start playing. Some cultures produce firearms that employ compressed air, rocketry or biotechnology, but most Squawk characters find that hand to hand combat - grappling with their natural weapons, blades or bludgeons - is more effective, especially aboard spacecraft that can be damaged by gunfire. Constrictionists train specifically for zero gravity combat, Symbiotic Monks defend themselves using bioelectricity and Splicers cut up creatures to recycle their parts later.

The tone of the Squawk RPG is fairly serious, but we find that non-human characters create separation between the players and their characters which is suited to dark comedy. (For example, does your carnivorous dinosaur PC eat his enemies?)


Earth's Sun passes through one of the two major spiral arms of the galaxy every 20 million years. These arms are not material, but "density waves" - stellar traffic jams - that orbit the galactic core in the opposite direction of the stars passing through them.

When the Sun passes through one of the spiral arms, the rate of interstellar contacts increases, and civilizations emerge which transport life between Earth and other stars. However, even at their closest approach the Sun and Abaddon may be as much as 1000 light years apart.

The Progenitors

The Progenitors were scaly creatures genetically engineered by aliens who visited Earth during the late Cretaceous period. They were mostly crocodilian but had some spliced-in plant and cephalopod genes. The aliens engineered them to colonize Earth-like land and water environments.

Tens of millions of years ago, the Progenitors created an interstellar communication network. Each planetary system in the network hosted a cloud of genetically engineered trees orbiting the star(s) of the system. Some clouds absorbed most of the light emitted by their stars, radiating mostly infrared waste energy and radio communication signals.

These clouds could also Focus beams on the sails of interstellar spacecraft, accelerating them to near light speed. Important trips between nearby stars could be made in just a few years as long as the network was maintained around each star.

The Progenitors colonized Abaddon before any other intelligent species we know. They first established artificial habitats in the Lower Worlds and the lagrangian points of Midgard. After integrating the Abaddon system into their network, they created new oceans and atmospheres for Yggdrasil, Monopolis and Radix by bombarding them with iceballs. Yggdrasil became their main base of operations.

The Progenitors also found simple indigenous various icy water worlds. They avoided settling on those worlds but used the indigenous microbes to enhance their active camouflage technology.

The Progenitor communication network collapsed millions and millions of years ago. Staying connected when messages require decades and centuries to fly from star to star required monastic discipline which eventually broke down at too many points to sustain the network. The lights went out and the stars became silent.

The Progenitors evolved into many genera and species including leviathans and gygeans. They engineered plant-based habitats like Yggdrasil and Treecraft, and they engineered cephalopods such as shapeshifters and Squidcraft. Behemoths evolved large brains through symbiosis with parasitic plants, developed the advanced hydroponic systems, and engineered gremians and skand using their own brain parasites.

The gygeans and leviathans are descendants of original progenitors. The behemoths, gremians and skands were created with plant parasites. Shapeshifters and cephalopod bioships are remnants of Progenitor cephalopod technology.

The Golem Masters

The Golem Masters are intelligent pterosaurs which evolved on terraformed worlds by learning to exploit alien technology. These aliens probably visited Earth in the early Jurassic era.

The Golem Masters have symbiotic relationships with engineered arthropods ranging from tiny parasites to massive spider-like creatures and living starships. Before the Progenitors evolved, the Golem Masters were already spreading across the galaxy, extracting resources from each planetary system to breed swarms of nuclear-powered, self-replicating starships carrying genetic information. The more agile, light-speed Progenitor network eventually stopped the expansion of the Golem Masters.

These colonists used extremely advanced fusion power and ion drives which could accelerate small spacecraft to relativistic speeds. This allowed them to make short interstellar trips within a single lifetime. They modified their own biology to make these long trips more efficient, lowering their metabolisms and increasing their lifespans.

The Wardens

The Wardens come from a world initially populated with organisms from Earth's early Cretaceous period. The Wardens were flightless birds with long clawed arms and huge, intelligent brains. They bred other dinosaurs as pets, hunting companions and laborers, and modified them using the techniques of chimeric surgery.

Problematically, the Wardens' troodontid companions (gafflings) gradually developed a degree of self-awareness and when the Wardens bred their larger ceratosaurs to have similar intelligence, it also became more difficult to treat that species like mindless tools. The emerging intelligent species were increasingly seen as threats and competitors instead of useful animals.

Some idealistic Wardens collected a diverse sample of semi-intelligent dinosaurs and launched massive ark propelled by hydrogen bombs. This ad hoc nuclear pulse propulsion technology allows massive spacecraft to travel between nearby stars in a few centuries or millennia with minimal technology and organization. Essentially a wandering space colony with a self-contained ecosystem and nuclear power plants, this generation ship contained everything necessary to survive and produce more colonies (except for an unlimited supply of nuclear fuel.)


Click HERE to DOWNLOAD a PDF of this Character Sheet

Making PCs

More than a dozen intelligent species inhabit planets, moons and artificial worlds. Aeolytes were bred from large birds. Gafflings evolved from small feathered dinosaurs. Stygians are flightless pterosaurs. Leviathans are huge crocodilians whose ancestral genome was spliced with plant and invertebrate DNA.

Each player takes on the role of a player character (PC) and makes choices for that PC during the game. In these rules, "you" refers to a PC or that PCs player. Character Points (Pts) reflect how powerful characters are. A character worth 30 more Pts than another character is about twice as powerful.

50 kg (110 lb) theropod 90 Pts
2 ton hadrosaur 120 Pts
5 ton armored quadruped 150 Pts
25 ton sauropod 180 Pts

At the beginning of the game, you have a Character Point Budget of 120 Pts to create your new PC. Record this in the Character Point Budget box on your character sheet.

Now choose a template for your character. (See Characters/Templates.) Record the name of the template on the line labeled Template on your character sheet.

Give your character a name and record it on the line labeled Name on your character sheet.

Copy the Attributes (Agility, Perception, Strength, Coordination, Toughness and Power) from your template to your character sheet. Write the Character Point Value of each attribute on the line next to the attribute.

Copy the Abilities (but not Optional Abilities) of your template to your character sheet. If an ability has a number after the name, that is the ability's current rank. The Character Point Value of an ability is the ability's rank or 1 Pts if the ability has no rank. Record the Pts value of each ability on the line next to the ability.

Copy your template's Character Point Value to the Character Point Value box on your character sheet. This is the total Character Point Value of all your template's attributes and abilities.

The Character Sheet is on the next page...

Subtract your Character Point Value from your Character Point Budget and record the difference in the Action Points box on your character sheet. Your Action Points (AP) are unspent Pts which you can spend during events and encounters or training and upgrades. You can save the rest of your AP for events or encounters or use some of them now to customize your character. (See Characters/Training and Upgrades.)

Count how many of your abilities have the expertise or persona keyword. Record this number on the line labeled Focus on your character sheet.

Your initial Hit Points are equal to your Toughness. Record this in the Hit Points box on your character sheet.

Your Stamina is half of your Toughness, rounded down. Record this on the Stamina line of your character sheet.

Your Rest Dice is a number of six sided dice (d6) equal to your Toughness divided by 6, rounded down. For example, if your Toughness is 20, then your Rest Dice is 3d6 because 20 divided by 6 is 3 after rounding down. Record this on the Rest Dice line of your character sheet.

Single Player Teams and Minions

Players can have a team of PCs instead of a single character, but they need the GM's permission to have more than two PCs. Players often use this to give their PC a construct or animal companion. Instead of a single 120 character point character, a player can have two 90 character point characters, or one character with a higher character point budget and another with a lower character point budget. (See Creating Encounters for more ways to divide character points between characters.)

two 90 Pts characters
98 Pts and 80 Pts characters
102 Pts and 72 Pts characters
108 Pts and 60 Pts characters
110 Pts and 50 Pts characters
112 Pts and 42 Pts characters
114 Pts and 36 Pts characters

For example one player could play a team of two aeolyte spies with a character point budget of 90 for each character.

Intelligent species can have pets that are larger and more powerful or smaller than their masters. A player could pair a 60 character point skand investigator with a 108 character point ceratopsian mount, or a 114 character point behemoth shock trooper with a 36 character point theropod tracker.

Gafflings are less intelligent than the other intelligent species and often paired with a trainer. A player could have a 98 character point skand clone soldier working with a 80 character point gaffling scout, or a 102 character point lyndwyrm warlord leading a 72 character point gaffling gladiator.

Golem masters and chimeric surgeons create creature companions. A player could play an 80 character point strix golem master with a more powerful 98 character point spinner golem, or a big 98 character point borean chimeric surgeon with a medium sized 80 character point chimera bodyguard.


Each character has six attributes: Agility, Perception, Strength, Coordination, Toughness and Power (abbreviated Agi, Per, Str, Crd, Tgh and Pwr.) Attributes measure the combined effect of many different advantages and disadvantages, so two characters might have the same attribute rank for different reasons. The specific advantages and disadvantages that contribute to a character's attributes can be explained in the character's general description.

Attributes are ranked on a few different scales. Agility, Perception and Strength are defenses. These are target numbers for different types of attacks. Attack checks are based on twenty-sided die rolls, so an attack will succeed more often than not against Agility, Perception or Strength of 10 or less. An attack is more likely to fail if the defense is more than 15. Coordination is a bonus to attack checks, so it is usually a smaller, single digit number. Ranks of Toughness and Power are measured on the same damage scale, but Power is smaller because it usually takes several attacks to take down a well-matched enemy.

Agility (Agi)

Agility is your defense when quick reflexes and fast movement are critical. Blocking, dodging and running for cover require Agility. Agility combines defense training, raw speed and short reaction time.

Smaller, faster, climbing, flying and leaping creatures usually have more than 10 Agility. Long, thin, slithering, and streamlined creatures have good Agility, but so do compact creatures that can produce massive acceleration with powerful limbs. Flocking behavior and disruptive color patterns can also improve Agility. Agile characters often have acrobatic fighting styles.

Flat-footed and heavily armored characters are slower and usually have less than 10 Agility, but powered armor, springy limb extensions, jet propulsion and advanced climbing tools can provide high Agility. Characters who always drive a vehicle during personal combat encounters have Agility based on the speed and maneuverability of that vehicle.

Perception (Per)

Perception is your defense against stealth, deception and manipulation. It includes problem solving ability, willpower and senses. Perception and chance also determine initiative - the order of turns during encounters.

Smarter, better trained and more alert characters have more than 10 Perception. Stealthy characters can often spot an ambush before they are detected themselves, so they tend to have high Perception. Artificial sensors and communication equipment can also augment a character's Perception.

Strength (Str)

Strength (Str) is your defense against grappling and attacks that test your endurance. Big, muscular characters have more than 10 Strength. Stocky characters who are solidly built with a low center of gravity also have high Strength. Resilient and tenacious characters can also be strong even if they are not large and muscular.

Athletic training and manual labor increase Strength. Sprawl-and-brawl fighting styles require muscle, endurance and anti-grappling skills. Powered armor can make the wearer stronger, but armor can also improve Strength through extra mass, life support systems or sharp spikes which make grappling difficult. Characters who always drive a vehicle during personal combat encounters have Strength based on the mass and torque of that vehicle.

Coordination (Crd)

Coordination is a bonus to attack rolls, the basic attack check modifier. Zero ranks of Coordination is mediocre. Characters with good manual dexterity, fighting skills, tactics or reliable aim have more Coordination. Characters with poor Coordination can even have negative Coordination.

Melee weapons that provide reach, leverage or versatility can improve Coordination. So can more accurate ranged weapons with good sights. Creatures with very small arms may still have low Coordination in spite of decent manual dexterity.

Toughness (Tgh)

Toughness (Tgh) is your maximum Hit Points - the amount of damage your character can survive. It represents resilience and protection. Big, solidly built and armored creatures have more than 20 Toughness, but so do creatures that heal and recover quickly.

Damage includes exhaustion as well as wounds. Damage to a healthy character might be a blow the character safely absorbed, a superficial injury or even the strain of flinching to narrowly avoid a serious injury. The same amount of damage to a badly injured character can be a lethal wound that only landed because the victim was not able to move at full speed or keep his guard up.

Characters become tougher through experience and training which toughens them up and improves their endurance. Improving the character's general health or upgrading their body armor will also increase Toughness.

Power (Pwr)

Power (Pwr) is measured in six sided dice (d6) plus pips (+1 or +2.) To find the damage of an attack, roll that many dice, then add the pips to the total.

Some attacks are more powerful or less powerful. If the attack has -½ Pwr, halve the damage and round it down. If the attack has +½ Pwr, increase the damage by half (rounded down.) If the attack has double Pwr, double the damage.

A medium sized creature usually has 2d6 Power when armed and 1d6 Power if unarmed. Size, muscle, natural weapons and firepower increase Power. Characters who precisely target vital areas are also more powerful. Attacks are combinations of moves, so characters with a high rate of fire or faster combos are more powerful.

Non-random Damage

A GM may choose to use non-random damage in a campaign instead of rolling dice for damage. In that case damage is calculated by giving three points of damage per dice, and then adding any pips. For example, 3D6+1 damage would always be 3+3+3+1 or 10 damage when using non-random damage. In this example if an ability added +½ damage, that ability would always do 15 damage instead, or in the case of double damage the attack would do 20 damage.


Each template has all the attributes and abilities you need to make a playable character. The keywords in parentheses after each ability's name summarize how the ability works. (See Characters/Abilities/Keywords.)

Templates also have optional abilities you can buy with AP, and your template's attributes determine the maximum attribute ranks you can buy. (See Characters/Training and Upgrades.)

Each template is an example of an occupation and a species. Species tend to have different occupations suited to their physical and mental traits, and some occupations are unique to a specific culture. Characters who have the same occupation may use different equipment and techniques for anatomical, cultural or personal reasons.


The newest intelligent species, the ability to fly makes aeolytes valuable as messengers. Male aeolytes are gray or brown with white throats and breasts and black iridescent feathers running from the head and face down the back of the neck. Females aeolytes are more cryptically colored with a camouflage pattern of black, white, brown, gray and blue feathers. Aeolyte speech sounds like low, hoarse bird calls.

The average aeolyte has a 5 meter (17 foot) wingspan, stands 2.5 meters (8 feet) tall, and weighs 75 kg (160 lbs.) Aeolytes are not the most agile fliers but they have extraordinary stamina. Aeolytes have fairly long necks, and long, flexible, coordinated legs.

Aeolytes can see magnetic fields, helping them to navigate. Keen eyesight and innate flying skills combined with talon-eye-coordination make them good vehicle pilots. These innate flying skills include 3D thinking, an intuitive sense for orbits, kinetic energy and gravity, and perception of subtle invisible forces like rising thermals.

Lighter than most intelligent species but large enough to limit maneuverability while flying, aeolytes can wield a relatively large weapon with either of their powerful talons while flying or hopping on one leg. On the ground, they cannot wield weapons with two hands because one talon must be left empty to support the weight of the aeolyte and its weapon. Aeolyte grappling dynamically utilizes energy and momentum instead of Strength and leverage. They can carry prey weighing as much as 150 kg (300 lbs.)

Aeolyte Spy

An intelligence agent and emissary, you are equipped with telescopic goggles (Perception, Coordination,) while alchemy airtight treatment strengthens your skin and protects you from suffocation and chemical irritants (Strength, Toughness.) Example names: Whitefeather, Skyneedle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 10 2 25 2d6+1
(14 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (25 Pts) (23 Pts)


aeolyte vision (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

aeolyte wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

alchemical smoke bomb (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 93

optional abilities

aerial surveyor (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

alchemical metal lubricant 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

alchemical shadow venom 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

alchemical thunder cracker 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

alchemical waterproof infusion 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

alchemical wooden body vaccine 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

carbine sword blade 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

carbine sword gyro-jet (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

decoys and illusions (ranged vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn): Draw fire to protect your allies or set up a flanking attack.

discreet (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

hoist and drop prey (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Aeolyte Alchemist

A scientist (Perception), you wield elemental weapons and medicine. Example names: Foi Shin, Jade Firesky.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 16 10 1 22 2d6+1
(14 Pts) (16 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (22 Pts) (23 Pts)


aeolyte vision (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

aeolyte wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

air rocket 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

Character Point Value 91

optional abilities

chemical engineer (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

natural philosophy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

scientific tradition (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

earth paste (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

fire fountain 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

metal lubricant 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

shadow venom 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

thunder cracker 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

water of life 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

wood glue 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.


Behemoths are immense sauropod dinosaurs whose intelligence comes from a parasitic plant in their brains. The average behemoth is 12 meters (40 feet) long and weighs 6 tons. The parasite uses energy from the host animal's massive body, but it also uses the Behemoth's skin, especially the long tail and neck, to generate more energy through photosynthesis. Behemoths are one of the most intelligent species when they get enough sunlight to boost their brainpower.

The average behemoth is about 6 meters (20 feet) tall when standing upright, but behemoths are knuckle-walkers who use all four limbs when they need to move quickly. Male behemoths have a decorative row of short spikes running all the way from the tops of their heads to the ends of their tails. Color varies dramatically between different populations of behemoths. Some behemoths have uniform dull brown or indigo scales while others have reticulated patterns of bright colors.

Behemoths are extremely loud. With very low-pitched rumbling, rolling, droning, blasting voices, and chest slapping, foot stomping body language that drives away most wild animals by itself, Behemoths can even produce a thunderous sonic boom by whipping their tail.

Behemoths are often preoccupied with food, reflecting their mostly vegetarian diet and the challenge of fueling a six ton body. Behemoths use their long and powerful arms to wield large tools and weapons. Long necks and the ability to walk on two legs allow behemoths to see far, an important battlefield advantage. These natural defenses and sheer bulk make behemoths an ideal species for exploration and colonization; Predators and hindering vegetation cannot stop their trailblazing for long.

Behemoth Bushwhacker

The Bushwackers are merchant adventurers who have established pioneering space colonies. Example names: Orgraff, Lakkon Mapsmith.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 16 1 36 3d6+2
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (3 Pts) (36 Pts) (36 Pts)


behemoth tail whip (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

plant symbionts harvest solar energy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

business savvy and negotiation (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

Character Point Value 112

optional abilities

behemoth thundering (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

slave and tail combo (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

slave bond 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

slave grip (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

slave shapeshifting 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Yggdrasil parasite bioship affinity (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Yggdrasil parasite sickness detection (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

Yggdrasil parasite energy reservoir 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

Behemoth Shock Trooper

Behemoths and gremians built impressive cities behemoths providing the brawn and gremians providing the brains. Behemoths prefer to work outside and on the surface to catch more sunlight. They are often construction workers, architects, guards, greeters or greenhouse keepers. Behemoth Shock Troopers armed with axes, mauls, mortars or guns form heavy artillery. You wear an armored spacesuit (Toughness) and use a maul for knocking down doors. Example names: Wallbane, Thundertail.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 16 1 42 4d6
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (3 Pts) (41 Pts) (40 Pts)


behemoth tail whip (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

heavy maul disintegrates obstacles 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 120

optional abilities

aggressive conditioning (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

full circle swing 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

giant air rifle 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

space combat veteran (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

warning roar 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

behemoth thundering (persona): Others find your presence frightening.


Boreans are flightless, swimming avians who prefer cold and temperate marine environments. Although they can move well on land, boreans are also adapted for life in water. The stocky limbs and webbed hands and feet make them powerful swimmers, while their high nostrils allow boreans to breath with only the top of their heads above water. Boreans are carnivores, and although they do have beaks they also have many long sharp teeth which help them hold slippery prey.

The average borean is 3 meters (10 feet) tall and weighs 700 kg (1500 lbs.) Boreans are mostly covered in dark feathers with lighter plumage on the ventral surfaces (throat and belly) and above the eyes. Females tend to have lighter colors than males. Local borean populations have a variety of different skin and beak colors, but pale yellow and gray are common.

Boreans have a complex echolocation ability which allows them to "see" and accurately judge distance through fog, smoke, murky water and darkness, so these obstacles do little to impair them. This ability is also used to communicate. Boreans do not have to open their mouths to talk. Calling to each other over very large distances, their language is difficult to understand and impossible to pronounce by most other species. This communication barrier and advantage creates friction between boreans and other races, but boreans are sought after as scouts and "sounders." Borean sounders use their echolocation ability to help boats and aircraft avoid obstacles hidden by water, fog and clouds.

Borean Sounder

You are a privateer. You wear extreme altitude gear (Toughness.) Example names: Captain Cloudskinner, Marshall Longfall.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 14 1 33 3d6
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (14 Pts) (3 Pts) (33 Pts) (30 Pts)


aeronaut (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

borean swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

spot hidden things with borean sonar (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 102

optional abilities

air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

bind prisoners with grappling hook 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

borean language barrier (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

grappling hook yanks target 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

keen sense of hearing (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

take control 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

Borean Big Game Hunter

You hunt giant reptiles. You sometimes use trained hunting animals. You pay your way by working as a pilot on spaceships. Example names: Glacierborn, Windchill.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 14 2 30 3d6
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (14 Pts) (6 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

borean swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

harpoon gun 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

master of harsh environments (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 102

optional abilities

aeronaut (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

air rifle 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

borean language barrier (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

harpoon (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

stealth (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

tracking (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Borean Chimeric Surgeon

A highly educated and quite mad scientist (Perception) , you practice the esoteric art of Chimeric Surgery. You work as a medic on spaceships to fund your travel and research. Example names: Doctor Chlorospine, Radaly Webbers.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 12 14 1 30 3d6
(8 Pts) (12 Pts) (14 Pts) (3 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


borean swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

repair allies with chimeric modifications 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

scientist (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 101

optional abilities

bone saw 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

borean language barrier (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

catch attacking limb (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

chains bind subject 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

ghoulish (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

repair biotechnology (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

splicer armor with built-in weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

splicing disciple 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.


Gafflings are intelligent deinonychosaurs whose three-fingered hands have exceptional flexibility and opposable thumbs. Like ordinary deinonychosaurs, gafflings are feathered dinosaurs with long, stiff tails and two functional toes plus one very large, sickle shaped claw on each foot. Gafflings often live in large extended family groups with complex relationships. The average gaffling is 3 meters (10 feet) long, stands 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall and weighs 70 kg (150 lbs.) At least half of that length is the tail.

Gaffling plumage is short and darker on the back than the throat or belly. Most gafflings are tan or brown, and males tend to be a darker, reddish shade, but many gafflings have unusual colors or patterns, and some populations have lighter plumage which takes on pastel tints from pigments in the creatures they eat. Gaffling speech is full of simple, rapid clicks and growls.

Gafflings are found on many worlds, sometimes living as civilized beings, sometimes treated like clever service animals, and sometimes living like wild beasts. Gafflings also live in space, sometimes employed as guards, soldiers or pirates, and they can be capable combat pilots.

Gaffling Gladiator

Gaffling gladiators fight with their sickle claws while defending with dual shield sticks (Toughness.) You were sent into space as a test pilot. Example names: Pitclaw, Shortscar.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 10 1 20 2d6
(14 Pts) (8 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


block and counter with shield sticks (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

paired shield sticks and sickle claws 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 79

optional abilities

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

tao rho defensive line (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

tao rho line breaker 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

tao rho teamwork 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

tao rho quarterstaff (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Gaffling Shaman

Shamans coach gaffling gladiators. You were sent into space as a test pilot. Example names: Wise Thorn, Staff Shaker.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 10 0 18 2d6
(14 Pts) (8 Pts) (10 Pts) (0 Pts) (16 Pts) (20 Pts)


brawl with natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

lead fighters as trainer and coach 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

Character Point Value 72

optional abilities

bonesetter 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

tao rho defensive line (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

tao rho line breaker 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

tao rho teamwork 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Gaffling Scout

You were trained to guard bases and fly scout craft. Spacesuits (Toughness) protect gaffling scouts when cheap life support systems fail. Example names: Swiftlight, Tracker Axwing.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 10 2 21 2d6
(14 Pts) (8 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (21 Pts) (20 Pts)


fly spacecraft on dangerous missions (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

sniff out intruders, leaks, fumes and fire (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 82

optional abilities

constriction limb lock (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

constriction stranglehold (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

constriction zero-gravity martial arts (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

group hunting tactics 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

scavenger (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.


Gremians are descended from gafflings, sharing their small size, light build and large forward-facing eyes. Symbiotic plants in the gremian brain make them very different from gafflings in other ways. These symbionts are derived from the symbiotic plants in behemoth brains.

The symbiotic plants give gremians large, bulbous heads which require an erect posture instead of a counter-balancing tail. Gremians are completely tailless. Their three-digit hands and feet have blunt nails instead of razor-sharp talons. Gremian snouts are very short and their rounded teeth are more suited to an omnivorous diet than pure carnivore.

Gremians have smooth pink, yellow, tan or gray skin with darker purple, brown or black markings. Female gremians tend to have a few patches of small dark spots while Male gremians have more extensive markings. Newborn gremians have sparse downy white feathers on their heads, but adult gremians are bald. The average gremian stands 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall and weighs 25 kg (55 lbs.)

Gremians use their brains, eyes, and manual dexterity instead of traditional natural weapons like claws and teeth. Of all the intelligent species they are often the most skilled with machines. Gremian language is complex with fast-paced songbird-like sounds synchronized with specific movements of the eyes, hands and head.

Gremian Troubleshooter

You are an independent investigator working with this crew to pay your way. Concealed body armor and gas mask doubles as a spacesuit (Toughness.) Example names: Scentwise Holmsen, Loster Steelworthy.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 8 2 20 1d6+2
(10 Pts) (14 Pts) (8 Pts) (6 Pts) (20 Pts) (12 Pts)


air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

collect rumors and connect facts (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

gather information through interviews (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

Character Point Value 74

optional abilities

close range shot (range = Crd; ranged vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Target an enemy whose distance is no further than your Coordination in meters.

confuse enemies with verbal taunts (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

discreet (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

interrogation at gunpoint 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

keen observer and patient tracker (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

restraints for detainees 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

sanctioned (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

Gremian Clockmaker

You are a researcher (Perception) working with this crew to pay your way home. The Clockmakers are a secret society who study the origins of life. You defend yourself with a customized grappling hook (Power.) Example names: Hamel Screwtek, Aimsmith Wax.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 15 8 2 14 1d6+1
(10 Pts) (15 Pts) (8 Pts) (6 Pts) (8 Pts) (6 Pts)


climbing gear (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

expert on ancient history and technology (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

reverse engineer and invent your own gadgets (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

Character Point Value 57

optional abilities

air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

archaeologist (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

business savvy (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

explorer (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

grappling hook 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

swing grapple around enemy defenses (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

Gremian Chimeric Surgeon

A scientist (Perception), you use poison weapons (Power.) You are working as a medic. Chimeric surgeons usually have a chimera minion. Example names: Scarverson, Camingrass.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 16 8 2 14 1d6+2
(10 Pts) (16 Pts) (8 Pts) (6 Pts) (8 Pts) (12 Pts)


air rifle fires poison darts 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

repair allies with chimeric modifications 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

scientist (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 64

optional abilities

ghoulish (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

jab with poison dart 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

malpractice (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

repair biotechnology (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.


Gygeans are stealthy carnivores that can rapidly change the color and pattern of their skin to match their surroundings. Gygeans can become invisible while mimicking their environment and holding still; use light and shadow to disguise their movement; or confuse opponents with dazzling animated patterns.

The average Gygean is 5 meters (17 feet) long and weighs 250 kg (550 lbs.) Gygean skin has a scaly texture but it is transparent so that the changing color of the living skin beneath shows through. They have many horns on their heads and a row of small horns running down their backs, but even the horns have color-changing tissue beneath the surface. Male Gygeans have two extra horns that are longer than the others.

Gygeans have improved their camouflage with local biotechnology. Shadow Stalkers are infected by parasitic plants. The Ghost Dragons incorporated cephalopod shapeshifter genes. Star Stalkers wear holographic swarms. The Progenitors use bioluminescent microbes. Gygeans rarely use clothes or equipment that interferes with this camouflage.

Gygeans have slow metabolisms and tend to live in warm climates. They are ambush hunters, wounding their target with a surprise attack, then waiting for bleeding and infection to finish it off. The slow metabolism keeps them from starving while they wait. Gygeans spend a lot of time basking and practicing not being seen, but they are also very social, living in larger colonies than hot-blooded predators can sustain. In warm weather they sleep out in the open but in cold weather they must find shelter and hibernate.

Gygeans communicate primarily through sign language that involves most of their body: frills, color changes, hand gestures and other body language. Any sound in gygean communication is considered extremely loud, and spoken words always have sharp, terse meanings.

Gygean Assassin

You are a commando Shadow Stalker. You wear invisibility skin bioarmor (Toughness) with razor sharp retractable claws designed by the Star Stalkers. This living suit reflexively changes its color and pattern to disguise your movement and break up your outline. Example names: Coldrock, Lazaro.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 1 32 3d6
(12 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (32 Pts) (30 Pts)


ambush from above (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

automatic bioarmor camouflage (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

built-in retractable claws 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 102

optional abilities

bioarmor sensors (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

close range stealth killer 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

deception and information gathering (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

gygean sprawling (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

gygean trickery (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

slash with claws while invisible (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

Yggdrasil parasite bioship affinity (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Yggdrasil parasite energy reservoir 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

Yggdrasil parasite plant empathy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Yggdrasil parasite sickness detection (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

Gygean Symbiotic Monk

The gygean Ghost Dragons are usually hunters and spies, but you were raised as a monk of the Symbiotic Order. You are a missionary of the Order. An alchemy metallic resonance magnetizing vaccine increases your sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (Perception) while a grounding vaccine defends you against synerga and other electrical attacks. Example names: Algaeus, Torbule.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 1 28 2d6+2
(12 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (28 Pts) (26 Pts)


electricity arcs through synerga staff's plasma channel 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

gygean camouflage (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

gygean climbing claws (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

sense hidden objects (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 95

optional abilities

alchemical waterproof infusion 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

alchemical wooden body vaccine 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

gygean sprawling (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

long thrust with synerga staff (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

metabolic synerga discharge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

metabolic synerga purge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

metabolic synerga reset 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

sense bioelectric fields (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

therapeutic synerga alignment (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

therapeutic synerga boost 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

gygean trickery (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

symbiotic collectivism (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

Gygean Spy

Many gygean Ghost Dragons are spies who combine their natural stealthiness with illusions and tradecraft. You are a diplomat. Alchemy earthbound vaccine helps you withstand and slither out of grappling attacks (Strength.) Alchemical illumination stimulant improves your alertness, mental defenses and resistance to the elements (Perception.) Example names: Fellshadow, Lightbane.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 12 1 28 2d6+2
(12 Pts) (12 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (28 Pts) (26 Pts)


code breaker and political insider (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

gygean camouflage (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

gygean climbing claws (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

senses honed for stealth and surveillance (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 97

optional abilities

alchemical waterproof infusion 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

alchemical wooden body vaccine 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

deception and information gathering (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

decoys and illusions (ranged vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn): Draw fire to protect your allies or set up a flanking attack.

gygean sprawling (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

pistol dagger blade (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

pistol dagger gyro-jet (ranged vs Agi): Shoot from the hip.

gygean trickery (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.


Leviathans are armored, swimming crocodilians. The average leviathan is 4 meters (13 feet) tall, 6 meters (20 feet) long and weighs 2.5 tons. They have dexterous five-fingered hands on short but relatively powerful arms. The tall double-row of scutes running down the neck, back and tail is significantly more developed in males. The darker scales on the back of a leviathan may be dark green, blue, purple or brown, with black spots. The lighter scales of a leviathan's throat and belly may be white, yellow, tan or pale green.

Leviathans live in coastal and wetland areas, avoiding cooler regions. They are aggressive and territorial carnivores, and they will eat their enemies, but their slow metabolisms don't require a large hunting territory.

Leviathans often live in large family and tribal groups. They have no trouble living near other intelligent species as long as their territory is respected. Leviathans often build homes in caves they carve from river banks.

Adapted to an amphibious lifestyle, Leviathans hear through both their ears and their jaws. They can hear and produce low pitched sounds below the hearing range of many other species. They hear better in water than out of water. Out of the water, Leviathans use body language for clarity. Leviathan conversation sounds like deep croaking, clicking and hooting sounds.

Leviathan Privateer

A space pirate, you are equipped with a spacesuit (Toughness) and a shapeshifting melee weapon called a slave (Coordination and Power.) Example names: Sunfoe, Snageltooth.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 1 39 4d6
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (3 Pts) (39 Pts) (40 Pts)


Drifter symbiont enhanced timing and direction sense (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

leviathan sculling tail 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

slave becomes different weapons to exploit weaknesses 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

slave resists removal 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 118

optional abilities

constriction zero-g grappling style (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

constriction hold with killer bite (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

Drifter symbiont bioship affinity (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Drifter symbiont plant empathy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Drifter symbiont sickness detection (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

Drifter symbiont energy reservoir 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

leviathan aggression (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

ruthless (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

slave grips enemy weapon (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

Leviathan Interrogator

Interrogators are the enforcers and scouts. You were captured in a dispute and volunteered to test pilot in exchange for your freedom. Example names: Three Feathers, Blacksky Rainworm.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 36 3d6+2
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (36 Pts) (36 Pts)


leviathan sculling tail 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

powerful bite and heavy tail 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

ropes secure detainees 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

torture and interrogation expert (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

Character Point Value 108

optional abilities

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

command attention (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

leviathan aggression (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

menacing presence 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

relentless tracker (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

set ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

sanctioned (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.


Lyndwyrms are large, predatory theropod dinosaurs who evolved from the same ancestor species as skand. Some of these semi-intelligent ancestors were placed by the first Wardens. Living as primitive hunters, they evolved into massive predators that did not require a civilized temperament or hand tools.

The average lyndwyrm weighs 1 ton, stands 3 meters (10 feet) tall and is 5 meters (17 feet) long. They are shaped like typical carnivorous dinosaurs, except that the brain is enlarged and they have two massive brow-horns. Like many other theropods, lyndwyrm arms are much smaller than the legs, and the hands have three clawed fingers. However, lyndwyrm hands are built for using tools rather than powerful grasping and clawing.

The lyndwyrm neck and chest is covered by a shaggy mane, but most of the body is covered in shorter plumage. Lyndwyrm feathers are black, blue, white and silver, with more dark feathers on the mane and tail and more light feathers on the throat and chest. Female lyndwyrms are typically larger than males.

A lyndwyrm can attack effectively with its sharp teeth, horns, and the claws on its feet, but the horns can also be used for less lethal head-butting and grappling. Rival lyndwyrms often compete by locking horns and trying to throw each other off balance. Lyndwyrm language combines deep-pitched growls, groans, croaks, roaring and gesturing with the horns.

Lyndwyrm Warlord

You wear a grappling helmet and spiked shoulder armor (Toughness and Power.) You supplied and trained gaffling test pilots until you became a space explorer yourself. Example names: Hatemonger, Skull King.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 14 0 36 3d6+2
(12 Pts) (8 Pts) (14 Pts) (0 Pts) (36 Pts) (36 Pts)


battlefield strategy 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

lyndwyrm horn toss 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

lyndwyrm talon pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

weapons attached to armor and natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 110

optional abilities

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

lyndwyrm savagery (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

tao rho defensive line (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

tao rho line breaker 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

tao rho teamwork 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Lyndwyrm Armorer

A craftsman (Perception), you wear lamellar armor made from spider golem silk and steel (Toughness.) Now you have been selected to establish trade relations with other worlds. Example names: Rho Shu, Wu Tao.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 14 1 40 3d6+1
(12 Pts) (12 Pts) (14 Pts) (3 Pts) (40 Pts) (33 Pts)


good at repairing a variety of technology (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

lyndwyrm horn toss 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

lyndwyrm talon pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 117

optional abilities

lyndwyrm savagery (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

rifle lance blade (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

rifle lance gyro-jet 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

razor whip strangle (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

razor whip strike from behind (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.


Myrmidons are omnivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs with long head shields and a sword-like or mace-like weapon at the ends of their tails. Myrmidons are a rowdy bunch of natural fighters and frequently engage in brawls. Female myrmidon head shields are sometimes shorter and less elaborate than males.

The average myrmidon is 4 meters (13 feet) long, 2.5 meters (8 feet) tall and weighs 400 kg (900 lbs.) Myrmidons can be almost any hue. The scales are darkest along the spine and the midline ridge of the head shield, fading to paler scales along the throat, belly and bottom of the tail. Myrmidons also have dark stripes. A single color and stripe pattern often predominates in isolated populations.

Myrmidon languages are deep and monotone, with simple syllables combined with gestures of the head, hands and tail. They tend to move while speaking, strutting around and turning their heads from side to side. Myrmidon languages have both a belligerent or authoritative voice and an inferior or submissive voice.

Myrmidon Guardian

Guardians from the Symbiotic Order fight with natural weapons and synerga techniques which use their bioelectric fields (Agility, Perception and Strength.) You were sent as a missionary by a Symbiotic Order theocracy. Example names: Sapflow, Kripix.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 11 12 1 30 3d6
(11 Pts) (11 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

synerga electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

Character Point Value 100

optional abilities

discharge synerga field 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

metabolic synerga discharge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

metabolic synerga purge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

metabolic synerga reset 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

myrmidon roughhousing (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

symbiotic collectivism (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

syncrase defense (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

Myrmidon Slam Dancer

Slam dancing is a combat sport of many myrmidon communities. Example names: Hammerdrum, Spinscale.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 1 30 3d6
(12 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


acrobatic slam dancing (defense melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 100

optional abilities

acrobatic slam dancing kicks (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

hyver collectivism (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon roughhousing (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

tail whip around defenses (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

slam dancing trainer medicine 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

Myrmidon Shock Trooper

You have an armored trench coat (Toughness) and air rifle. You are making your way as a mercenary. Example names: Handelstien, Barbringer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 12 1 36 3d6
(10 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (36 Pts) (30 Pts)


air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 104

optional abilities

aggressive conditioning (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

air rifle 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

camaraderie (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

daredevil space warrior (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

force enemies to run for cover (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon roughhousing (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

space combat veteran (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.


Phages are long-tailed and leathery-winged intelligent pterosaurs. They live off of the blood of large animals. Phage venom prevents clotting, kills germs and numbs pain. This helps with feeding and it is also useful for healing livestock, phages and other animals. Phages are nocturnal, hiding by day in caves and other dark places. They have good night vision and can also track warm objects and creatures with their infrared-sensitive faces. Phage language is composed mostly of quiet cooing and murmurs, with some occasional hooting, screeching and howling.

The average phage has a mass of 15 kg (33 lbs), stands 1 meter (3 feet) tall and has a wingspan of 3 meters (10 feet.) Male phages have pronounced brow ridges, and female phage fangs stick out farther when their mouths are closed. Like all pterosaurs, phages are covered in fur-like pycnofibres. Phage pycnofibres form a dark brown, dark red or black coat over most of the body with lighter brown, reddish or deep red pycnofibres on the ventral surfaces (throat, chest, inner thighs and the bottoms of the wings and tail.)

There is prejudice against phages in some cultures. The subterranean phages on are are regarded as pests by surface dwellers. Members of the Symbiotic Order have used phages as a symbol of selfish "parasitic" living. The art of Chimeric Surgery practiced by many phages is also taboo to the Symbiotic Order.

Phage Privateer

A Collective Defense grappler from the Raincatcher culture of Yggdrassil, you wear a spacesuit infused with solar-powered algae (Toughness.) Example names: Captain Quoot, Aes Hookfist.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 8 1 15 1d6+2
(14 Pts) (12 Pts) (8 Pts) (3 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts)


constriction zero-gravity grappling training (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

spaceship piloting experience (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Character Point Value 63

optional abilities

close quarters fighting 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

constriction limb lock (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

constriction stranglehold (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

phage blood-sucking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

phage night life (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

ruthless (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

Yggdrasil parasite energy reservoir 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

Yggdrasil parasite plant empathy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Yggdrasil parasite sickness detection (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

Phage Surgeon

Chimeric surgeons from Radix are often accompanied by pet chimera. You came to L4 working as a medic on spaceships to fund your travel and research (Perception.) You use splicing martial arts and bladed armor (Toughness and Power.) Example names: Doctor Xellirks, Sir Bludsmith.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 16 8 1 18 2d6
(14 Pts) (16 Pts) (8 Pts) (3 Pts) (16 Pts) (20 Pts)


anaesthetic venom and chimeric surgery 2 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

blades built into armor 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 82

optional abilities

mad scientist (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

phage blood-sucking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

phage night life (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

repair biotechnology (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

splicer blades sever limbs 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

splicer chains bind quarry 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

splicing specialist 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

trap and cut attacking limb (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

Phage Golem Master

The Golem Masters of breed and train spider-like creatures called golems, and they are usually accompanied by a golem minion. You are a creature breeder protected by tiny symbiotic nano golems. You have been studying bioengineering techniques from different worlds. Example names: Professor Falkner, Vlad Fiacre.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 14 8 1 12 1d6+2
(14 Pts) (14 Pts) (8 Pts) (3 Pts) (4 Pts) (12 Pts)


phage wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

parasitic mites form a defensive, blinding smokescreen 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

modify spacecraft with Golem Master biotechnology (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

Character Point Value 59

optional abilities

bioship drones (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

phage blood-sucking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

seeking drones (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

stinging mites 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

painkilling venom (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

intoxicating venom (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

phage night life (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.


Skand are small predatory dinosaurs related to lyndwyrms. The ancient Wardens brought the common ancestor species of skand and lyndwyrms. While lyndwyrms evolved great size and long horns, skand developed a symbiotic relationship with plant symbionts from the brains of Behemoths. These parasites limit skand growth but increase their mental abilities.

The average skand is 1.6 meters (5 feet) tall and weighs 50 kg (110 lbs.) They have a mostly upright posture, usually walking on their heels, but skand also have a tail which helps them turn quickly and balance while climbing. Male skand have powerful arms, useful for grappling competition with other males or acrobatic displays to impress rivals and potential mates.

A thick mass of stiff, hair-like feathers insulates the head. These feathers are usually blue, but sometimes black, white or silver. The rest of the body is mostly smooth with patches of small scales or short feathers. This bare skin is usually a light brown color with black spots.

Skand language tends to be subtle, complex sounding, and somewhat high pitched. Skand are quite bodily animated when speaking.

Skand Clone Soldier

A bioengineered warrior, you are protected by standard body armor (Toughness,) conditioned combat reflexes (Agility, Perception and Strength) and a versatile biocannon which fires a variety of projectiles from different barrels (Coordination and Power.) Example names: 992, U1150.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 11 3 30 2d6+2
(14 Pts) (12 Pts) (11 Pts) (9 Pts) (30 Pts) (26 Pts)


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

biocannon burst 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

biocannon suppressive fire (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

biocannon spray and pray 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

Character Point Value 106

optional abilities

biocannon specialist 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You overwhelm opponents with a barrage of projectiles.

daredevil space warrior (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

fire from a strategic position (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

space combat veteran (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

camaraderie (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

Skand Investigator

A detective, you avoid attacks by thinking on your feet (Perception.) Example names: Detective Minefall, Investigator Ronzer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 10 1 20 2d6
(12 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

shoot from the hip with air pistol (ranged vs Agi): Shoot from the hip.

interrogation at gunpoint 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

interview and collect information (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

Character Point Value 81

optional abilities

shoot from cover with air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

keen observer and patient tracker (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

confuse enemies with verbal taunts (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

restraints for detainees 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

sanctioned (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

discreet (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

Skand Imperial Privateer

You are a space pirate with zero-gravity swashbuckling reflexes (Agility and Coordination.) Example names: Lay Hung, Fut Sing.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 10 3 20 2d6+1
(14 Pts) (10 Pts) (10 Pts) (9 Pts) (20 Pts) (23 Pts)


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

Shangdanese carbine sword 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

expert shot with spacecraft cannons (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

daredevil space warrior (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Character Point Value 90

optional abilities

acrobatic fighting style (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

carbine sword gyro-jet (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

fire from a strategic position (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

shooting in sword fights (range = Crd; ranged vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Target an enemy whose distance is no further than your Coordination in meters.

deceptive flourish 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

parrying blade (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

ruthless (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.


Strix are flightless, primitive birds with short necks and raptorial hooked beaks. Each hand and foot has three long fingers or toes with very sharp claws. Strix plumage is brown with black and white stripes. Male strix have larger eyebrow ridges adorned with long drooping feathers. The beak and claws are brown or gray darkening to black at the tips and edges. Strix are lightly built predators with ferocious natural weapons and the ability to wield weapons with their strong hands and opposable fingers. Often nocturnal hunters, strix have large eyes, good night vision, and excellent directional hearing. The average strix is 2 meters (7 feet) tall and weighs 150 kg (330 lbs.)

Strix can easily recognize and mimic animal calls and the languages of other intelligent species. Strix languages on the other hand tend to be extremely complex and almost impossible to understand by other intelligent species. Their natural language talent makes them particularly valuable when trained as interpreters, allowing strix-centered cultures to maintain larger, more loosely connected civilizations. They are also naturally good animal trainers and teachers of other intelligent species.

Strix Ghoul Slayer

Ghoul Slayers are monster hunters. They use the splicing system of martial arts and the sneaky illusions. You travel as an interpreter for explorers . Example names: Skratchus, Foeshadow.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 12 2 26 3d6
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (12 Pts) (6 Pts) (26 Pts) (30 Pts)


strix vision, hearing and pattern recognition (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

strix translator (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

splicer hooks catch attacks (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

Blackbird Clan terrifying aural illusions 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

Character Point Value 100

optional abilities

Blackbird Clan ventriloquism sets up ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

splicer armor with built-in weapons 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

splicer blades sever limbs 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

splicer chains bind quarry 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

Strix Linguist

You have worked as an interpreter for many employers. Example names: Athorbane, Squidbeak.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 12 0 24 2d6+2
(10 Pts) (14 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts) (24 Pts) (26 Pts)


strix vision, hearing and pattern recognition (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

strix translator (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

expert on ancient languages and secret codes (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

long, sharp talons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 90

optional abilities

air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

interrogation at gunpoint 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

provoking taunts (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

Strix Golem Master

The Golem Masters breed and train spider-like creatures called golems, and they are usually accompanied by a golem minion. You are a creature trainer protected by expendable small flying golem drones. You have been studying golem wrangling techniques. Example names: Praxifinger, Fowleyes.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 12 1 24 2d6+2
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (24 Pts) (26 Pts)


strix vision, hearing and pattern recognition (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

strix translator (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

defend ship with golem drones (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

indirect attack with a golem drone (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

Character Point Value 91

optional abilities

biomechanical engineer (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

coordinate a swarming attack with allies 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

sonic amplifier 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

stinging drone swarm 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.


Stygians are flightless pterosaurs and great swimmers, living in and near bodies of freshwater. The wings are reduced to webbing between the arms and body, and the hands and feet are webbed for paddling and crawling on soft mud. A long, flexible tail ends an enlarged vane which acts a rudder or paddle. The stygian head has a flattened bill-like snout and a fin-shaped crest which is larger in males than females.

Like other pterosaurs, stygians are covered in fur-like pycnofibres. Stygian pycnofibres form a sleek coat of iridescent green or brown with dark spots or stripes. Stygian skin, beaks and claws come in many colors that vary between populations, but pink, yellow and brown are common. The average stygian is 2 meters (7 feet) tall, 3 meters (10 feet) long and weighs 100 kg (220 lbs.)

The stygian snout is packed with electrical sensors which can be used to navigate tight spaces and locate small prey. Stygians are natural craftsmen and architects, living in or near the bridges and dams that they build. Stygian social life is based on building and maintaining physical structures, so they get hostile with those who don't respect these structures. Stygian languages reflect this passion with constant references to building, design and structure. To other species, the stygian voice sounds like croaking, clicking and hooting sounds.

Ancient stygian Golem Masters developed technologies based on their natural ability to sense and generate electrical fields. Spacefaring stygians including missionaries of the Symbiotic Order.

Stygian Priest

Agents of the Symbiotic Order receive special synerga sense and awareness training (Perception.) Each agent wields a stiff, conductive synerga whip with a plasma channel that provides a beam mode for ranged attacks. Example names: Phronsi, Lyzophan.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 10 1 20 2d6
(10 Pts) (14 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

synerga whip plasma channel 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

Character Point Value 80

optional abilities

discharge synerga field 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

measure electric field strength (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

metabolic synerga purge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

metabolic synerga discharge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

metabolic synerga reset 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

syncrase defense (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

syncrase redirection (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

therapeutic synerga alignment (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

therapeutic synerga boost 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

stygian structuralism (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

symbiotic collectivism (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

Stygian Privateer

You are a warrior monk. You are trained in the constriction zero-gravity grappling style and some synerga hibernation techniques inherited from the Symbiotic Order. Example names: Captain Grapeshot, One Eye Hucksabre.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 10 2 20 2d6
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

constriction zero-gravity grappling training (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

spaceship piloting experience (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Character Point Value 82

optional abilities

close quarters fighting 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

constriction limb lock (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

constriction stranglehold (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

Sleeper symbionts and synerga metabolic techniques (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Sleeper symbiont energy reservoir 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

stygian structuralism (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

ruthless (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

Stygian Golem Master

The Golem Masters of breed and train spider-like creatures called golems, and they are usually accompanied by a golem minion. You wear a suit of living bioarmor which augments your natural electrical field. Example names: Sylester, Thownian.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 10 2 24 2d6
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (24 Pts) (20 Pts)


stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

ball lightning 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

biomechanical engineer (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

Character Point Value 86

optional abilities

electric arcs make the target twitch (ranged vs Str; hit: stunned 1 turn): Momentarily disable the target from a distance.

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

bioship drones (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

seeking drones (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

stygian structuralism (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.


Titans are huge, armored herbivores related to ankylosaurs. Like myrmidons, titans were created to serve as Guardians. On average titans are 1.5 tons, 5 meters (17 feet) tall and 6 meters (20 feet) long. Besides massive bone scutes and a thick hide, titans also have a sturdy tail with a formidable mace on the end. Titans are covered in brown, red, orange and yellow scales, with the darker scales on the armored back. The pattern and amount of each color varies between individuals and populations. Male and female titans look similar, but can be distinguished by their scent, calls and gestures. All titans have low and growling voices.

Titan Guardian

You are a warrior monk from the Symbiotic Order, using the syncrase fighting style which combines synerga electrical attacks and conventional martial arts. Example names: Locust, Five Star Crane.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 1 42 4d6
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (3 Pts) (41 Pts) (40 Pts)


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

powerful discharge burns enemy 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

metabolic synerga fast (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 120

optional abilities

discharge synerga field 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

measure electric field strength (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

metabolic synerga purge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

metabolic synerga discharge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

metabolic synerga reset 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

sense electric fields (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

syncrase defense (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

syncrase redirection (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

titan formidability (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

symbiotic collectivism (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

Titan Bounty Hunter

You are a hired gun who wears spider golem silk lamellar armor (Toughness.) Your mortar axe fires elemental ammunition designed by alchemists. After pulling some strings to follow a fugitive all the way into deep space, you have been working for new clients. Example names: Wing Sao, Rings Fabron.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 54 4d6
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (47 Pts) (40 Pts)


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

mortar axe chops and fires shells 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

patient and attentive tracker (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 123

optional abilities

mortar axe blade 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

metal frag shell 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

sticky earth trap 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

thunderclap stun grenade 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

interview, interrogate and collect information (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

restraints for detainees 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

titan formidability (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

sanctioned (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.

callous (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

discreet (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

Titan Bodyguard

You are a Tao Rho sport fighter who has become a spacefaring emissary. You wield a massive 3-handed machete (Power.) Example names: Gao Choy, Rex Megafist.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 42 5d6
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (41 Pts) (47 Pts)


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

shield allies (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

protect client in space battles (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

Character Point Value 124

optional abilities

rushing decapitation 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

tao rho teamwork 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

titan formidability (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

professional commitment (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.


A broad range of trained animals and bioengineered creatures can be found. These extra templates help round out a party of player characters.

Chimera Bodyguard

Chimera are creatures engineered by chimeric surgeons. This chimera is a ruthless killing-machine whose body has been overhauled with parts from golems and intelligent reptiles, including their armor. A parasitic infection suppresses organ rejection and provides unnatural tolerance to poison and disease. Example names: Hex, Homer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 10 0 30 2d6+1
(10 Pts) (10 Pts) (10 Pts) (0 Pts) (30 Pts) (23 Pts)


tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

grafted weapons 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

hold off enemies with biocannon (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

many-limbed frenzy 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Value 88

optional abilities

extra limbs (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

experimental features 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

backup organs 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

biocannon burst 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

biocannon volley 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

ghoulish (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

professional commitment (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

Hunting Pterosaur

This small, leathery-winged, flying reptile was bred for falconry. Example names: Pali, Captain Flint.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 5 5 0 9 1d6
(14 Pts) (5 Pts) (5 Pts) (0 Pts) (-5 Pts) (0 Pts)


sharp vision of an aerial hunter (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

leathery wings 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

nip (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

sharp teeth 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 24

Ornithomimid Mount

This fast two-legged dinosaur was bred as a swift mount for intelligent species. Example names: Joust, Camelus.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 5 10 -1 24 2d6
(12 Pts) (5 Pts) (10 Pts) (-3 Pts) (24 Pts) (20 Pts)


claws, beak, kicking with long legs 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

saddle for one small rider 1 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

self-sufficient foraging (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 72

optional abilities

run and swipe with claws or rider's melee weapons 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Pterosaur Mount

This large, leathery-winged reptile has been bred as a flying mount for intelligent species. Example names: Thunderbird, Xander.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 6 10 -2 21 2d6
(10 Pts) (6 Pts) (10 Pts) (-6 Pts) (21 Pts) (20 Pts)


sharp vision of an aerial scavenger (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

harness for one lightweight rider 1 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

leathery wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

beak and wing strikes 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 65

optional abilities

outreach with long beak and wings (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

drop small target or tackle large one (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.


Shapeshifters are intelligent cephalopods which change color, texture and shape to mimic objects and creatures. Shapeshifters were bioengineered by the ancient Progenitors to operate for long periods out of water. Example names: Dradiux, Ursulus 571.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 9 13 2 24 2d6
(9 Pts) (9 Pts) (13 Pts) (6 Pts) (24 Pts) (20 Pts)


slither along quickly even in a prone position (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

breathe water, even with low oxygen content 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

slippery and flexible (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

catch opponent off guard with shapeshifting ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 85

optional abilities

slip tentacle around neck (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

many tentacles make scaling obstacles easy (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

tentacles yank away weapons (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

menacing new form 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

tentacles aid maneuvering in low gravity (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

discreet (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.

Spinner Golem

Spinner golems are spider-like creatures engineered by the Golem Masters of Radix, and highly valued by the Shangdan Empire on Peleg. They spin cables of extremely strong spider silk. Golem skin is a hard segmented cuticle of calcified chitin with a fused carapace protecting the combined head and chest. Golems are bred and conditioned to perform many complex tasks with limited self-awareness and emotions. Example names: Jorogumo, Princess.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 7 11 2 30 2d6
(11 Pts) (7 Pts) (11 Pts) (6 Pts) (30 Pts) (20 Pts)


swing around on web and crawl up walls (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

convert flesh into liquid biofuel 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

cocoon targets in webbing 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 89

optional abilities

spin and throw webbing in self defense 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Theropod Tracker

This small, two-legged, carnivorous dinosaur was bred to hunt with intelligent species. Example names: Old Red, Spike.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 5 6 -1 12 1d6
(12 Pts) (5 Pts) (6 Pts) (-3 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts)


amazing sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

bite and pin (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

pack hunting instinct (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

teeth and claws 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 28

optional abilities

loyal companion (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

vicious (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

Triceratops Mount

This four-legged, horned dinosaur was bred as an enormous mount for intelligent species. Example names: Battleram, Symba.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 7 14 -2 39 4d6
(7 Pts) (7 Pts) (14 Pts) (-6 Pts) (39 Pts) (40 Pts)


sharp horns and beak 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

spiked head shield (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

carry a few medium sized riders 4 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

horn toss (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Character Point Value 108

Training and Upgrades

ability or attribute   value maximum
unranked ability 1 Pts no rank
ranked ability 1 Pts/rank no maximum rank unless the ability specifies one
Agility 1 Pts/rank template Agility + 7
Perception 1 Pts/rank template Perception + 7
Strength 1 Pts/rank template Strength + 7
Coordination 3 Pts/rank template Coordination + 7
Toughness see below 3 × template Toughness
Power see below 2 × template Power dice + 1d6 if any template Power pips
Power Toughness
Pwr Pts      Tgh Pts Tgh Pts Tgh Pts Tgh Pts
1 -20 1 -45 31 31 82 61 210 91
2 -10 2 -40 32 32 84 62 220 92
1d6 0 3 -35 33 33 86 63 230 93
1d6+1 6 4 -30 34 34 88 64 240 94
1d6+2 12 5 -25 35 35 90 65 250 95
2d6 20 6 -20 36 36 92 66 260 96
2d6+1 23 7 -15 37 37 94 67 270 97
2d6+2 26 8 -10 38 38 96 68 280 98
3d6 30 9 -5 39 39 98 69 290 99
3d6+1 33 10 0 40 40 100 70 300 100
3d6+2 36 11 2 42 41 105 71 310 101
4d6 40 12 4 44 42 110 72 320 102
4d6+1 42 13 6 46 43 115 73 330 103
4d6+2 44 14 8 48 44 120 74 340 104
5d6 47 15 10 50 45 125 75 350 105
5d6+1 49 16 12 52 46 130 76 360 106
5d6+2 51 17 14 54 47 135 77 370 107
6d6 54 18 16 56 48 140 78 380 108
6d6+1 55 19 18 58 49 145 79 390 109
6d6+2 56 20 20 60 50 150 80 400 110
7d6 57 21 21 62 51 155 81 420 111
7d6+1 58 22 22 64 52 160 82 440 112
7d6+2 59 23 23 66 53 165 83 460 113
8d6 60 24 24 68 54 170 84 480 114
8d6+1 61 25 25 70 55 175 85 500 115
8d6+2 62 26 26 72 56 180 86 520 116
9d6 63 27 27 74 57 185 87 540 117
9d6+1 64 28 28 76 58 190 88 560 118
9d6+2 65 29 29 78 59 195 89 580 119
10d6 66 30 30 80 60 200 90 600 120

When you create a character and between missions, you can spend AP on abilities or attributes, or save AP for events and encounters. You can also decrease attributes and remove abilities to get AP when retraining your character.

The Character Point Value of an attribute or ability is the amount of AP it costs. For example, to increase Power from 2d6 (20 Pts) to 2d6+1 (23 Pts) you must spend the difference in Action Points (3 AP.)

Update your Character Point Value as you add and remove attributes and abilities. This will make it easier to reset your AP between missions, when you get back the AP you spent during events and encounters.

New Abilities and Ability Ranks

Each unranked ability is worth 1 Pts. The Character Point Value of a ranked ability is equal to your current rank. The minimum rank is 1.

You can add abilities from your template's optional abilities list, and from your template's default abilities if you have removed any of those. For example, if you want to replace a default ability with an optional one, you can remove the default ability and then add the optional ability.

You don't need many abilities or ability ranks. Buy only the abilities and ability ranks you need, and use your Action Points for attributes or save them for events and encounters. Some abilities have a maximum number of ranks (combat specialties, fixed weapons and regeneration.) If an ability can be used once per rank, keep in mind that you will only have a few turns to use the ability in each encounter.

Chimeric Surgery (borean chimeric surgeon, gremian chimeric surgeon, phage surgeon, strix ghoul slayer) is an ad-hoc, bespoke approach to bioengineering spread by the Wardens. Chimera can start out as normal specimens of any species, gradually accumulating surgical modifications and transplanted organs, or they might be the product of some tragic accident or horrific experiment. Surgeons may become chimera themselves to enhance their abilities or after sustaining crippling injuries.

Chimera may have an enhanced frame and metabolism, or extra limbs, natural weapons and armor. Surgeons use drugs and parasites to prevent chimera from rejecting grafted components. Chimera may have prominent scarring where heavy parts have been attached with sturdy sutures, or a skilled surgeon may have fused the tissues with no visible scars. Chimera are often asymmetrical, although experienced surgeons try to create gracefully balanced chimera.

Intelligent chimera are haunted by the incongruities of their bodies and the interruption of their physical integrity. A chimera may be horrified by what she has become, or feel only partially alive and undergo more surgical modifications, endlessly searching for a body that is completely her own.

Golem Masters (phage golem master, strix golem master, stygian golem master) use engineered organisms as living machines, including golem laborers, wearable bioarmor, and bioship space vehicles. Combining several biomechanical devices with his own abilities, the Golem Master becomes something greater than himself.

Golems and members of the Golem Master culture may be more likely to take risks, seeing themselves as an expendable member of a collective, and sublimating their individual identity. Armor or masks may also conceal their identity to strangers.

Alchemy (aeolyte alchemist, lyndwyrm armorer) is a scientific tradition emphasizing chemistry, medicine, biology and environmental science. The institutions of alchemy were established to promote commerce, quality of life and primitive space exploration. Alchemists pursue balance and optimization. Alchemists and their patients are often individualists, perfectionists or stoics striving for moderation and self-sufficiency.

Alchemical weapons include poisons, corrosives, adhesives, combustibles and lubricants, delivered as thrown flasks, specially prepared grenades, concealable bombs, modified projectiles, rockets, mortars and improvised inventions. Alchemists can also use potions in a carefully planned, balanced strategy designed to enhance natural abilities. Some potions contain symbiotic microbes and parasites. Others modify the patient's tissues when absorbed through the skin.

Synerga (gygean symbiotic monk, myrmidon guardian, stygian priest, titan guardian) is a technique for manipulating electrical fields using the practitioner's body as a central component. It was developed long ago by stygian Golem Masters who founded the monastic Symbiotic Order.

Symbiotic monks often wear special clothing or use equipment to magnify their synerga abilities. They may take special potions or have tattoos infused with special substances that modify body chemistry and electrical conduction. Some even use symbionts and surgical modifications.

Conductive synerga weapons extend the reach of synerga techniques. Synerga whips are stiff crops or rods. Synerga staffs are longer two-handed poles. Some synerga whips and staffs can collapse into a shorter, concealable form. Others conceal flexible cables or joints and can split into two, three or more articulated sections. Synerga staffs or whips can be equipped with paired lasers that ionize air, forming conductive plasma channels which can be used as a circuit to fire bolts of electricity.

Advanced synerga also requires cooperation, sensitivity and dedication. Practitioners must have a cool head and typically have a temperate or peaceful personality. Some follow this path to escape a violent past or compensate for their naturally volatile tendencies.

Parasitism (behemoth bushwhacker, gygean assassin, leviathan privateer, phage privateer, stygian privateer.) Some are hosts to parasites that cause mutations and alter their metabolisms. Behemoths, gremians and skand also host these parasites regardless of where they are from. They are usually bald and scaly.

Parasites can enhance strength, speed, reflexes and healing abilities, but they consume additional resources and can adversely affect the host's immune system. Parasites also affect the brain, senses, perceptions, personality and thoughts of their hosts. Hosts become more aware of the health and needs of organisms, friend or foe.

Defense Training

The Character Point Value of any defense attribute (Agility, Perception or Strength) is equal to its rank.

The maximum rank for each defense attribute is your template's rank plus 7. So, if your template has 12 Agility, the maximum Agility rank you can buy is 19.

Defenses can be improved by practicing skills. Acrobatic training improves Agility. Honing one of your expertise abilities can increase Perception. Grappling practice can improve Strength.

Explorers (behemoth bushwhacker, borean big game hunter, borean sounder, gremian clockmaker, gaffling scout) often have extra Perception for navigating strange places or Strength to endure exotic environments.

Investigators (gremian troubleshooter, leviathan interrogator, skand investigator, strix linguist, titan bounty hunter) need to be keen, alert, streetwise and insightful so they have high Perception.

Soldiers (behemoth shock trooper, myrmidon shock trooper, skand clone soldier, skand imperial privateer) are conditioned or bioengineered with exceptional Agility to maneuver in battle and Strength to scale obstacles in heavy combat gear.

Spies (aeolyte spy, gygean assassin, gygean spy) can use high Agility to slip into and out of places they aren't supposed to be or high Perception to make observations and spot threats.

Improving Coordination

Each rank of Coordination is worth 3 Pts.

You cannot get another rank of Coordination if that would make your Coordination greater than your template’s Coordination plus 7. For example, if your template’s Coordination is 2, then your Coordination cannot be higher than 9.

Coordination can be improved by martial arts training and target practice. Weapon modifications like an enhanced grip, stock, sights, barrel or scope can also improve Coordination. Depending on your needs and tactics a shorter or longer, lighter or heavier weapon might work better.

Tao Rho is a striking sport from.

Constriction is a grappling system focused on techniques that can be used in zero gravity

Slam Dancing is a fighting style practiced by myrmidons which involves lots of acrobatics and high kicking.

Syncrase is a defense art associated with Synerga which employs health exercises, staff sparring, evasive footwork and stand up grappling.

Splicing is a Warden art of self-defense, studied by Chimeric Surgeons preparing to hunt down and dispose of rogue chimera. The essential principle of splicing is to cut off any part of the opponent's body that is coming at you. Splicing Focuses on sharp, short weapons, counter attacks, limb destruction and defensive footwork.

Splicing gets its name from surgeons who used it to gather body parts for building chimera. Historians believe splicing originated from an ancient bloodsport, where unarmed strix would fight larger animals, using their talons to carve away at the larger creature's limbs until it was slowed enough for the strix to land a fatal blow. As other species embraced these techniques they compensated for their lack of strix talons with sharp short weapons such as cleavers, daggers and axes. This in turn influenced strix technique, so the ancient boxing style evolved into the fencing style practiced today.

Splicing uses horns, hooks, and spikes attached to body armor, as well as extremely sharp short swords, broad swords, axes, sickles, natural weapons and other sharp tools to cut apart attacking opponents. Splicing also involves some joint manipulation, sometimes breaking arms or fingers to position the target for dismemberment. Splicers train in heavy sparring armor using wooden weapons shaped like their real metal weapons, attempting to hit oncoming limbs with direct strikes or occasionally forcing submission by joint lock.

Toughness and Armor

Use the following formulas or the table above to find the Character Point Value of Toughness. At Toughness 40 and higher one AP will buy multiple ranks of Toughness. For example, every 2 ranks of Toughness between 40 and 100 are worth 1 Pts, so increasing your Toughness from 40 to 50 (10 ranks) is worth 5 Pts and costs 5 AP.

Toughness 1 to 10 5 Pts/rank - 50 Pts
Toughness 10 to 20 2 Pts/rank - 20 Pts
Toughness 20 to 40 1 Pts/rank
Toughness 40 to 100 20 Pts + 1 Pts/2 ranks
Toughness 100 to 200 50 Pts + 1 Pts/5 ranks
Toughness 200 to 400 70 Pts + 1 Pts/10 ranks
Toughness 400 to 1000 90 Pts + 1 Pts/20 ranks
Toughness 1000 to 2000 120 Pts + 1 Pts/50 ranks
Toughness 2000 to 4000 140 Pts + 1 Pts/100 ranks

You cannot acquire more than triple the Toughness of your template. If your template has 22 Toughness, the maximum Toughness rank you can buy is 66.

When you increase your toughness, increase your Hit Points by the same amount. When you lower your toughness below your current Hit Points, lower your Hit Points to your new toughness.

Characters can increase their Toughness by improving their endurance and resilience or acquiring new armor, like a protective spacesuit, spider silk jacket, lamellar armor with titanium or ceramic plates stitched together with spider silk, a lightweight flexible bioarmor skin or a rigid bioarmor carapace.

If a character's template is unarmored or lightly armored, they won't acquire heavy armor because it would interfere with their more subtle techniques. An investigator might wear concealed body armor, but a bulky carapace would get in the way.

Sport fighters (gaffling gladiator, gaffling shaman, lyndwyrm warlord, myrmidon slam dancer, titan bodyguard) often have extra Toughness from their conditioning and sometimes wear protective gear, like horned grappling helmets, spiked shoulder armor and shield sticks.

Bioarmor symbionts are wearable living machines which can give characters extra Strength by adding mass and muscles. They can add Agility in the form of powerful leaps, super speed or jet propulsion. Bioarmor can increase Perception with enhanced senses, radio communication, or by having its own brainpower.

Some bioarmor features are based on their wearer's natural defenses. Strix golem masters have designed bioarmor with voice modulation, transmuting their voice into a painful, nauseating, directed pulse of sound. Stygian golem masters have designed bioarmor which adds range to their natural electrocution ability. Naturally occuring phage parasites have been engineered by Golem Masters for use as a blinding smokescreen. Phage golem masters use their numbing anticoagulant venom as medicine or use it to make others vulnerable to suggestion. The venom can be injected, mixed with food or sprayed as an aerosol.

Power and Weapons

Characters can increase their Power by acquiring more powerful weapons, executing quicker combos, shooting faster or hitting more precise targets.

Use the following formulas or the table above to find the Character Point Value of Power. For example, increasing your Power from 1d6 to 1d6+1 costs 6 AP, but increasing your Power from 2d6 to 2d6+1 only costs 3 AP.

You cannot have more than double your template's Power, rounded to the nearest die. In other words double your template's power dice and then add 1d6 if your template has any Power pips. If your template has 2d6+1 Power, then you cannot buy more than 5d6 Power.

Air guns have modest Power but they are relatively quiet. Air pistols are silent sidearms that won't reveal your location. Air rifles allow you to get some distance from your enemies and fire from hiding.

Gyro-jet firearms have more Power and a built-in melee blade. Mortar axes fire a variety of elemental warheads, such as metal frag shells, sticky earth traps or thunderclap stun grenades.

Biocannons are living weapons which grow their own ammunition stacked in multiple barrels. Though less precise at long range, at medium range, the combined Power of larger and smaller projectiles fired in volleys or bursts is substantial.

Razor whips are made from industrial strength spider silk cord used in space elevators.

Slaves are shapeshifting melee weapons which can form hard striking surfaces and sharp blades.

Action Points

If you do not spend your whole Character Point Budget on attributes and abilities, the unspent Pts become your Action Points (AP.) You can spend AP during events and encounters, or you can spend them on training and upgrades that increase your Character Point Value. Each time you begin a new mission, your Action Points are reset to your Character Point Budget minus your Pts value. This gives you back all the AP you spent during the events and encounters of the previous mission.

Whenever the GM gives you an Action Point, your Character Point Budget also goes up by one point. For example, if your Character Point Budget was 122, and the GM awarded you 2 new Action Points, your Character Point Budget would now be 124.

You must use 1 Action Point to use an ability for an event check if the ability is not one of the event's recommended types of expertise. If you do not have an ability with a recommended expertise type, and you have no remaining Action Points, or you do not want to use the Action Point, you can still make the check without using an ability.

You can use 5 Action Points after making any check (including attack rolls and event checks) to re-roll the check. You can use the original roll or the new roll, whichever is better.

After rolling for any check you can use up to 5 Action Points to add a +1 modifier to the check for each Action Point used.

After learning that an attack against you was successful, but before you subtract Hit Points or apply other effects of the attack, you can use 5 Action Points to make the player or GM who rolled the attack check roll a second time and use whichever result is lower. You can only do this once per attack. You cannot do this if the attack was automatically successful.

You can use 10 Action Points to recover 1d6 Hit Points. Use this when you are dying or when recovering a few Hit Points would remove the injured state and its -5 Coordination penalty.

1 AP non-recommended ability event check
1 AP +1 modifier to any check
2 AP +2 modifier to any check
3 AP +3 modifier to any check
4 AP +4 modifier to any check
5 AP +5 modifier to any check
5 AP re-roll a check
5 AP make attacker re-roll and use the lower roll
10 AP recover 1d6 Hit Points


Abilities are advantages which some characters have and others do not. Abilities reflect a character's equipment and anatomy as well as learned skills. For example, some characters have one attack ability for each weapon they use. Others specialize in one weapon and have separate abilities for different techniques with that weapon. Some characters have no attack abilities, relying on basic actions like strike, distract and grab in combat.

Some abilities have a rank, which must be at least 1. More ranks can change how the ability works, increase the ability's effect or determine the number of times it can be used in an encounter. Some abilities have a maximum rank, but others can have unlimited ranks.


Attack abilities have the keyword ranged or melee, depending on whether they attack from a distance or require direct contact, followed by "vs" and which of the target's defense attributes is the difficulty of the attack roll (Agi, Per or Str.) "Ranged vs Per" means a long distance attack whose difficulty is the target's Perception. Using an attack ability is a standard action. Some attack abilities also allow you to do a second attack or prepare a counter attack. Most attacks target one character at a time, but some can hit multiple targets. By default, attacks cause your Power in damage if the attack check is successful, but some attacks have more or less Power.

Combat Specialties

Specialty abilities compensate for the limited versatility of characters who specialize in one type of attack, like melee attacks vs Strength or ranged attacks vs Intelligence. They are most effective when you only have one specialty, but two specialties can also work. Each rank gives you a +1 Coordination bonus to the specific attack type. You cannot have more than 2 ranks of any combat specialty.


Expertise abilities are used in events rather than encounters. Events are non-combat situations or fighting on a larger scale than the personal combat of encounters. Battles between vehicles are events. Battles between characters when a vehicle is boarded are encounters. Each expertise ability applies to an area of expertise (detection, gunner, influence, knowledge, mechanic, pilot or survival) listed after the keyword "expertise." An expertise ability gives a +5 bonus to an event check.


A persona is also an ability that is used in events rather than encounters. A persona reflects advantages gained from social skills, status, personal values, reputation or charismatic talent. Though some may have more than one persona ability, only one persona ability can be used per event check. A persona gives a +2 bonus to an event check.


The rules for using each ability are summarized by keywords in parentheses after the ability name. The description following the keywords may have additional rules or explanation about how the ability works.

action: this is a standard action, but it is not an attack

2 attacks: attack the same target twice or two targets as a single action

-5, -2, +0, +2 or +5 Crd: add this Coordination modifier to your attack check

effect: this ability has a passive effect; it is not an action

environment: this ability cannot be used unless the encounter allows it

expertise this ability is used in events rather than encounters, +5 to appropriate event checks.

free action: use this ability on your turn before or after your standard action

hit: this effect applies to the target(s) if the attack succeeds

melee: standard action, close range attack, requires physical contact with target

move slow: You can only use this ability while moving slowly. If you have already moved at normal speed, you cannot use this ability for the rest of your turn. If you have already used this ability, you cannot move at normal speed on this turn.

move 1/rank: When you use this ability you can move extra distance equal to the rank of this ability in meters. If you are moving slowly the extra distance is halved.

no map: This effect does not apply if you are using a map to represent the locations of characters.

not: this ability makes it impossible for the character to have another specific ability.

permanently: this effect lasts until something removes it or you are no longer threatened by enemies, such as the end of a successful encounter.

persona: this ability is used in events rather than encounters, +2 to appropriate event checks.

-½ Pwr: halve the damage of this attack.

+½ Pwr: increase the damage of this attack by half.

double Pwr: double the damage if the attack succeeds

range: attacks a target up to this many meters away

ranged: standard action, long range attack, does not require physical contact

reach: This melee attack can target characters 2 meters away from you instead of only adjacent targets. When you are using a map divided into hexes or squares, you can target enemies with a full space between you, even if the map scale is more than 1 meter per space.

reaction: once you have performed this reaction, you cannot do another reaction until the beginning of your next turn

rider: carry riders with less Strength than you, their turn must end in your space, and 3 target attacks count you and riders as 1 target

specialty: this combat specialty gives you a bonus to some attacks

target: this effect applies to the targets immediately after the attack, whether or not the attack succeeds

target and 2 other targets: this effect applies to both the main target and two other characters, whether or not the attack succeeds

2 or 3 targets: the attack can target this many characters

3 targets or far area: Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point. For example, if you are using a map divided into 2 meter squares, you can target everyone in an area which is 5 to 6 spaces long and wide, as long as there are at least 5 spaces between you and the affected area. When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

3 targets or near area: Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are. For example, if you are using a map divided into 2 meter squares, you can target everyone in an area which is up to 6 spaces long and wide as long as it is adjacent to you. When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

3 targets or each enemy you can reach: Target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack. If you are using a square grid, you attack enemies in all 8 spaces adjacent to you, including diagonals. This does not target allies. When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

1 turn: this effect lasts until the end of your next turn

1 use: you can use this ability again after equipping between encounters.

1 use/rank: you can use this ability once per rank of the ability. You regain these uses after equipping between encounters.

vs Agi: the DC of the attack check is the target's Agility

vs Per: the DC of the attack check is the target's Perception

vs Str: the DC of the attack check is the target's Strength

while: you can only use the ability if these requirements are met

you: this effect applies to the character who performed this action

Derived Statistics

In addition to attributes, abilities and character points, characters have a few stats which are calculated from their attributes, damage and temporary states.

Hit Points

Hit Points (HP) are your Toughness minus any damage you have taken, plus any Hit Points you have recovered by healing and resting. Hit Points can never be less than zero. If you take more damage than your remaining Hit Points, your Hit Points are just reduced to 0. If an attack reduces a character to 0 Hit Points, they are dying. If a dying character's Hit Points increase they are no longer dying.


Stamina is half your Toughness, rounded down. If your Hit Points are less than your Stamina, you are injured. If your Hit Points are greater than or equal to your Stamina, you are healthy. For example, if you have 27 Toughness, then you are dying when you have 0 Hit Points, injured when you have 1 to 12 Hit Points, and healthy if you have 13 to 27 Hit Points.

Rest Dice

Rest Dice is one six-sided die (d6) for every 6 points of Toughness. For example, if your Toughness is 20, then your Rest Dice is 3d6 (20 divided by 6, rounded down.) If you have less than 6 Toughness, your Rest Dice is 1d6. This is how many Hit Points you recover when resting. (See Missions/Resting.)


Focus is the total number of all of your persona and expertise abilities. (For example, if you had two persona abilities and three expertise abilities, your Focus would be 5.) This is your modifier for event checks. Characters apply their perseverance and accumulated knowledge to solve complex problems.

Coordination Modifiers

Coordination modifiers affect attack rolls and other checks where you add Coordination, like the release action. They include penalties for fighting in darkness (-2) and while weightless (-2), injured (-5), intimidated (-5) or grabbed (-5). The penalty for being distracted (-2) is not included because it only applies if you attack someone other than the character who distracted you. These modifiers stack: they are added together when you have more than one modifier, so if you are injured and grabbed your total Coordination modifier is -10.

Defense Modifiers

Defense modifiers are added to the difficulty of attacks vs Agility, Perception and Strength. They include bonuses for cover (+2) or defending (+5) and penalties for being exposed (-5), rushed (-2) or stunned (-5). The defense modifier for being prone is left out because it is a bonus (+2) against ranged attacks but a penalty (-2) against melee attacks. These modifiers stack: they are added together when you have more than one modifier, so if you are defending but rushed your total defense modifier is +3.


States are conditions which affect a character during encounters. Some are temporary Coordination and defense modifiers. Some states keep track of the character's health and tactical position.

borrowed: you already borrowed a weapon in this encounter

cover: +2 to all defenses

darkness: -2 Coordination

defending: +5 to all defenses

distracted: -2 Coordination vs other targets

disarmed: -1d6 Power, you cannot use equipment abilities

evading: you can escape on your next turn, unless grabbed

exposed: -5 to all defenses

grabbed: -5 Coordination

already healed: a healing ability was used on you in this encounter

dying: you have 0 Hit Points, but you are not dead yet

injured: -5 Coordination

intimidated: -5 Coordination

prone: -2 to all defenses vs melee attacks, +2 vs ranged

rushed: -2 to all defenses

stunned: -5 to all defenses

weightless: -2 Coordination, you cannot be prone


A mission is a series of events, encounters and stories that happen while the PCs are away from their base of operations. PCs can be injured or killed and earn character points during missions, but they can only spend character points and replace PCs when they return to base between missions. A mission may end prematurely if all of the PCs die or if the surviving PCs return to base early.


Roll a twenty-sided die (d20). The number on top of the die is the natural value of the roll. If the natural value of the roll is 1, 2, or 3 the check automatically fails. If the natural value is 18, 19, or 20, the check automatically succeeds.

If the natural value does not cause automatic failure or success, add any modifiers that apply to the check. Compare the total to the check's difficulty class (DC.) If the total is less than the DC, the check fails. If the total is greater than or equal to the DC, the check succeeds.

d6 Checks

If you don't have a twenty-sided die (d20) you can use this alternate rule to make checks using a six-sided die (d6.)

Roll the d6. If the natural value of this roll is 1 the check automatically fails. If the natural value is 6, the check automatically succeeds.

If the roll does not automatically succeed or fail, multiply the roll by 3 and then add any modifiers that apply to the check. Compare this total to the DC. If the total is less than the DC, the check fails. If the total is greater than or equal to the DC, the check succeeds.

Casualty Checks

Make casualty checks when all of the characters in a party may be injured by an accident, vehicle damage, barrage, trap or environmental hazard.

To determine casualties, make a check against every character in the party. The modifier depends on the severity of the threat, and the DC is each character's Agility, Perception or Strength depending on the type of attack.

Each successful check causes that character to take damage. If the check was automatically successful, the character's Hit Points are reduced to 0. Otherwise, roll the character's own rest dice to see how much damage they take. A character with 0 Hit Points could die. (See Missions/Resting.)

Casualty Example

At the end of a battle with space pirates, the party must make +6 casualty checks vs Perception to spot damage to the spacecraft and avoid injury. Player 1 has a single character, Lay Hung, who has 12 Perception, 18 Toughness and 3 rest dice. Player 2 has two characters. Hamel Screwtek has 14 Perception, 15 Toughness and 2 rest dice. Handelstein has 8 Perception, 33 Toughness and 5 rest dice..

(GM rolls a twenty sided die and adds the +6 casualty check modifier to the result for each PC.)

GM: 11 vs Lay Hung's Perception, 23 vs Handelstein's Perception and 14 vs Hamel Screwtek's Perception.

Player 1: My Perception is 12 so I was just barely able to avoid damage from the pirate guns.

Player 2: Obviously Handelstein got hit, but so was Hamel Screwtek because his Perception is exactly 14. How much damage do they take?

GM: What are their rest dice?

Player 2: Handelstien has 5 rest dice, and Hamel Screwtek has 2 rest dice.

(GM rolls 5d6 for 13 damage.)

GM: Handelstien takes 13 damage.

(GM rolls 2d6 for 5 damage.)

GM: Hamel Screwtek takes 5 damage.


During an event, players help tell the story by describing their characters' activities and making checks to see if those activities are successful. Each event has a DC which is used for all of the event checks players make during the event. The event description explains the situation and what the PCs must do. Each event has a list of zero or more important areas of expertise (detection, gunner, influence, knowledge, mechanic, pilot or survival.) Events may also list extra story which unfolds during or after the event, benefits of succeeding and consequences of failure.

First, the GM reads the description of the event and the important areas of expertise out loud. Then players take turns making event checks clockwise starting with the player to the left of the GM. When the number of successful checks or failed checks is equal to the number of players plus two, the event is over. The whole event is successful if the successful checks outnumber the failed checks. If the event is successful the GM reads the consequences in the success section. If the event is not successful, the GM reads the consequences in the failure section.

Event Checks

If a player has more than one character, he must alternate which character he uses on each of his turns.

At the beginning of their turn, each player can choose what abilities to apply to the event check. This includes up to one expertise ability and one persona ability. A persona ability only applies to the event check if the GM agrees with the player's explanation of how the persona ability is being used.

If the character does not have any of the important areas of expertise for this event, the player can try to improvise with another ability. The GM can decide that the improvised ability cannot be used in this event. The PC must spend 1 Action Point (AP) to use the improvised ability even if the GM allows it.

After deciding which abilities to use, the player describes what his character is doing. Characters do not have to do the activities suggested by the event text. If the event suggests sneaking past guards or offering them a bribe, a character could tie their shoelaces together instead. The player can emphasize the ability he chose when describing what his character is doing. Alternately, the player can take all of his character's attributes, abilities and description into account, but only the previously decided upon abilities are used to make the check.

Finally, the player makes an event check to see if it succeeds. Add the character's Focus to this check. If the character uses an expertise ability, add 5 to the check. If the character uses any other ability add 2. When an event check automatically succeeds, it counts as two successful checks. When an event check automatically fails, it counts as two failed checks.

Imagining Space Combat

Space battles usually happen because a well-funded privateer expects to capture a valuable ship to plunder it and collect a bounty. Combat between spacecraft is a gradual collision between swarms of precisely controlled vehicles and projectiles which are moving very fast across enormous distances. Attacking spacecraft are spotted long before they come within firing distance, so the crew of a defending spacecraft has time to plan a strategy to survive the collision. Spacecraft combat tactics are broadly categorized as missiles, guns or grappling.

Missiles Waves of swarming attack drones and smart missiles attack enemy spacecraft. Clouds of defensive or fighter drones intercept attack drones and smart missiles. Small guns also stop some attack drones. Widespread damage causes leaks, electrical shorts and fires. Make casualty checks vs. Agility as defenders race to control the damage.

Guns Small guns can defend against missiles or drones and attack smaller or unarmored spacecraft. Big guns can pierce the armor of larger spacecraft, but they are useless against swarms of missiles and drones. Guns cause massive damage to the specific components they hit. Make casualty checks vs Perception as defenders try to spot damage and save critical systems.

Grappling Grappling devices can be used to latch onto larger vehicles and shake or capture spacecraft of similar or smaller size. Powerful or armored spacecraft can push and bash without special grappling devices. Make casualty checks vs Strength as defenders hold on tight to avoid being thrown and endure acceleration while the ship is shaken or spun in circles.

Crew members have several important jobs during space battles. Gunners fire guns or pilot drones and smart missiles. Mechanics repair damage, maintain systems or optimize performance. Pilots attack by grappling enemy spacecraft, defend with evasive maneuvers, retreat to a more advantageous position, monitor sensors or pilot drones. Medics use healing abilities to treat injuries and keep the crew healthy. Characters who don't use an ability can use Agility to put out fires, Perception to monitor sensors or Strength to move supplies.

Event Example

Event (DC 18): Angry space pirates are threatening you on the radio. They have their hands on a heavy fighter - a small, armored spacecraft. They are preparing to fire on you with the heavy fighter's big recoilless rifles.

Expertise: gunner (remove turret with gatling gun,) mechanic (bring backup systems online,) pilot (ram the pirates.)

Success: Character Point Budget increases by 5 Pts.

Failure: casualty checks, +6 vs Perception.

The PCs are intelligent dinosaurs crewing an armored freighter spacecraft. There are two players and three PCs. Player 1 has one character, Lay Hung. Player 2 has two characters, Hamel Screwtek and Handelstein.

Hamel Screwtek

Inventor Hamel Screwtek is gremian - a tailless bipedal theropod with smooth skin and a huge brain.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 6 6 15 2d6
(10 Pts) (14 Pts) (6 Pts) (18 Pts) (10 Pts) (20 Pts)


reverse engineer and invent gadgets (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

air pistol (ranged vs Agi): Shoot from the hip.

Character Point Value 80


A myrmidon shock trooper. Myrmidons are bipedal ceratopsians with weaponized tails.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 12 0 33 3d6
(12 Pts) (8 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts) (33 Pts) (30 Pts)


impaling tail sword 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn; grid: move 1 space/rank, +0 Crd): Put your weight and momentum into a committed attack. If you are using a grid, you can move extra spaces equal to the rank of this ability, but you do not get the +2 Coordination bonus.

kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

battlefield strategy 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

air rifle 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

Character Point Value 99

Lay Hung

The privateer Lay Hung is an intelligent arboreal theropod called a skand.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 8 6 18 3d6
(14 Pts) (10 Pts) (8 Pts) (18 Pts) (16 Pts) (30 Pts)


spacecraft cannons (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

daredevil space warrior (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

grappling hook (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

spider silk cable 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

sonic grenades 2 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

Character Point Value 102

(The GM begins by reading the event description.)

GM: Angry space pirates are threatening you on the radio. They have their hands on a heavy fighter - a small, armored spacecraft. They are preparing to fire on you with the heavy fighter's big recoilless rifles.

(After reading the description, the GM needs to tell the players about the important areas of expertise.)

GM: You can use pilot expertise to ram the pirates, gunner to attack their weapons with your gatling gun or mechanic to activate backup systems.

Player 1: I'm a daredevil space warrior, so I'll ram the pirates.

Player 2: That sounds insane. Let's do it!

GM: Okay Player 1, you go first.

Player 1: 14 Agility minus 10 gives Lay Hung a Focus of 4. (Rolls a 20-sided die.) I rolled 13. 4 plus 13 is 17, plus 5 for expertise gives a total of 22.

GM: That's a success. You slam into the enemy spacecraft at ramming speed. Player 2, it is your turn.

Player 2: That's going to cause some damage to our ship. Hamel Screwtek is an inventor. I'll try to fix the damage. My Focus is also 4. Plus... (Rolls a 20-sided die.) ...9. That's 18 total, including the expertise bonus. Is that enough?

GM: Yes, after colliding with the enemy spacecraft, you locate some damage and begin to repair it. That's two successes so far. Player 1, it is your turn again.

Player 1: I'm going to ram them again! (Rolls a die.) Ouch! I rolled a 1. That's automatic failure.

GM: That counts as two failures. Now you have 2 successes and 2 failures. Apparently ramming the pirates again undid Hamel Screwtek's repairs. Player 2, your turn.

(Player 2 must use his other character this turn.)

Player 2: Handelstein doesn't have any of the important areas of expertise. Can I use battlefield strategy to leap onto the heavy fighter in my spacesuit and pry the hatch open?

GM: Sure, go for it.

Player 2: Handelstein's Strength and Agility are both 12, giving him 2 Focus. (Rolls the die again.) I rolled 12. Battlefield strategy is not expertise, so 12 plus 2 Focus and 2 for my ability makes 16.

GM: Sorry, that's not enough. You can't get a grip on their hatch. Now you have 2 success and 3 failures. Player 1, your turn again.

Player 1: Ramming them didn't work so good, but I also have spacecraft cannons expertise. I turn the gatling gun on the pirates. (Rolls a 20-sided die.) Ouch! I rolled 7, even with my Focus that's not enough.

GM: That is 4 failed checks. Now you must make casualty checks as the pirate guns tear through your spacecraft.

(The GM makes casualty checks against each PC to see what injuries they sustained, then the space pirates board the freighter and the PCs fight them in a personal combat encounter.)


Encounters are personal combat between player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs). PCs and NPCs take turns until either all of the PCs have escaped or died or all of the NPCs have escaped or died.


At the beginning of the encounter, roll 1d20 for each character. Add the character's Perception. The player or GM with the highest sum decides which player goes first.

Break a tie for highest initiative by having the tied players or GM each roll a die until one of them has a higher roll. The player or GM with the highest roll decides who goes first.

If a GM or player controls more than one character, each of those characters gets a turn during the turn of the GM or player who controls them. The GM or player controlling the characters can choose the order of their turns within his or her turn.

At the end of a player or GM's turn, the player or GM to their left gets a turn. In other words, the players and GM take turns clockwise, starting with the first player or GM chosen by the winner of the initiative check.

In the first round of an encounter, all characters begin the round in the defending state.


On his turn a character may move and perform a standard action. The character can also perform one free action per turn. The free action can come before moving, while moving, after moving or after the standard action.

Most attacks are standard actions. An attack requires a check with the attacker's Coordination as a modifier and the target's Agility, Perception or Strength as the difficulty class (DC.) If the attack is successful, the target takes damage equal to the attacker's Power roll. This damage is subtracted from the target's Hit Points (HP.)

Some actions allow you to do multiple attacks as a single action, target multiple opponents with a single attack, or prepare a counter attack to use on another character's turn. Some attacks have a Coordination modifier which is added to the attack check in addition to the attacker's Coordination attribute. Some attacks have reduced or increased Power.

A failed attack check can mean attacking and missing the target, being blocked, or hitting but not having a significant effect. It can also mean not attacking at all because of hesitation, being preoccupied or having no window of opportunity.

Critical Damage

This is an optional rule. If the GM chooses to use this rule in a mission, then all players can use this rule in that mission. If the total roll of an attack check, including modifiers, is at least 10 points higher than the attack's DC, then the attack causes twice as much damage as it normally would.

Basic Actions

The rules for using these basic actions are summarized by keywords in parentheses. See Characters/Abilities/Keywords for definitions of these keywords.

free actions: run, jump, climb or swim; draw, holster or sheath a weapon; open and close doors; push buttons; speak quickly; drop, pass or pick up a handheld object; stand up or drop prone.

strike (melee vs Agi): Strikes can be many kinds of simple, close range, damaging attacks, such as kicks and punches, biting or pinching, swinging a weapon or burning the target with a hot iron.

distract (melee vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn, +2 to hit you): Draw enemy fire toward yourself with a provoking attack, giving them a +2 bonus to hit you, but a -2 to hit anyone else (even if you miss.) This effect lasts one turn. If the enemy is already distracted, this replaces the previous effect. To keep an enemy distracted, distract him again each turn.

grab (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Grab an enemy and hold him through your next turn. Being grabbed gives the target -5 Coordination, but this attack only causes half damage. You and your enemy can only move by dragging each other. To maintain your hold you must make another successful hold attack each turn.

evade (action; you: defending, evading 1 turn): Avoid attacks instead of attacking, giving you a defending bonus (+5 to all defenses) until the end of your next turn.

escape (action; while evading, not grabbed; you: leave encounter): You can only escape if you are evading but not grabbed. If you used the evade action on your previous turn, then you are evading. When using a map, you can only escape if you start your turn in an exit area (sometimes the edge of the map.) After leaving the encounter you have no more turns and cannot be targeted by actions.

rearm (action; you: not disarmed): You are no longer disarmed.

borrow (1 use; action; unresisting target: disarmed 1 turn; you: use target's attack ability): You can use this action once per encounter. The target must be willing, dead, dying or already disarmed by you. You cannot borrow weapons from a character who is disarmed by someone other than you. Use one of the target's weapon abilities. Use your own Coordination for this attack, and use your Power + 1d6 or the target's Power, whichever is less. The target is disarmed until your next turn unless they use an action to recover their weapons.

release (action; while target grabbed permanently; Crd vs DC 10; success: not grabbed): Attempt to free a character who has been restrained. Make a Coordination check vs DC 10. If the check succeeds the target is no longer grabbed. This does not free a character who has been grabbed for a duration of 1 turn, it only removes a grabbed status which lasts until released. You cannot use the release action if your whole party is grabbed, dying, or dead.

coup de grace (melee vs Str; while target dying; hit: dead): Finish off a dying enemy who has no more Hit Points. If the attack succeeds, the target dies.


If an action has Power or Coordination modifiers, these apply to the action and its immediate consequences (like damage the action causes to an enemy.) Other effects of actions - such as effects beginning with the keywords hit, target or you - begin immediately after you attack but before any counterattacks.

The grab action, for example, has a -½ Pwr modifier, so a grab causes half as much damage as a strike. Grab also has a hit effect: the target is grabbed (-5 Coordination) for 1 turn if the grab is successful. This effect begins after your successful attack check but if the target has a counterattack ready, the counterattack has a -5 Coordination penalty because the grabbed effect begins before the counterattack.

Many effects last until the end of your next turn or the end of your attacker's next turn. These effects are continuous. If you are grabbed by an opponent for 1 turn and grabbed 1 turn again on the opponent's next turn, you aren't grabbed, released, then grabbed a second time; You are grabbed and held continuously for two turns.

If you are knocked prone for 1 turn, then hit by another attack that gives you the prone state for 1 turn, you aren't knocked down twice; you are knocked down once by the first attack and held down or prevented from standing by the second attack.


Although it is not necessary, you can use a map and markers or miniatures to keep track of character locations. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, characters occupy any spaces covered or partially covered by their marker or the base of the miniature representing that character. For example a 1 inch circle shaped marker can occupy a single 1 inch square space by standing in the center of that space, two spaces by standing on the edge of those spaces, or four spaces by standing on the corner those spaces share.

Characters cannot move through walls or occupy spaces on both sides of a wall. A character squeezing up against a wall or in a passage narrower than their marker does not occupy spaces on the far side of that wall or the passage's walls. Characters cannot attack through walls. Attacks which affect an area must have no walls between the attacker and the center space, and only affect targets if there are no walls between the center and the target.

Distance Without Maps

If you are not using a map, assume that characters who make ranged attacks use their movement to keep their distance from characters making melee attacks. If you make a ranged attack and you are not grabbed, anyone who makes a melee attack against you before your next turn is rushed for 1 turn.

If you are not using a map, you can escape from combat regardless of whether you can outrun your pursuers. Slower characters can use endurance, stealth, distractions or obstacles to throw off their pursuers.


If the map is divided into hexes or squares, you can attack from any point in a space you occupy. You can also be targeted by any effect that can reach a space you occupy. For example, you can attack from any corner of your space to any corner of a space occupied by a character you target, even if the area between the middle of your spaces is blocked by a wall.

Your melee attacks can only target characters adjacent to you unless an ability gives you more reach. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, adjacent means that you occupy at least one space that shares a corner with at least one space occupied by the target.

Moving Fast

Normally you can move a number of meters equal to your Agility on your turn. Sprinting doubles the distance you can move, but you are rushed until the end of your next turn.

You can move more than once per turn by splitting up your movement. For example, if you have 10 Agility you can move 3 meters, open a door and then move 7 more meters. However, you can only continue moving after quick, free actions. You cannot move after performing a standard action. Fighters are constantly moving, but they are particularly vulnerable while attacking. Because characters move before their action, their markers remain where each character performed its last attack or other major action.

Moving Slow

When you move slowly your movement is halved. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, you may move at least one hex or square per turn if you can move at all, regardless of the map scale. If the squares are 2 meters wide, then you can move at least 2 meters per turn unless you can't move at all.

You must move slowly on difficult terrain such as thick undergrowth, tight spaces, knee-deep snow or water, sticky mud, slippery and unstable surfaces. You must move slowly up steep slopes, but you can move normally down or across the slope.

You must move slowly while prone, swimming, climbing or burrowing.

You must move slowly around enemies who can reach you with melee attacks, but you don't have to move slowly when moving into their reach.

If you can fly, you do not have to move slowly over water, chasms and difficult terrain.


To make a running jump, move in a straight line and jump during the second half of that straight line movement. To make a standing jump, simply move slowly in a straight line. You can make multiple standing jumps in one turn. For example, if you can normally move at least 12 meters, then you can make three 2 meter hops in one turn.

To jump across a gap and land on your feet you must clear the gap with 2 meters to spare. To jump and hang on the other side of a gap, you only need 1 meter to spare, but you are exposed until you drop down or use an action to pull yourself up on the other side. So, to jump across a 3 meter gap and land on your feet, you need to jump 5 meters. To jump across a 3 meter gap and hang on the edge, you need to jump 4 meters.

After any jump, you are rushed until the end of your next turn.

Dragging and Carrying

When using a map, a character is much larger if its marker or the base of its miniature is at least twice as wide as another character. When you are not using a map, a character is much larger if its Strength is at least 5 ranks higher than another character's Strength.

If you are not much larger than another character and they are not much larger than you, then you must both move slowly, dragging each other, if you have grabbed them or they have grabbed you.

If you are much larger than another character, then they are immobilized and you can carry them if you have grabbed them or they have grabbed you.

When you are immobilized you do not move unless dragged or carried by another character, and you can only use close range attacks against enemies who have used a close range attack against you since your last turn.


If a character is dying at the beginning of their turn, make a DC 15 check with no modifiers (roll a d20.) If the check is successful (15 or more), the character may move and perform free actions, but not standard actions like attacking. If the check fails (14 or less), they fall prone and may not move or perform actions. If the check is automatically successful, the character may perform a standard action like attacking. If the check automatically fails, the character dies. Instead of making dying checks for NPCs, assume they fail their checks, fall prone and cannot perform actions.

Fighting Aboard Spacecraft

Characters are always weightless in space encounters. Even if their spacecraft has simulated gravity compartments, it is easier for boarding parties to breach other parts of the ship.

If you automatically fail a close range attack, miss a ranged attack vs a single target or even attempt a ranged attack which can affect multiple targets, you may cause damage to the ship that threatens everyone including yourself, your allies and your enemies.

Roll a 20-sided die to see what type of casualty check to make:

1 - 3: casualty checks vs Agility. Widespread but mostly visible damage from shrapnel and explosions catches up with slow characters. You must move quickly to put out fires and evacuate compromised parts of the vessel.

4 - 6: casualty checks vs Perception: Damage to critical systems surprises inattentive characters. Lights flicker and you can smell smoke. Detect, locate and identify acute damage in specific locations while avoiding hazardous areas.

7 - 9: casualty checks vs Strength: Your endurance is tested by damage to life support systems (loss of air pressure or temperature control.) Try to hold on until you reach a safe area or the problem is fixed.

10 - 20: no casualty checks. You didn't hit anything important.

Encounter Example

In this encounter the characters are intelligent dinosaurs with a spacecraft. A space pirate named Wing Sao has damaged their vehicle forcing them to land on a planet and abandon the ship.

Wing Sao

The space pirate Wing Sao belongs to a race of intelligent ankylosaurs called titans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 11 14 2 54 4d6
(6 Pts) (11 Pts) (14 Pts) (6 Pts) (47 Pts) (40 Pts)


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 127

The party has two PCs. Player 1 controls Lay Hung, and Player 2 controls Handelstein

Lay Hung

The privateer Lay Hung is an intelligent arboreal theropod called a skand.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 8 6 18 3d6
(14 Pts) (10 Pts) (8 Pts) (18 Pts) (16 Pts) (30 Pts)


spacecraft cannons (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

daredevil space warrior (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

grappling hook (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

spider silk cable 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

sonic grenades 2 (1 use/rank; 3 targets; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn; grid: far area): When you use a grid, you target a space which is at least 4 spaces from you and all the spaces within 2 spaces of that center (i.e. a 5 by 5 square which is not adjacent to you.) This can be many targets if they are tightly clustered, but you also target any creatures in that space, including allies, not just enemies.

Character Point Value 102


A myrmidon shock trooper. Myrmidons are bipedal ceratopsians with weaponized tails.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 12 0 33 3d6
(12 Pts) (8 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts) (33 Pts) (30 Pts)


impaling tail sword 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn; grid: move 1 space/rank, +0 Crd): Put your weight and momentum into a committed attack. If you are using a grid, you can move extra spaces equal to the rank of this ability, but you do not get the +2 Coordination bonus.

kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

battlefield strategy 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

air rifle 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

Character Point Value 99

(The GM starts by introducing the encounter.)

GM: Wing Sao has landed nearby and he's marching straight at you. Roll for initiative. (Rolls 7 for Wing Sao's initiative and adds it to his 11 Perception.) He got 18, less than 20, so he is not defending or evading this first round.

Player 1: (Rolls a die and adds Lay Hung's Perception.) I got 29.

Player 2: (Determines the Handelstein's initiative in the same way.) I got 27.

Player 1: I have the best initiative, and I choose to go first. I am going to soften up our enemy with a sonic grenade. (Player 1 adds Lay Hung's Coordination to a dice roll.) I got a 14 vs Wing Sao's Strength.

GM: (Sees Wing Sao's Strength is 14, equal to Lay Hung's total roll.) That just barely hits.

Player 1: The damage of that gas attack is Power minus 1d6. I have 3d6 Power, so my sonic grenade does 2d6 damage. (Rolls two six sided dice.) Wing Sao loses 10 Hit Points. It also stuns him for one turn.

GM: (Subtracts 10 of Wing Sao's Hit Points. He has 44 Hit Points left) Wing Sao is still healthy. Being stunned gives him a -5 to all his defenses.

(Player 2 is sitting to the left of Player 1, so Handelstien goes next and Wing Sao will be last.)

Player 2: I'll try to impale Wing Sao with my tail sword. (Rolls a 20-sided die for the attack check and three 6-sided dice for the damage. Player 2 adds Handelstein's Coordination to the 20-sided die roll, then adds the charge ability's +2 Coordination bonus.) I got a 12 vs. Wing Sao's Agility. (Sees that the damage dice add up to 8, and doubles it because the attack has double Pwr.) This attack will do 16 damage if it hits. I am now exposed, which means -5 to all defenses until my next turn.

GM: (Sees that the total 12 is easily over the Wing Sao's modified Agility, which is only 1 because he has 6 Agility and he is stunned. Subtracts the damage. Wing Sao has 28 Hit Points left.) That's a hit, but Wing Sao still looks healthy. Now it is his turn. He's going to ram Handelstein with his spikes. (Rolls a 3.) Yikes, automatic failure, and he has a -5 to all defenses until his next turn, exposed by his titan shoulder spike attack.

Player 1: Wow, that must have been a powerful charge. I am going to tie him up with my grappling hook, using restrain ability. (Adds Lay Hung's Coordination to a 20-sided die roll, plus the restrain ability's +2 Coordination bonus. Also rolls two 6-sided damage dice.) I only got 10 vs. Wing Sao's Strength. If that hits, he takes 5 damage and he's grabbed permanently.

GM: Wing Sao is still stunned until the end of your turn, and he's exposed. Those both reduce his defenses by 5. Right now Wing Sao's effective Strength is only 4, so that's a hit. (Subtracts 5 Hit Points. Wing Sao has 23 Hit Points, which is less than his 27 Stamina.) Wing Sao is now injured, giving him -5 to Coordination and -5 Coordination because he is grabbed. He is now stumbling around in your grappling hook cord, with a total Coordination penalty of -10 for the rest of the encounter unless he breaks free.

Player 2: Wing Sao is big and slow, so I want to attack his low Agility, but my Agility attacking abilities would make me more vulnerable. I use a basic action, strike, to smash him in the throat with my rifle. (Adds Handelstein's Coordination to a 20-sided die roll and rolls three damage dice.) I got an 8, which is a hit for sure, and my strike does 11 damage.

GM: (Subtracts 11 Hit Points. Wing Sao has 12 Hit Points left.) It is Wing Sao's turn. Engage is his best chance at hitting either of you now, and this time he's trying to spike ram Lay Hung.

(The GM adds Wing Sao's Coordination to a die roll, -10 because he is injured and grabbed, +5 because of the ability's Coordination bonus. The total is more than Lay Hung's Agility, so the GM rolls four damage dice and Player 1 lowers Lay Hung's Hit Points from 18 to 3. Wing Sao is exposed again.)

Player 1: That's most of my Hit Points. Ouch! Now I am angry. I see red and strangle him with my grappling hook cord.

(Lay Hung's has a -5 Coordination penalty for being injured, but Wing Sao is still exposed, with a -5 to all defenses. Lay Hung's attack is successful and Wing Sao only has 5 Hit Points left.)

Player 1: I have cover until my next turn from using choke, but Wing Sao is already grabbed. It might have been smarter to use a strike to do more damage, but like I said, Lay Hung is losing his cool.

Player 2: Not me, I am laying in with another strike.

(Handelstein finishes Wing Sao's last 5 Hit Points with another successful strike, ending the encounter victoriously for the PCs.)


At the end of encounters (or casualty checks,) surviving PCs can use remaining uses of regeneration and healing abilities which were not used during the encounter. They can use regeneration even if they are healthy. They cannot use healing on characters who were already healed during the encounter. Characters can also spend 10 Action Points to recover 1d6 Hit Points. (This will save the character's life if they are dying.)

Next, make a DC 10 check with no modifiers for each PC who is still dying. If this check fails, they die.

If the PCs have time to rest and recover before the next encounter or event, each PC rolls their Rest Dice and recovers Hit Points equal to that roll. Any PC with remaining uses of a healing ability can roll another rest die for themselves or an ally for each remaining use of the ability. (See Characters/Derived Statistics/Rest Dice.)

Example: a character is dying (0 Hit Points) and has 25 Toughness (12 Stamina, 4d6 Rest Dice) and 2 ranks of regeneration ability. They did not use regeneration during the encounter, so the player rolls 2d6 and the character recovers 7 Hit Points. Now they aren't dying anymore, so they do not have to make a DC 10 check to see if they live or die. Finally the player rolls their Rest Dice (4d6) and the character recovers 12 more Hit Points for a total of 19 Hit Points after resting.

Replacing PCs

Between missions, surviving PCs recover all of their Hit Points, so their Hit Points are equal to their Toughness.

PCs who have been killed can be replaced by new PCs. These have the same character point budget as the character who was killed, plus any character point budget that surviving PCs earned while the replaced character was dead.

In other words everybody in the party gets the same character point budget whether they live or die. (This encourages selfless heroism and replacing less powerful early game characters with more powerful late game characters instead of upgrading one cautious character from zero to hero.)

Players replacing characters can switch between controlling a single PC or a team of PCs (See Player Characters/Making PCs.) A player with more than one PC can choose to replace only the PCs that died or all of his PCs, as long as at least one of them is dead.

The Game Master

Non-Player Characters

In combat encounters, the GM controls non-player character (NPC) enemies.

NPC stats describe an individual NPC or a group of NPCs with identical stats. These stats resemble PC templates with NPC names instead of example names. The GM can use the stats right out of the book or use an electronic or paper copy of the stats.

Encounters are designed for a party of 4 PCs. To adjust the difficulty increase or decrease the number of monsters by 25%, Toughness or Power by about a third or defenses and Coordination by about 2 points per missing or extra PC. (If you only have 1 or 2 players, you can allow each player to control a whole party or half a party of PCs instead of adjusting the enemies, but when you have 3 or more players, they should return to playing only their own PCs.)

Ad Hoc Role-playing

The GM may allow players to try things that are not covered in the campaign. Some situations do not require the random chance of success or failure that event checks introduce. These can be played out by storytelling and acting in-character.

However, when there is a chance of success and a chance of failure and playing it out as an event will add entertaining suspense and description, the GM can create events on the fly. The GM should choose which expertise abilities are recommended for the event. Players can also suggest expertise abilities but the GM has final say about which abilities are recommended or allowed.

Single Event Checks

You can also use single event checks for simple things which are not already covered in the rules and have a chance of success and a chance of failure. One character gets one turn to make this check. You can also require the character to use a specific defense attribute (Agility, Perception or Strength) minus 10 instead of Focus.

Event Design


If an event seems like each character should make a check instead of each player, give examples of how characters can work together instead of relying on their individual attributes and abilities. A character may be able to shield allies from an avalanche with their own body or use deception and speed to lead predators away from slower allies.

Some events, like searching for hidden objects or creatures, seem like they should only require one success. Show how each success is only a step toward the goal. Each success may bring you closer to finding a secret door, or each success might be a different ambush you spotted and avoided.

Some events, like sneaking and escaping, seem like they should require success from every event check. Design the event so that failed checks are merely close calls, while successful checks can help everyone. Characters can protect allies, draw fire and distract predators.

If an event seems like it should have degrees of success instead of total success or failure, set the consequences of success as if the event were mostly successful but not the best possible outcome, and set the consequences of failure as if the event were less successful but not a total failure.

Areas of Expertise

Detection helps characters search for hidden objects, secret doors, traps and ambushes. This area of expertise is also important when exploring buildings, finding hidden bunkers and gathering supplies. Stealthy activities like avoiding predators and sneaking into enemy bases also benefit from detection.

Gunner expertise is used to defend vehicles and fortifications with artillery, mounted weapons, drones and missiles. It also helps characters hunt large animals with harpoon guns, net guns and so forth. Gunner expertise applies to land, sea, air and space combat.

Influence is important when characters need to negotiate, whether they are haggling over prices or trying to avoid violence. It also helps PCs get information from NPCs. (If characters can get the information they need through education, research and communication devices, the event should also recommend knowledge expertise.)

Knowledge helps characters solve problems through research and communication even if the event requires information beyond their specialty. Knowledge is important for medical problems and interpreting writing or symbols. (If PCs can learn what they need to know from NPCs, the event can also recommend influence expertise.)

Mechanic helps characters repair and maintain vehicles and other machines. It can also be used to refuel vehicles in space, salvage damaged equipment, or perpetrate sabotage. This expertise applies to all types of vehicles: land, water, air, space, muscle-powered, mechanical or bioengineered living vehicles.

Pilot expertise allows characters to perform maneuvers like racing, pursuing or escaping from opponents' vehicles. This area of expertise is also useful when plotting routes and orienting the party if the PCs get lost. (Survival expertise can also be used for orientation when lost.) Pilot expertise applies to all types of vehicles: land, water, air, space, muscle-powered, mechanical or bioengineered living vehicles.

Survival is important when characters must endure or adapt to harsh environments or deprivation. It is also useful when characters travel through rough terrain or live off the land. Recommend survival expertise when the PCs can become lost on land or at sea. (If they are traveling in ships or other vehicles, pilot expertise can also be useful.)

Difficulty, Success and Failure

The rule of thumb for choosing event DC is 5 plus one tenth of a single PC's character point budget. If PCs start with 80 character points, then events at the start of the scenario should have a DC of 13 (5 + 8.)

Increase the DC by 2 ranks if the event should be harder with greater rewards. Decrease the DC by 2 ranks if the event should be easier with less rewards or if one player is making a single event check instead of a whole event.

For example, when the PCs must make casualty checks for failing the event, that is very bad (-2 DC) but if their enemies must make casualty checks when the PCs succeed, that is very good (+2 DC.) Do not adjust the DC for modest rewards or consequences, like a character point budget reward.

(Multiple event checks curve the result toward an average number of successful checks, so 1 rank of DC is a 10% chance of success for the whole event even though it is only a 5% chance of success for each individual die roll. If the PCs have a 55% chance of success when the DC is 19 and you increase the DC to 20, their chance of success falls to 45%. If you decrease the DC to 18, their chance of success rises to 65%.)

Player vs Player Events

In most campaigns the PCs do not compete directly against each other, but if that happens, divide the players into teams. Players take turns as if they were doing a single event, but each team has its own pool of successes and failures. When a team has enough successful checks or failed checks to end the event, they stop taking turns but other players keep taking turns until their team has enough successes or failures. The DC and expertise types for each team can be the same or different.

Any combination of teams can succeed or fail. If there are two teams, either team can succeed while the other fails, both teams can succeed or both teams can fail. Prepare for each possible outcome. Success for both teams may be a win for everyone, stalemate or mutual destruction. Failure for both teams might be a disaster for all or a harmless disappointment.

Vehicle Events

Vehicle events simulate and dramatize a car chase, naval maneuvers, aerial dogfight or other struggle between vehicles. Sometimes vehicles are treated as character equipment in combat encounters (seating ability for example.) Vehicle events are for action on a larger scale than personal combat between characters.

The DC of a vehicle event reflects the reliability and defenses of enemy vehicles. Gunner, mechanic and pilot are the most common expertise abilities for vehicle events.

Vehicle Casualty Checks

Failed vehicle events are often followed by casualty checks. If either side fails a player vs player vehicle event, they make casualty checks. If both sides fail, they both make casualty checks.

The casualty check modifier reflects how deadly and aggressive the enemy vehicles are. To get a typical modifier, subtract 20 from the event's DC. The modifier may be negative.

The type of casualty check depends on the weapons the enemies use, because different weapons cause different kinds of damage. Putting out fires requires Agility. Noticing damage to the vehicle takes Perception. Holding on when the vehicle tumbles tests Strength.

Crew Encounters

Vehicle events can also be followed by combat encounters between passengers when they exit their vehicles or try to board enemy vehicles.

After a player vs player vehicle event, successful sides can choose to retreat and avoid an encounter. So, in a pursuit, the success or failure of the side being chased usually determines whether they get away.

Event Design Example

In this example the players are divided into two crews. Each crew controls a spacecraft, and they want to board the other crew's ship, but first they will each try to disable the enemy spacecraft.

Each crew must do an event to overcome their opponent's vehicle. The armored freighter's crew does the heavy fighter event, and the heavy fighter crew does the armored freighter event.

Event (DC 19): The armored freighter is equipped with a gatling gun turret, but mostly relies on its sheer mass to shake pirates who attempt to board the big ship.

Expertise: gunner (gatling gun turret), mechanic (repairs), pilot (shake pirates).

Success: you can choose to retreat instead of fighting the enemy crew.

Failure: casualty checks, -5 vs Strength.

Event (DC 15): The heavy fighter has kinetic energy penetrator missiles and a recoilless rifle array. This vehicle is much smaller, but its weapons are devastating if the enemy crew does not defend themselves successfully.

Expertise: gunner (missiles or rifles), mechanic (repairs), pilot (maneuvers).

Success: you can choose to retreat instead of fighting the enemy crew.

Failure: casualty checks, -1 vs Perception.

Every player makes event checks for two rounds. The crew of the armored freighter has more failures than successes so the GM makes -2 casualty checks vs the Perception of each character of the armored freighter crew. Two characters on that team are injured by successful casualty checks. The heavy fighter's crew has more successes than failures, so they do not have to make casualty checks. The healthy crew of the heavy fighter boards the armored freighter with a huge advantage against their injured enemies.

Creating Encounters

Creating NPCs

As will be explained below, there are 4 steps to determining appropriate NPC character point (Pts) budget for an encounter: determine the party's average Character Point Budget, adjust for difficulty level, adjust for number of players, and determine the character point budget for each individual NPC.

1. Determine the PC party's average Character Point Budget: This is based on the Character Point Budget of each player, rather than the Character Point Budgets listed on the character sheets. (These are the same except for players who have more than one character.) If each player has the same Character Point Budget then that is the average Character Point Budget of the party. If there are differences between the players Character Point Budgets, then add all the player's Character Point Budgets together and divide that by the number of players to get their average Character Point Budget for the party.

2. Adjust for difficulty level: subtract character points from the PC party's average Character Point Budget, based on the intended difficulty of the encounter.

Easy encounter -20 Pts
Hard encounter -10 Pts
Deadly encounter 0 Pts

3. Adjust for number of players: add character points to the total so far, based on the number of players.

1 player 0 Pts
2 players +30 Pts
3 players +48 Pts
4 players +60 Pts
5 players +70 Pts
6 players +78 Pts
7 players +84 Pts
8 players +90 Pts

4. Determine the Character Point Budget for each individual NPC: Below are different options based on what different kinds of NPCs will be in the encounter.

If all the NPCs will have the same Character Point Budget, subtract the following Pts based on the number of NPCs.

1 NPC 0 Pts
2 NPCs -30 Pts
3 NPCs -48 Pts
4 NPCs -60 Pts
5 NPCs -70 Pts
6 NPCs -78 Pts
7 NPCs -84 Pts
8 NPCs -90 Pts
9 NPCs -96 Pts
10 NPCs -100 Pts
11 NPCs -104 Pts
12 NPCs -108 Pts
13 NPCs -111 Pts
14 NPCs -114 Pts
15 NPCs -117 Pts
16 NPCs -120 Pts

If there are two or more kinds of NPCs and more than a few Pts difference in Character Point Value between them, subtract character points based on how much each NPC contributes to the challenge of the encounter. The NPC shares expressed as fractions should add up to 1.

1/10 share -100 Pts
1/9 share -96 Pts
1/8 share -90 Pts
1/7 share -84 Pts
1/6 share -78 Pts
1/5 share -70 Pts
2/9 share -66 Pts
1/4 share -60 Pts
2/7 share -54 Pts
3/10 share -52 Pts
1/3 share -48 Pts
3/8 share -42 Pts
2/5 share -40 Pts
3/7 share -37 Pts
4/9 share -35 Pts
1/2 share -30 Pts
5/9 share -26 Pts
4/7 share -24 Pts
3/5 share -22 Pts
5/8 share -20 Pts
2/3 share -18 Pts
7/10 share -16 Pts
5/7 share -14 Pts
3/4 share -12 Pts
7/9 share -11 Pts
4/5 share -10 Pts
5/6 share -8 Pts
6/7 share -7 Pts
7/8 share -6 Pts
8/9 share -5 Pts
9/10 share -4 Pts

You can also split a share among a number of equal NPCs by subtracting both amounts from those NPCs character point budget.

For example, suppose you are designing an encounter with a 120 Pts boss and his 80 Pts minions. You are expecting four PCs with a character point budget of 120, and you want the encounter to be hard. First, start with the PCs character point budget of 120 as the average party Character Point Budget. Second, subtract 10 points for hard difficulty. Third, add 60 points for four players. (The total is now 170 Pts.) Fourth, look at the share of challenge the 120 Pts boss takes up. A 1/3 share would subtract 48 from 170 leaving 122 Pts, which is enough for the boss. We have a 2/3 share (-18 Pts) left for the minions. If there was only one minion, it could have 170 - 18 = 152 Pts. However, since the minions only have a Character Point Value of 80, the boss can have five minions: 152 - 70 (1/5 for each of the minions on the above table) = 82 character point budget for the minions.

Do not count the character point value of abilities NPCs never use in encounters. For example a 71 character point enemy with pilot ability can fill a 70 character point slot. (Usually you don't have to worry about this because 1 character point is not a big difference, but if an enemy has lots of non-combat abilities, remember they don't count.)

Adverse Conditions

Some environment types have special rules. Abilities which have the environmental keyword, such as burrow, climb, dive or fly, can only be used in environment types that allow them. An encounter can combine several environment types.

arctic This environment allows burrowing, diving and flying.

darkness Characters without blind fighting abilities have -2 Coordination. Apply this rule in environments with no light, very dim light, fog or smoke that makes seeing difficult. Also use this effect when the environment has big, dark shadows that large characters can hide in.

concealment Characters have -2 Perception. Apply this rule to cluttered environments where characters can easily hide, like thick undergrowth. This makes it easier for everyone to sneak up on their opponents with clever footwork and hunting tactics.

high gravity All characters have a -2 Agility modifier.

hungry predators If any PCs are dying, the predators will attack them with coup-de-grace attacks until they are dead. The predators will fight each other for the corpse. They will not attack evading PCs if there is at least one dead or dying PC. If a PC attacks one of the predators while they are fighting over the corpses, the predators will resume fighting the PCs. If a predator is alone and injured, it will try to escape.

jungle Everyone has a -2 perception modifier. Characters can climb the trees and vines.

loose soil This environment allows burrowing. Loose soil can be dry sand or tilled earth, but it can also mean deep snow or terrain riddled with tunnels left by other burrowing creatures.

no concealment Characters have +2 Perception. There is nowhere for characters to hide in this wide open environment. That makes it more difficult to sneak up on opponents with clever footwork and hunting tactics.

no escape Characters cannot escape from this encounter. Everyone is trapped in this encounter until it is over. If one group of characters is trapped by their opponents, this rule may only apply to one side of the conflict.

sandThis environment allows burrowing.

scalable This environment allows climbing. This environment has vertical terrain such as climbable walls, trees, rocks, ladders, poles, ropes, chains, big furniture and stacks of stuff. However, if the walls are too sheer for creatures with special climbing adaptations to scale quickly, the environment may not be scalable.

spaciousThis environment allows flying. This environment type usually applies outdoors and in large rooms or caves with very high ceilings. It does not apply in dense jungle where large flying characters do not have room to maneuver.

swampThis environment allows swimming and climbing. Concealing foliage gives everyone a -2 Perception modifier.

waterThis environment allows swimming. If there are tactically useful places where large characters can dive or submerge themselves, the encounter has this environment type.

weightless Characters cannot be prone, and characters without a zero-g fighting ability have -2 Coordination. Space combat encounters have this effect unless the entire encounter takes place in a compartment with simulated gravity.

Template Design

You can design new templates or create characters from scratch without a template. See Training and Upgrades for the character point value of attributes and abilities. Agility 0, Perception 0, Strength 0, Coordination 0, Toughness 10 and Power 1d6 are each worth 0 character points. Characters can have less than 0 character points, but Toughness and Power must be at least 1.

Generic Abilities

Your new template or character can copy abilities from this list, or from other templates and their optional abilities. You can rename the ability and alter its description to fit your new template or character.

aim (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

all-out (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

blast 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

burrow 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: burrowing; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

charge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

charming (persona): You excel at getting others to like you.

choke (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

combined weapon 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

crawl (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

daze 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

defend flank (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

detection (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

disarm (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

dive 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

diversion (ranged vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn): Draw fire to protect your allies or set up a flanking attack.

double tap (free action; coup de grace when you incapacitate target with single target attack): When you perform an attack which targets a single enemy and it reduces the enemy's Hit Points to 0, you can finish the target off with an immediate coup de grace basic action. The coup de grace requires close range, even if you use a ranged weapon.

drain 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

engage (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

evolving tactics 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

escape artist (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

feint 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

fixed weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

flanking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

fly 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

footwork (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

gas 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

grappler (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

gunner (expertise: gunner): +5 bonus to artillery and vehicle weapon event checks.

gunslinger (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You overwhelm opponents with a barrage of projectiles.

healing 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

honorable (persona): You excel when your efforts are both transparent and popular.

hunter (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You ambush enemies using stealth.

imposing (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

influence (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

interference (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

intimidate 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

knowledge (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

lead 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

mechanic (expertise: mechanic): +5 bonus to repair and crafting event checks.

parry (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

pilot (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

plow (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

point blank (range = Crd; ranged vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Target an enemy whose distance is no further than your Coordination in meters.

poison 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

rapid fire 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

reach (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

recover 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

regeneration 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

restore (action; target: defending 1 turn, not stunned): Remove the stunned state from one ally. That ally is defending until the end of your next turn. You can also use this effect on an ally who is not stunned to give them the defending state for one turn.

restrain 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

ruthless (persona): You excel at brutal, unkind and distasteful solutions.

seating (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

shady (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.

shock (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

skirmish (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

slam (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

snap shot (ranged vs Agi): Shoot from the hip.

sneak attack (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

sniping 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

spray 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

striker (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

stun ray (ranged vs Str; hit: stunned 1 turn): Momentarily disable the target from a distance.

suppressive fire (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

take cover (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

three-sixty 1 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

throw trap 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

transform (action; replace this character with another form; 1 form/rank): Your character has one or more alternate forms. Each form has its own character sheet. After transforming, if the new form has more Stamina, add the difference between the Stamina of the old and new forms to your Hit Points. If the new form has less Stamina, and subtract the difference between the Stamina of the old and new forms from your Hit Points. If this would reduce you to less than 1 Hit Point, you have 1 Hit Point and cannot transform again during this encounter. During encounters you can only reverse the transformation if the new form has an ability like this and the old form is one of the new form's alternate forms. Between encounters you can transform or revert at any time.

trapper (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in throwing traps to capture prey.

virtuous (persona): You excel when helping others requires personal sacrifice.

wrap (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

wrench 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

zero-g fighting (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

Intelligent Reptiles

Here are the average attributes and natural abilities of the intelligent reptiles of Abaddon:


The average aeolyte has a 5 meter (17 foot) wingspan, stands 2.5 meters (8 feet) tall, and weighs 75 kg (160 lbs.) Aeolytes are not the most agile fliers but they have extraordinary stamina. Aeolytes have fairly long necks, and long, flexible, coordinated legs. Aeolytes can see magnetic fields, helping them to navigate. Keen eyesight and innate flying skills combined with talon- eye-coordination make them good vehicle pilots. These innate flying skills include 3D thinking, an intuitive sense for orbits, kinetic energy and gravity, and perception of subtle invisible forces like rising thermals.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 10 0 22 2d6+1
(14 Pts) (10 Pts) (10 Pts) (0 Pts) (22 Pts) (23 Pts)


aeolyte vision (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

aeolyte wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 81


Behemoths are immense sauropod dinosaurs whose intelligence comes from a parasitic plant in their brains. The average behemoth is 12 meters (40 feet) long and weighs 6 tons.The average behemoth is about 6 meters (20 feet) tall when standing upright, but behemoths are knuckle-walkers who use all four limbs when they need to move quickly. Behemoths are extremely loud. With very low- pitched rumbling, rolling, droning, blasting voices, and chest slapping, foot stomping body language that drives away most wild animals by itself, Behemoths can even produce a thunderous sonic boom by whipping their tail.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 16 0 36 3d6+2
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (36 Pts) (36 Pts)


behemoth tail whip (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

Character Point Value 107

optional abilities

behemoth thundering (persona): Others find your presence frightening.


Boreans are flightless, swimming avians who prefer cold and temperate marine environments. Although they can move well on land, boreans are also adapted for life in water. The stocky limbs and webbed hands and feet make them powerful swimmers, while their high nostrils allow boreans to breath with only the top of their heads above water. Boreans are carnivores, and although they do have beaks they also have many long sharp teeth which help them hold slippery prey. The average borean is 3 meters (10 feet) tall and weighs 700 kg (1500 lbs.) Boreans are mostly covered in dark feathers with lighter plumage on the ventral surfaces (throat and belly) and above the eyes. Boreans have a complex echolocation ability which allows them to "see" and accurately judge distance through fog, smoke, murky water and darkness, so these obstacles do little to impair them. This ability is also used to communicate. Boreans do not have to open their mouths to talk.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 14 1 30 3d6
(8 Pts) (10 Pts) (14 Pts) (3 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

borean webbed hands and feet 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 97

optional abilities

borean language barrier (persona): You excel at illicit activities that require secrecy.


Gafflings are intelligent deinonychosaurs whose three- fingered hands have exceptional flexibility and opposable thumbs. The average gaffling is 3 meters (10 feet) long, stands 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall and weighs 70 kg (150 lbs.) At least half of that length is the tail. Gaffling plumage is short and darker on the back than the throat or belly. Most gafflings are tan or brown, but many gafflings have unusual colors or patterns, and some populations have lighter plumage which takes on pastel tints from pigments in the creatures they eat.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 10 0 18 2d6
(14 Pts) (8 Pts) (10 Pts) (0 Pts) (16 Pts) (20 Pts)


gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 70


Gremians are completely tailless. Their three-digit hands and feet have blunt nails. Gremian snouts are very short and their rounded teeth are more suited to an omnivorous diet than pure carnivore. Gremians have smooth pink, yellow, tan or gray skin with darker purple, brown or black markings. The average gremian stands 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall and weighs 25 kg (55 lbs.) Gremians use their brains, eyes, and manual dexterity instead of traditional natural weapons like claws and teeth. Gremian language is complex with fast-paced songbird-like sounds synchronized with specific movements of the eyes, hands and head.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 8 2 14 1d6
(10 Pts) (14 Pts) (8 Pts) (2 Pts) (8 Pts) (0 Pts)


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

Character Point Value 47


Gygeans are stealthy carnivores that can rapidly change the color and pattern of their skin to match their surroundings. Gygeans can become invisible while mimicking their environment and holding still; use light and shadow to disguise their movement; or confuse opponents with dazzling animated patterns. The average Gygean is 5 meters (17 feet) long and weighs 250 kg (550 lbs.) Gygean skin has a scaly texture but it is transparent so that the changing color of the living skin beneath shows through. They have many horns on their heads and a row of small horns running down their backs, but even the horns have color- changing tissue beneath the surface. Gygeans have slow metabolisms and tend to live in warm climates. Gygeans communicate primarily through sign language that involves most of their body: frills, color changes, hand gestures and other body language. Any sound in gygean communication is considered extremely loud.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 12 1 28 2d6+2
(14 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (28 Pts) (26 Pts)


gygean climbing claws (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

gygean camouflage (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 95

optional abilities

gygean sprawling (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

gygean trickery (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.


Leviathans are armored, swimming crocodilians. The average leviathan is 4 meters (13 feet) tall, 6 meters (20 feet) long and weighs 2.5 tons. They have dexterous five-fingered hands on short but relatively powerful arms. The tall double-row of scutes running down the neck, back and tail is significantly more developed in males. The darker scales on the back of a leviathan may be dark green, blue, purple or brown, with black spots. The lighter scales of a leviathan's throat and belly may be white, yellow, tan or pale green. Leviathans hear through both their ears and their jaws. They can hear and produce low pitched sounds below the hearing range of many other species. They hear better in water than out of water. Out of the water, Leviathans use body language for clarity. Leviathan conversation sounds like deep croaking, clicking and hooting sounds.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 36 3d6+2
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (36 Pts) (36 Pts)


leviathan sculling tail 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 105

optional abilities

leviathan aggression (persona): Others find your presence frightening.


Lyndwyrms are predatory theropod dinosaurs. The average lyndwyrm weighs 1 ton, stands 3 meters (10 feet) tall and is 5 meters (17 feet) long. They are shaped like typical carnivorous dinosaurs, except that the brain is enlarged and they have two massive brow-horns. Lyndwyrm arms are much smaller than the legs, and the hands have three clawed fingers. Lyndwyrm hands are built for using tools rather than powerful grasping and clawing.The lyndwyrm neck and chest is covered by a shaggy mane, but most of the body is covered in shorter plumage. Lyndwyrm feathers are black, blue, white and silver, with more dark feathers on the mane and tail and more light feathers on the throat and chest. Lyndwyrm language combines deep-pitched growls, groans, croaks, roaring and gesturing with the horns.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 14 0 32 3d6+1
(12 Pts) (8 Pts) (14 Pts) (0 Pts) (32 Pts) (33 Pts)


lyndwyrm horn toss 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

lyndwyrm talon pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 101

optional abilities

lyndwyrm savagery (persona): Others find your presence frightening.


Myrmidons are omnivorous ceratopsian dinosaurs with long head shields and a sword-like or mace-like weapon at the ends of their tails. Myrmidons are a rowdy bunch of natural fighters and frequently engage in brawls. The average myrmidon is 4 meters (13 feet) long, 2.5 meters (8 feet) tall and weighs 400 kg (900 lbs.) Myrmidons can be almost any hue. The scales are darkest along the spine and the midline ridge of the head shield, fading to paler scales along the throat, belly and bottom of the tail. Myrmidons also have dark stripes. Myrmidon languages are deep and monotone, with simple syllables combined with gestures of the head, hands and tail. They tend to move while speaking, strutting around and turning their heads from side to side. Myrmidon languages have both a belligerent or authoritative voice and an inferior or submissive voice.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 12 0 30 3d6
(10 Pts) (10 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts) (30 Pts) (30 Pts)


myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

Character Point Value 93

optional abilities

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.


Phages are long-tailed and leathery-winged intelligent pterosaurs. They live off of the blood of large animals. Phage venom prevents clotting, kills germs and numbs pain. This helps with feeding and it is also useful for healing livestock, phages and other animals. Phages are nocturnal, hiding by day in caves and other dark places. They have good night vision and can also track warm objects and creatures with their infrared-sensitive faces. Phage language is composed mostly of quiet cooing and murmurs, with some occasional hooting, screeching and howling. The average phage has a mass of 15 kg (33 lbs), stands 1 meter (3 feet) tall and has a wingspan of 3 meters (10 feet.) Phages are covered in fur-like pycnofibres. Phage pycnofibres form a dark brown, dark red or black coat over most of the body with lighter brown, reddish or deep red pycnofibres on the ventral surfaces (throat, chest, inner thighs and the bottoms of the wings and tail.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 8 0 12 1d6+2
(14 Pts) (12 Pts) (8 Pts) (0 Pts) (4 Pts) (12 Pts)


phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 52

optional abilities

phage blood-sucking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

phage night life (persona): You excel at illicit activities which require secrecy.


Skand are small predatory dinosaurs. The average skand is 1.6 meters (5 feet) tall and weighs 50 kg (110 lbs.) They have a mostly upright posture, usually walking on their heels, but skand also have a tail which helps them turn quickly and balance while climbing. A thick mass of stiff, hair-like feathers insulates the head. These feathers are usually blue, but sometimes black, white or silver. The rest of the body is mostly smooth with patches of small scales or short feathers. This bare skin is usually a light brown color with black spots. Skand language tends to be subtle, complex sounding, and somewhat high pitched. Skand are quite bodily animated when speaking.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 10 1 20 2d6
(12 Pts) (10 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

Character Point Value 76


Strix are flightless, primitive birds with short necks and raptorial hooked beaks. Each hand and foot has three long fingers or toes with very sharp claws. Strix plumage is brown with black and white stripes. The beak and claws are brown or gray darkening to black at the tips and edges. Strix are lightly built predators with ferocious natural weapons and the ability to wield weapons with their strong hands and opposable fingers. Often nocturnal hunters, strix have large eyes, good night vision, and excellent directional hearing. The average strix is 2 meters (7 feet) tall and weighs 150 kg (330 lbs.) Strix can easily recognize and mimic animal calls and the languages of other intelligent species. Strix languages on the other hand tend to be extremely complex and almost impossible to understand by other intelligent species. They are also naturally good animal trainers and teachers of other intelligent species.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 12 0 24 2d6+2
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (12 Pts) (0 Pts) (24 Pts) (26 Pts)


strix vision, hearing and pattern recognition (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

strix translator (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

Character Point Value 86


Stygians are flightless pterosaurs and great swimmers. The wings are reduced to webbing between the arms and body, and the hands and feet are webbed for paddling and crawling on soft mud. A long, flexible tail ends an enlarged vane which acts a rudder or paddle. The stygian head has a flattened bill-like snout and a fin-shaped crest which is larger in males than females. The average stygian is 2 meters (7 feet) tall, 3 meters (10 feet) long and weighs 100 kg (220 lbs.) The stygian snout is packed with electrical sensors which can be used to navigate tight spaces and locate small prey. Stygians are natural craftsmen and architects, living in or near the bridges and dams that they build. Stygian languages reflect this passion with constant references to building, design and structure. To other species, the stygian voice sounds like croaking, clicking and hooting sounds.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 10 1 20 2d6
(10 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (3 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 77

optional abilities

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

stygian structuralism (persona): You excel when pursuing solutions that are completely legal and transparent.


Titans are huge, armored herbivores related to ankylosaurs. On average titans are 1.5 tons, 5 meters (17 feet) tall and 6 meters (20 feet) long. Besides massive bone scutes and a thick hide, titans also have a sturdy tail with a formidable mace on the end. Titans are covered in brown, red, orange and yellow scales, with the darker scales on the armored back. The pattern and amount of each color varies between individuals and populations. Titans have low and growling voices.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 42 3d6+2
(6 Pts) (10 Pts) (16 Pts) (0 Pts) (41 Pts) (36 Pts)


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

Character Point Value 111

optional abilities

titan formidability (persona): Others find your presence frightening.

Field Guide

Aeolyte Hunter

Bred and trained for hunting (Perception, Coordination,) this creature is an experienced killer (Strength, Toughness.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 10 2 25 2d6+2


aeolyte vision (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

aeolyte wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

attack from above (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 96

Aeolyte Symbiotic Order Monk

A missionary of the Symbiotic Order supported by a partnership between the Empire and the L4 Magistracy. A shangdan alchemy metallic resonance magnetizing vaccine increases this agent's sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 10 2 25 2d6+1


aeolyte vision (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

aeolyte wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

electricity arcs through synerga staff's plasma channel 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

sense hidden objects (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 94


This 3 ton, 7.5 meter (25 foot) long bulky armored dinosaurs have rows of spikes running down each side and heavy tail clubs. Although heavily armored for a dinosaur, Ankylosaurus is more erect and quicker than other armored reptiles such as tortoises or even crocodiles.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 6 16 2 200 7d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

bony tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

long armored tail (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

spiked flanks 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 187

Behemoths evolved large brains through symbiosis with parasitic plants and engineered gremians and skand using their own brain parasites.

Behemoth Elite Shock Trooper

This Shock Trooper is equipped with heavy body armor and revolver style grenade launchers.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 20 3 100 4d6


tear gas grenades 6 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

trample 2 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

behemoth tail whip (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

Character Point Value 170

Behemoth Butcher

A proud warrior armed with a lance made from embedding a giant boat oar with Deinosuchus teeth.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 16 0 36 3d6+2


behemoth tail whip (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

plant symbionts harvest solar energy (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Killing blow with lance 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 111

Borean Biologist

This mad scientist is armed with deep sea diving equipment and a rocket powered harpoon gun.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 13 15 4 90 4d6


borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

borean swimming 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

long arms and harpoon reach (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

rocket powered harpoon line 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

advanced medical knowledge 2 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

marine biologist (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 162

Borean Hunter

Arctic hunters, tough and hungry. (The borean hunters can use their melee attacks vs Agility to kill slow PCs and ranged attacks vs Strength to catch small ones.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 14 4 80 3d6


borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

borean swimming 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

poisoned harpoon 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

thrust harpoon (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

throw harpoon 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 142

Borean Marauder

This blind barbarian attacks with an intelligent weapon at night.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 14 4 80 3d6


borean echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

borean swimming 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

slave bond 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

slave grip (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

slave shapeshifting 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 140


A 40 ton, 26 meter (85 foot) long sauropod with massive forelimbs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 6 21 0 200 8d6


bellow 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

tail slap (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

stand and kick (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

trample 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 190


These 50 kg (110 lb,) 2.5 meter (8 foot) long flightless waterfowl slide about in the snow kicking like frogs with powerful sprawling legs, but are more graceful in the water. (The Canadaga have melee attack abilities which target each defense.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 8 2 18 1d6+2


slide around on stomach (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

graceful swimmer 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

long neck and toothed beak (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

leap from the water and strike (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

bite and cling with sharp teeth 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 66


This small harmless land foul is a popular source of protein with numerous common recipes involving either its flesh or eggs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 4 5 -2 4 1


flying kicks and beak pecks 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value -40

Chimera Cerberus

This 1 ton 4 meter (13 foot) long two headed quadruped monstrosity is covered in thick scales, has an agile build and mouths full of razor sharp teeth. It was surgically created to be the ultimate guard.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 15 14 2 100 4d6


chomp at multiple intruders (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

rend with both jaws 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 162

Chimera Gryphon

This 180 kg (400 lb) 4 meter (13 foot) wing span creature uses its wings to help it make extra long leaps attacking with razor sharp natural weapons. It was surgically created to be the ultimate hunter.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 14 13 3 50 3d6


flying attack 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this class="western" align="center" style="line-height: 100%; margin-bottom: 0in" ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

pin prey 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 130

Chimera Minotaur

This 4 ton 9 meter (30 foot) predator dinosaur, has been surgically modified with massive horns and arm spears. It was surgically created to be the ultimate battlefield weapon.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 11 15 3 90 4d6


spear with arms or horns (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

natural weapons 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

lash out in every direction 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 157


This huge shark weighs up to 2 tons and is around 8 meters (25 feet) long.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 5 15 3 100 5d6


smell blood from incredible distances (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

must keep swimming to breathe 4 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

attack from the darkness below (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

tear at prey to get chunks of meat 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 161


70 kg (150 lb,) 3.4 meter (11 foot) long feathered predatory dinosaurs with an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each foot. They have well-developed forearms and large, clawed hands, so they can catch and kill prey with their feet, hands or teeth.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 9 10 4 24 2d6+1


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

sickle claw pounce 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

bite neck and pin (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

swipe lures prey into trap (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

maul distracted prey 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 97


A 10 m (33 foot) long, 5 tonne crocodilian with thick natural armor.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 8 20 1 170 6d6


sculling tail 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

grapples big dinosaurs 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

tail sweep 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

bite and roll to thrash and smother prey (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

killer twist with powerful jaws 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 190


This 13 ton, 35 meter (120 foot) long sauropod dinosaur is longer but more lightly built than other sauropods like Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus. Diplodocus have a row of narrow pointed spines running down their backs like iguanas, and a whip-like tail which can produce a noise as loud as a cannon being fired. Long-necked sauropods rely on size and Strength for defense. (The Diplodocus has abilities which target each of the defenses: the long tail to reach slow enemies; crack tail whip to intimidate enemies who aren't too bright; stomp for little weak ones.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 6 20 3 160 6d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

long tail (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

crack tail whip 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

stomp 4 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 184

Djinn Swarm

An air-bound, intelligent, predator swarm of nanobots and cultivated microbes.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 13 20 8 84 3d6


sound based predator (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

slither across the floor (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

any part of the creature can attack 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

semi-solid material is hard to hold (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

reassemble from whispy remnants 14 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

whirlwind form and lashes out in all directions 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

blend into shadows and strike from behind (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

seems more solid after feeding on prey 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

constantly shifting form 3 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 190


A 4 ton, 9.0 meter (30 foot) long hadrosaur sometimes called "trachodon." Hadrosaurs are a colorful advanced group of ornithopods with deep bodies and tails and a flattened beak vaguely resembling a duck's bill.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 15 1 90 4d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

tail slap (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

kick and bite (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

trample 2 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 142


These 2 ton, 14 meter (46 foot) long plesiosaurs have extremely long-necks, compact bodies and turtle-like flippers. They normally eat fish, but they can bite and slash party members with their teeth as they snatch food from the wreckage.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 7 13 3 80 2d6+2


fly through the water with strong paddles 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

teeth slash while whipping head back and forth (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

use long neck to dart in and strike first (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

ambush from water catches opponent off guard (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 130

Gaffling Chimera Bandit Leader

Makeshift armor plating and air rifles grafted onto arms.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 12 15 8 40 3d6


gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

double air rifles 5 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

shoot anyone who moves (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

instinctive shooter 2 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You overwhelm opponents with a barrage of projectiles.

weapons grafted to body 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 155

Gaffling Chimera Ice Axer

Several arms terminating in metal ice axes

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 8 12 8 30 3d6


gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

lash out with ice axe arms (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

block attacks with metal axes (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

weapons grafted to body 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 125

Gaffling Chimera Pyro Shaman

Juggles flames and spits fire.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 14 10 8 30 2d6


gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

exhale a gout of flame 2 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

throw blinding balls of flame 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

belch clouds of choking smoke 2 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

internal weapons 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

Character Point Value 125

Gaffling Cult Shaman

Adorned with metal talismans, the cult leader carries a vessel filled with fizzing, fuming liquid (The shamans open with lead ability to soften the PCs defenses during the first wave of attacks. Then they try to stun the PCs with gas ability. If another cult member is injured and has not been healed yet, a shaman will use an elixir instead of attacking. The disciples only have one attack ability (wrench) which they use to pounce on the PCs three times or until it proves futile against a strong PC. They can also employ their claws and teeth for a basic strike or distract action to bring down PCs who have far more Strength than Agility or Perception.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 10 4 26 3d6


fuming elixir 3 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

throw blinding elixir 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

lead fanatics 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

gaffling sickle claw pin 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 115

Gaffling Cult Disciple

relentless fanatic pounces on intruders

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 10 2 20 2d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

gaffling sickle claw pin 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 85

Gaffling Shepherd

The shepherds wield long wooden crooks.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 8 10 2 24 2d6


gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

gaffling sickle claw pin 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

gang up on distracted enemy 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

shepherd's crook reach (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Character Point Value 93

Gaffling Warlord Gladiator

gafflings armed with paired shield sticks

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 8 10 4 20 2d6


paired and natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

shield sticks (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

gaffling sickle claw pin 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

gaffling sense of smell (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 93


a 200 kg (440 lb) 6 meter (20 foot) long ornithomimid.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 12 4 30 2d6


claws, beak, kicking with long legs 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

run and swipe with claws 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

self-sufficient foraging (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 104


a 90 kg (200 lb) 2 meter (6.5 foot) tall flightless carnivorous bird with a large sharp beak.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 12 11 3 24 2d6+1


beak, kicking with long legs 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

aggressive attack with beak 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

self-sufficient foraging (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 97

Arthropod golems include tiny nanogolem parasites, larger spider golems, sporecraft and starflower bioships.

Golem, Deckhand

tough exoskeleton, extra limbs

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 10 4 30 2d6


crawl along surfaces (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

skittering movement (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

front limbs snatch (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

side limbs swipe (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

rear limbs kick (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

space mechanic (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

Character Point Value 100

Golem, Overlord Overseer

Golem skin is a hard segmented cuticle of calcified chitin with a fused carapace protecting the combined head and chest. This Overseer weighs 250 kg (550 lbs) and is designed to command fortified nests. This golem moves swiftly and has potent chemical weapons.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 13 14 3 80 3d6


low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

command coordinated attack 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

spray venom and digestive enzymes 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

convert flesh into liquid biofuel 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

Character Point Value 150

Golem, Overlord Panzer

A 10 ton tank-like golem with an armored exoskeleton.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 17 7 190 6d6


low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

acid cannon 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

convert flesh into liquid biofuel 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

run over and crush 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 212

Golem, Overlord Ravisher

A 1 ton evil spider-like creature with numerous sharp pointed legs, stingers, tentacles and an armored exoskeleton. (Any time a PC is killed in this encounter, the ravisher reanimates the fallen PC as a standard action on the ravisher's turn. The PC comes back as an injured (HP = stamina) NPC controlled by the ravisher. If the ravisher is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it dies and so does any reanimated former party members.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 13 13 5 120 5d6


crawl up walls (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

spray venom and digestive enzymes 4 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

convert flesh into liquid biofuel 7 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

whipping tentacles (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

snapping pincers (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

Character Point Value 190

The Swarm's foot soldiers are smaller eight-armed ravishers derived from engineers. Modified Sporecraft called swarmlings serve as armor and vehicles, but they lack life support systems and other amenities of standard Spore. All Swarm castes have adapted to life in space and do not require life support systems as long as they have fuel, water and oxygen stores.

Golem, Swarmling Mutant Juggernaut

Like a cross between a centipede and a cephalopod, a cavernous maw at one end of the segmented body is surrounded by many armored tentacles. (This creature lives in space, so any prey without a zero-g fighting ability has a -2 Coordination modifier. If any PCs are dying, the Swarthy Krackis will attack them with coup de grace attacks until they are dead. The PCs can escape by taking shelter inside the Nemesis while the Krackis devours their ally, but if the PCs continue to fight the Swarthy Krackis, it will try to kill them all.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 7 17 3 160 4d6


lashing tentacles 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

guarding tentacles (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

tear prey apart 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

space predator (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

Character Point Value 170

Golem, Engineer

Golem skin is a hard segmented cuticle of calcified chitin with a fused carapace protecting the combined head and chest. This Engineer weighs 50 kg (110 lbs) is designed to raise and repair other golems, uses all eight legs to climb around and their many hands resemble pruning hooks, saws and scalpels.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 13 11 2 30 2d6


crawl up walls (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

fight in multiple directions (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

repair others 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

Character Point Value 95


Golem skin is a hard segmented cuticle of calcified chitin with a fused carapace protecting the combined head and chest. This Grafter weighs 200 kg (440 lbs) and is designed for protecting territory, farming, landscaping and collecting libraries of genetic data. Of its 4 front legs, two end in shovels and two end in saws.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 13 14 4 70 3d6


low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

genetic librarian (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

saw into invader 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

digging and tunneling 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: burrowing; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 142

Golem, Steward

Golem skin is a hard segmented cuticle of calcified chitin with a fused carapace protecting the combined head and chest. This Engineer weighs 100 kg (220 lbs) and is designed to stabilize ecosystems, maximize biodiversity and trade genetic information. This golem travels often, using all eight legs for movement to maximize its speed or the weight it can carry.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 13 12 2 35 2d6


low center of gravity (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

genetic librarian (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

high velocity bump 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 103

Gremian Cultist

This cultists has a spider silk vest and weapons hidden under heavy robes. (The Clockmaker cabal has taken blood oaths to never betray their secret society. They will not retreat or surrender, fearing the society's wrath more than death. They also cannot allow witnesses to escape, so they will Focus their attacks on PCs who evade.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 16 8 7 30 1d6+2


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

ceremonial blade (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

air pistol (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

Character Point Value 101

Gremian Bounty Hunter

Highly trained bounty hunter in heavy body armor, wielding spring piston air carbine equipped with scope.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
17 21 13 9 42 2d6


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

airgun drives enemies into trap (ranged vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn): Draw fire to protect your allies or set up a flanking attack.

interrogate at gunpoint 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

good cop, bad cop (expertise: influence): +5 bonus to persuasion and diplomacy event checks.

find trouble (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

streetwise (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 145

Gremian Shock Troop Commander

This officer has body armor concealed in spider silk suit, and is a highly trained boxer with knuckle knives.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
23 18 13 9 36 2d6


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

air pistol (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

take hostage 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

knuckle knives combo (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

bobbing and weaving attacks 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

Character Point Value 146

Gremian Space Pirate

A mercenary armed with an air rifle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 8 5 14 1d6+1


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

experienced astronaut (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

shoot from the hip (ranged vs Agi): Shoot from the hip.

air rifle (ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; you: cover 1 turn): Sacrifice some opportunities to shoot by staying safely behind cover.

aim carefully (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

Character Point Value 66

Gremian Supremacist

Armored superhero costume with gas propelled grappling hooks and spring loaded winches.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 13 11 5 30 1d6+1


gremian night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

weapons built into costume 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

spider silk cable 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

gas-propelled grappling hook 4 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

spring-loaded winch (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

take airships for dangerous joy rides (expertise: pilot): +5 bonus to vehicle operation event checks.

Character Point Value 100

Guivre, Sand

This 150 kg (330 lb,) 7 meter (23 foot) long legless, burrowing reptile evolved on Mirage. Sand guivres have snake-like bodies but crocodilian faces and armored skin. They attack by wrestling their prey down and suffocating it in the sand. (The legless sand guivres are always prone. Their combat specialty gives them a +2 Coordination bonus with their attack abilities.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 8 13 3 60 3d6


slithers along the sand (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

burrows beneath the sand 6 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: burrowing; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

wrestles prey to exhaustion 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

smother prey in the sand (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

coil around prey and drag them to the ground (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Character Point Value 129

Gygean Ghost Dragon

A spy who combines natural stealthiness with hunting skills and murderous intent.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 12 1 28 2d6+2


gygean camouflage (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

gygean climbing claws (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

high power Shangdanese hunting riffle 7 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

code breaker and political insider (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 103

Gygean Space Pirate

Stripping their spacesuits, the gygeans disappear using their natural camouflage ability.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 2 28 2d6+2


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

constriction zero-g grappling training (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

constriction hold (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

surprise attack with gygean camouflage 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

Character Point Value 102

Gygean, Star Stalker

The assassins wear stealth skins. These close-fitting flexible suits are inhabited by a colony of holographic microbes. The skin can change texture, pattern and color and even become nearly transparent. It also improves reflexes by transmitting motor impulses to their muscles faster than their own nerves. The colony repairs the skin when it is damaged. (The assassins get a +2 Coordination bonus from their stealthy assassin specialty when using their attack abilities. All of those abilities are attacks vs Perception, but surprise attack comes from nowhere can be effective against very smart targets. The assassins fight prone by default to exploit their sprawling ability.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 1 30 2d6+2


gygean sprawling (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

retractable claws built into suit 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

climb with retractable claws (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

stealthy assassin 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

surprise attack comes out of nowhere 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

surround target (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

attack from behind 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 105


This 100 kg (220 lb,) 2.5 meter (8 foot) long reptile is fully adapted for life at sea, with a streamlined, fish-like body. Ichthyosaurs give live birth to fully developed infants at sea.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 18 4 32 2d6+1


good night vision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

dart through the water 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

snap long jaws back and forth (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

snap at prey while circling (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

strike from behind while circling 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 113


A 7 ton, 9.5 meter (31 foot) long pliosaur with a short neck and huge mouth full of big sharp teeth. Four huge paddles provide massive acceleration for ambushes.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 6 18 0 100 4d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

powerful swimmer 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

chomp with enormous jaws 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 150

Leviathan Shaman

This shaman is a village elder.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 12 16 0 40 3d6


leviathan sculling tail 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

powerful bite and heavy tail 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

coordinate attack 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

good medicine 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

Character Point Value 108

Leviathan, Infected

Large even for a leviathan, this infected bootlegger has unnaturally thick purple scales from bug sauce mutation.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 14 16 0 88 4d6


sculling tail 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

ghoulish healing 8 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

bug sauce 3 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

flaming flasks 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

trident reach (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

bite 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 162

Leviathan Privateer

A space pirate in an armored suit.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 16 0 60 3d6


leviathan sculling tail 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

natural and attached weapons 2 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

heat seeking grappling hook 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

thermal ray 3 (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Take a moment to aim each shot.

Character Point Value 121

Lyndwyrm Hunter

a cannibalistic savage (who will first try "herd prey into trap" ability to distract the PCs, then attack the distracted PCs with "strike trapped prey." If these attacks are not successful against some PCs, the lyndwyrm hunter will try to overpower those PCs with "horn toss" and "talon pin" abilities which attack Strength instead of Perception.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 14 1 62 3d6+1


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

lyndwyrm horn toss 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

lyndwyrm talon pin 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

herd prey into trap (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

strike trapped prey 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 132

Lyndwyrm Gladiator

A lyndwyrm in spiked armor.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 8 14 5 80 3d6+1


attached weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

battlefield strategy 6 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Lead a charge that rushes your enemies. Whether or not the attack succeeds, the target and two other enemies are rushed until your next turn.

lyndwyrm talon pin 6 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

lyndwyrm horn toss 6 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 160


These 800 kg (1800 lb,) 5 meter (17 foot) long crocodile relatives are adapted for marine life, smooth and streamlined with no armor and flippers for legs. Metriorhynchus specializes in catching fish but is capable of tackling other prey.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 7 12 4 50 3d6


streamlined swimmer 5 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

snap jaws while whipping snout back and forth (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

tail slap while swimming by (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

bite and roll 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 130

Mymidon Activist

A city dwelling myrmidon wanting to get back to his cultural roots in a traditional myrmidon villiage.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 15 15 7 70 3d6


myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

blinding paintball rifle 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

Character Point Value 157

Mymidon Bounty Hunter

She wears a bulky overcoat with chainmail inserts, and carries paired chain whips - her weapon of choice. She is a master slam dancer and has trained in synerga.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 16 16 8 80 4d6


myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

myrmidon kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

yank weapon with chain whip (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

grab enemy with chain whip 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

discharge synerga field 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

therapeutic synerga 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

metabolic synerga purge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; you: not stunned): Use this ability on your turn to remove the stunned state from yourself. Because this is a free action, you can still perform a standard action, like attacking, in the same turn.

metabolic synerga biofeedback 5 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

bounty hunter (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 186

Mymidon Enforcer

Heavy body armor and constriction training complement natural weapons.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 11 12 2 60 3d6


myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

flanking trap 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

disarm suspect (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

Character Point Value 129

Mymidon Hyver

An angry slam dancer armed with a grain flail.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 12 3 30 3d6


grain flail traps weapon (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

tail and flail wrap around strikes (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Character Point Value 110

Myrmidon Shock Trooper, Elite

Mercenary with an armored trench coat and air rifle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 15 15 6 50 3d6


myrmidon tail sword (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

myrmidon kangaroo kicks and head butting (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

myrmidon tail sweep (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

air rifle (range = Crd; ranged vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Target an enemy whose distance is no further than your Coordination in meters.

Character Point Value 142


This octopuses is a stealthy and clever cephalopods which can rapidly change the color and texture of its skin. It can grow up to 70 kg (150 lbs) and 7 meters (23 feet) long. By posing its tentacles while changing color and texture, this octopus can change shape to mimic inanimate objects, plants or animals.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 9 12 0 20 2d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

gelatinous body (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

pull back in a jet of inky water 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

gripping suckers 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

tenacious tentacle (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

sharp beak 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 82


A 2 meter (7 foot) long, 30 kg (66 lb) feathered dinosaur with a short parrot-like beak and long, clawed arms. (The oviraptors' pack maneuvers combat specialty gives them a +2 Coordination bonus to all their attack abilities.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 8 5 16 1d6+2


pack maneuvers 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

claw through defenses 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; +5 Crd): A deceptive movement draws their attention from your real attack.

aggressive display while biting (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

kick distracted enemy 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 80


A 450 kg (1000 lb), 4.5 meter (15 foot) long pachycephalosaurid with a long, with a large dome head for ramming.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 6 13 2 40 3d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

charging ram 7 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed..

Character Point Value 115


A 2.5 ton, 9.5 meter (32 foot) long hadrosaur with a long, tubular, backward-pointing crest. Hadrosaurs are a colorful advanced group of ornithopods with deep bodies and tails and a flattened beak vaguely resembling a duck's bill.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 6 14 1 72 3d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

resonating threat call 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

tail slap (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

kick and bite (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

trample 1 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 124

Phage Bandit

Criminals with lightweight silk armor vests discard their robes as they take flight.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 13 8 7 20 2d6


phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage wings 6 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

phage blood-sucking 6 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

throw ceremonial dagger (ranged vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn): Draw fire to protect your allies or set up a flanking attack.

gang up on distracted target 6 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 120

Phage Deputy

A law enforcement agent with light riot gear.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 8 3 16 2d6


phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

phage blood-sucking 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

tripwire gun 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

bind suspect with tripwire 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 82

Phage Space Pirate

Phages in light space suits pounce, opening veins with their sharp fangs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 8 3 14 1d6+2


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

constriction zero-g grappling training (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

phage wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

phage infrared sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

phage blood sucking 5 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

Character Point Value 72


A 1.8 meter (6 foot) long, 180 kg (400 lb) stocky quadrupedal dinosaur with a huge beak and protective neck shield.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 14 5 50 3d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

bony frill protects neck while biting (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

chomp down with powerful beak 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 130


The 7 meter (23 foot) wingspan, 50 kg (110 lb) pterosaur with tiny legs circles about, stabbing prey in the water.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 10 0 26 2d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

leathery wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

nimble beak 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

stab downward (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Character Point Value 83


A 100 kg (220 lb,) 11 meter (36 foot) wingspan, giraffe-sized, toothless, short-tailed pterosaur. Quetzalcoatlus stalk medium and small sized animals on the ground, folding their leathery wings to walk about on four limbs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 6 12 4 40 2d6+1


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

leathery wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

distracting wing strike (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

peck distracted prey 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

Character Point Value 112


This 1 kg (2 lb,) 1.5 meter long, 0.9 meter (3 ft) wing span pterosaur has an impressive array of fangs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 8 6 0 5 1d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

leathery wings 7 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: flying; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

Character Point Value 10

Skand Elite Clone Soldier

Skand clone soldier equipped with body armor and biocannon.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 10 6 50 3d6+1


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

burst fire 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

spray and pray 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

suppressive fire (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

Character Point Value 140

Skand Robber

This bandit is armed with makeshift polearms and armor, and is juiced on Amps.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 10 3 30 2d6


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

outreach with polearm (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

amp-induced rage 5 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

Character Point Value 100

Skand Space Pirate

An armored and experienced privateer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 12 10 5 28 2d6+2


acrobatic fighting style (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

skand claws and leaping (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

Shangdanese carbine sword 5 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

Character Point Value 112

Skand Super Soldier

A highly trained genetically modified soldier, juiced on Amps, with a gyrojet assault rifle and body armor.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 12 10 8 70 3d6


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

rapid fire 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

bayonet 3 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

amp-induced rage 6 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

Character Point Value 160

Skand Terrorist

A revolutionary armed with a gyrojet assault rifle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 11 10 5 24 2d6


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

rapid fire 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

rifle with bayonet 3 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Use this as both a melee and ranged weapon. You can attack the same target twice or two separate targets. One attack must be ranged and one must be melee.

charge with zealot battle cry 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 101

Skand Worker

Utilizes a jumpsuit and a long-shafted tool such as a broom, mop, shovel or rake.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 8 3 20 2d6


skand acrobatics (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

emergency amp kit 3 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

long-handled tool (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Character Point Value 84


Intelligent cephalopod with shapeshifting talents, trained to defend masters.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 9 13 4 32 2d6


tentacles aid maneuvering in low gravity (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

slippery and flexible (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

slip tentacle around neck (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

tentacles yank away weapons (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

menacing new form 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 100


Spinosaurus is an amphibious predatory dinosaur with a long crocodile-like snout and a 1.5 meter (5 foot) high sail on its back. It has shorter legs and bigger arms than other predatory dinosaurs. Weighing 8 tonnes and 14 meters (47 feet) long, Spinosaurus is one of the largest predators that can hunt on land, but it specializes in catching fish and other slippery prey.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 5 16 2 100 5d6


strong swimmer 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

catch slippery prey 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

bite 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

tail sweep 2 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 160


A 6 ton, 9 meter (30 foot) long quadrupedal thyreophoran dinosaur short forearms, long hind legs, long spiked tail extending upwards, a long row of large plates down its spine with a small narrow head and a short neck. This herbivore is known for its slow movement, stupidity and eagerness to fight.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 5 15 1 120 5d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

spiked tail (melee vs Per; ignore grabbed penalty; +5 Crd; -½ Pwr): If you are grabbed when you use this attack, you get the +5 Coordination bonus for this ability and you also ignore the -5 Coordination penalty for being grabbed.

Character Point Value 152


Like a baleen whale, these 10 ton, 12 meter (40 foot) long, filter-feeding crocodiles catch small animals by forcing sea water through their teeth. The lower jaw is toothless while the upper jaw has blunt teeth which act as a sieve to catch prey, and it has a large throat pouch.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 6 18 0 100 4d6


slide under the surface 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

massive tail slap (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

push up the the kelp island to knock prey off 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

crush prey with heavy jaws 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 150

Strix Chimeric Surgeon

This chimeric surgeon needs more parts, armed with savage talons and a giant cleaver.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 12 2 26 3d6


stop bleading with emergency staples 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

physician and veterinarian (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

long, sharp talons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

flurry of talons and cleaver (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

Character Point Value 100

Strix Ghoul Slayer

A splicing specialist.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 10 3 30 2d6+2


blades built into splicing armor 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

sever attacker's limbs (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

chains and hooks 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

terrifying ventriloquism 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

Character Point Value 103

Strix Tomb Keeper

This explorer with a secret dark agenda is armed with a mysterious ancient weapon.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 12 2 26 3d6


explorer and archaeologist (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

talons and slave 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

slave grip (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

slave shapeshifting 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 100

Stygian Warship Captain

Has an armored space suit with embedded gadgets.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 20 16 10 60 3d6


stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

powerful bolt of electricity 5 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

suppressive electric arcs (ranged vs Agi; -5 Crd; counter any attack): Lay down a field of fire to keep your enemies from attacking. Prepare a second attack (ranged vs Agi). If an enemy attacks before your next turn, you can use this second attack against that enemy as an immediate reaction.

sleeper symbiont boost 11 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Once per encounter you can recover 1d6 Hit Points for each rank of this ability. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can perform this action when you are dying or injured but not when you are healthy. You can perform this action regardless of whether you made a dying check and regardless of whether it was successful. If you use this action immediately after automatically failing a dying check, you do not die.

spaceship captain (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

Character Point Value 185

Stygian Sheriff

Stygian law enforcement agent equipped with heavy riot gear.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 16 12 6 40 2d6+2


stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

glue cannon 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

pepper bomb 3 (1 use/rank; 3 targets or far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

riot shield (melee vs Agi; -5 Crd; you: defending 1 turn): Approach your enemy cautiously, slipping around his attacks and keeping him between you and his allies.

make threats with megaphone 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

Character Point Value 137

Stygian Space Pirate

Stygian pirates attack with shocking grips.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 10 3 24 2d6


natural electrocution ability 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

constriction zero-g grappling training (effect; no Crd penalty for weightlessness): Maneuver in three dimensions while fighting in free-fall.

stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stygian swimming 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

stygian electrocution attack (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Disable opponent with a special attack.

Character Point Value 90

Stygian Surgeon

Equipped with aquatic research gear and an experimental ion pistol.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 14 10 5 32 2d6+1


stygian electrical sense (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

stygian swimming 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

ion pistol low power setting causes pain and disorientation (ranged vs Str; hit: stunned 1 turn): Momentarily disable the target from a distance.

ion pistol high power setting causes partial paralysis 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Stun an opponent from a distance.

paralyze limb with stygian electrocution (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

extensive surgical experience 3 (1 use/rank; action; while target not already healed; target: already healed, HP = Stamina): Heal one ally up to Stamina (Toughness/2) Hit Points. You can only heal characters who have Hit Points less than their Stamina. You cannot heal dead characters.

medical researcher (expertise: knowledge): +5 bonus to research and education event checks.

Character Point Value 118


Tanystropheus is a 200 kg (440 lb,) 6 meter (20 foot) long aquatic archosaur with a very long neck and webbed feet. Tanystropheus specializes in catching fish.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 7 12 1 32 1d6+2


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

hide underwater 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

long neck (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

defend flanks (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

Character Point Value 82


Therizinosaurus is a 5 ton, 11 meter (37 foot) long, feathered, herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck, wide hips and round body. Unlike most large theropods, these browsers walk on four toes instead of three, but their most distinctive features are large bird-like arms with three huge claws - each a meter (3 feet) long - on each hand.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 7 14 5 100 4d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

claw specialist 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

lash out in both directions (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

absurdly long claws (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Character Point Value 160

Titan Mercenary

A jaded battlefield mercenary who's only loyalty is to his current employer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 54 4d6


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

pike (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

smash into formation (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 123

Titan Tomb Keeper

This Titan is an enforcer for a secret order who empowered him with an ancient and mysterious weapon.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 10 16 0 54 4d6


titan tail mace (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

titan shoulder spikes (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Maneuver around and overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

slave grip (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

slave shapeshifting 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 123


A 8.5 ton, 8.5 meter (28 foot) long ceratopsian dinosaur with a parrot-like beak, three horns and a bony shield protecting the neck. Like other horned dinosaurs, Triceratops combines defensive weapons and armor with flocking behavior. Triceratops uses its horns to grapple with rivals more often than it uses them to fight predators. Triceratops is an omnivore that mainly eats shrubs but also scavenges carcasses and will even attack smaller animals when it is hungry.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 6 16 1 150 6d6


natural weapons 1 (effect; 1 rank: keep Pwr and melee attacks while disarmed; 2 ranks: cannot be disarmed): If you have 1 rank of this ability, your melee weapons cannot be disarmed, but they also cannot be borrowed. You still lose your ranged attacks when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power. If you have 2 ranks of this ability, none of your weapons can be disarmed or borrowed.

grappler 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

horn toss (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

sharp beak 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

trample 3 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 176


This 1.8 ton, 13 meter (43 foot) long mosasaur is a sea serpents related to snakes and lizards, with flippers and a tail fin.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 8 14 2 100 4d6


slip under the waves 7 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

swat with tail (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

lunging bite 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

bite and twist 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

Character Point Value 160


A powerfully built 6 ton, 12 meter (40 foot) long predatory dinosaur with surprisingly small arms.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 5 16 4 130 5d6


trample, kick and bash with massive skull 2 (3 targets or each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

chomp with large serrated teeth 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

swat away attack with tail (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

huge olfactory system (expertise: detection): +5 bonus to searching and scouting event checks.

Character Point Value 171


A 6 meter (20 foot) long, 700 kg (1500 lb) feathered dinosaur with a jaw full of razor sharp teeth complemented by sickle-claws on each foot. (When fighting as a member of a pack of Utahraptors, pack maneuvers combat specialty gives them a +2 Coordination bonus to all their attack abilities.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 13 4 50 3d6


pack maneuvers 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

aggressive display while biting (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

bite distracted enemy 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

flying drop kick 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 133


A 2 meter (7 foot) long, 15 kg (33 lb) feathered dinosaur with a long upturned snout and a narrow jaw full of razor sharp teeth complemented by sickle-claws on each foot. (When fighting as a member of a pack of Velociraptors, pack maneuvers combat specialty gives them a +2 Coordination bonus to all their attack abilities.)

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 7 5 15 2d6


pack maneuvers 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

aggressive display while biting (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

bite distracted enemy 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

flying drop kick 4 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

Character Point Value 88


In space combat, every party member has equipment that provides a limited amount of life support and maneuverability:

Some wear primitive soft spacesuits which inflate like balloons. Folds at the joints increase flexibility, but movement in soft suits is still exhausting.

Wearable living symbionts are more agile. Bioarmor skins maintain constant pressure all over the wearer's body with elastic tendons and muscles. Rigid bioarmor carapaces hold their shape against internal air pressure.

Small personal spacecraft that can maneuver inside of the party's spacecraft can be used instead of a spacesuit.

Characters with body modifications that provide life support and mechanical compression do not need spacesuits during combat.

In the following spacecraft descriptions, DC is the difficulty of a typical vehicle combat event where that spacecraft is the enemy vehicle. This event would have three expertise abilities (gunner, mechanic and pilot.) The casualty check following the DC is the consequence for failing the event.

Armored Freighter

Armored Freighters are very large spacecraft composed of boxy modules including rotating passenger sections, non-rotating cargo sections and thrusters composed of multiple disposable stages. Armored Freighters have tough metal skin with rows of ridges and flanges. They are equipped with a gatling gun turret. This chain-fed machinegun fires 20 mm cartridge rounds from multiple rotating barrels. The high muzzle velocity and rate of fire makes this weapon effective as both an offensive weapon at close range and a point defense against smart missiles or dangerous debris.

(DC 35, casualty check +0 vs perception)


Heavy Fighter

Heavy Fighters are armored combat spacecraft. They have a compact rounded body surrounded by weapon turrets and metal flanges which serve as energy sinks. The typical heavy fighter is equipped with 100 mm recoilless rifles and kinetic energy penetrator missiles. The heavy fighter itself has limited fuel capacity, but one or more heavy fighters can be attached to the multiple stage thrusters of a cargo craft. The fighter's recoilless rifles are big guns which fire a large projectile with a diameter of about 100 mm. These are not effective against smart missiles but can do massive damage to another spacecraft at close range. The heavy fighter is also equipped with kinetic energy penetrators. These smart missiles fire a dense projectile at extremely high velocities into the target, penetrating even heavy armor, and causing heat and pressure damage inside the spacecraft.

(DC 31, casualty check +0 vs perception)


The Cosmoraptor is an ambitious super-weapon. This spaceplane was designed for high maneuverability in planetary atmospheres, but it can also maneuver in space, launched by a multi-stage booster. The aerodynamic Cosmoraptor has a bird-like shape, with a wide fuselage attached to two curved wings and a forward cockpit attached by a narrower neck to the rest of the fuselage. Cosmoraptors are armed with high explosive warheads. These smart missiles detonate chemicals and cause damage with shrapnel, rapidly expanding hot gas and shockwaves induced in the target.

(DC 27, casualty check -4 vs agility)

Stealth Fighter

The Stealth Fighter is popular among pirates. As a functional delta-wing lifting body vehicle the stealth fighter can maneuver in planetary atmospheres, although often it simply glides down to a landing strip. The stealth fighter does not normally rotate to simulate gravity. The stealth fighter is a mechanical spacecraft with some living components. The radar-dissipating angular surfaces of the skin contain microbes that create holographic illusions, rendering the spacecraft invisible to normal methods of detection. The retractable gatling gun turret is used defensively to shoot down smart missiles that manage to detect the stealth fighter, and is used offensively to disable other ships.

(DC 28, casualty check -5 vs perception)

Mobile Space Habitat

The Mobile Space Habitat is a modular vehicle which can be extended by attaching multiple launch stages. One of the simplest spacecraft that can be constructed, the launch stages are discarded after their fuel is expended, so refueling involves the acquisition or construction of new launch stages. The reusable part of a mobile habitat typically consists of a spherical command module with observation windows in front, a rotating cylinder in the middle and a propulsion system in the rear. The rotating cylinder, usually larger than the command module and propulsion system combined, simulates gravity and contains the crew quarters, passengers and cargo.

(DC 25, casualty check -10 vs perception)


The Astronautilus is an armored nereid warship with a large capacity. The bulk of the ship is a round spiral shell - less streamlined than most nereid craft. An armored mantle guards the opening of the shell. The mantle can lift to expose the external systems of the ship as needed, including propulsion, weapons, sensors and communications. The Astronautilus simulates gravity by rotating around its starboard-port axis instead of its fore-aft axis, basically rolling like a wheel as it moves. The Astronautilus is equipped with a biocannon array and parasitic mines that inject space-hardened microbes to digest and damage enemy ships.

(DC 36, casualty check +3 vs perception)


The Devilray has a flat round mantle, integrated wings, dorsal fin and segmented tail. The Devilray can maneuver in a planetary atmosphere. The tail contains the propulsion system and reaction mass exits through the wide end of the tail. The Devilray has a pair of powerful claws, one on each side of the forward airlock, and folded landing gear on the ventral side of the mantle. The Devilray has a color-changing skin which can mislead efforts to estimate its velocity and direction of movement. Instead of missiles and biocannons, the Devilray relies on stealth and a maser defense system. The Devilray does not rotate to simulate gravity.

(DC 33, casualty check +2 vs strength)


The rare Fortress is an asteroid with a propulsion system. Compartments for crew and equipment are bored directly into the rock. Fortresses are so big that they have repair bays large enough to overhaul armored freighters, greenhouses that produce enough food for the entire crew, and hangar decks which can house dozens of heavy fighters. The front end of these ships rarely have weapons, sensors, or other equipment so that this end can be used as a battering ram against smaller ships and asteroids.

(DC 37, casualty check +2 vs agility)


The Gyrocraft is a gyroscopically stabilized rocket shaped like a cylinder with a conical nose. Vectored thrust causes the entire vehicle to spin, stabilizing the vehicle's orientation and simulating the effects of gravity. The Gyrocraft is designed to be fired from a long cannon which helps keep the rocket oriented as it spins up. Because the Gyrocraft spins while taking off, passengers experience more acceleration than other vehicles. Manned gyrocraft are relatively rare because most of Shangdan's space trade involves launching cargo into orbit where it is picked up by spacecraft from other worlds and collecting cargo which falls into the sea.

(DC 24, casualty check -9 vs strength)


The Gyrofortresses is a maneuverable combat platform. The Gyrofortress is an inflatable spider golem silk composite habitat which resembles a gyrocraft with an octagonal cross-section when it is folded for launch. Fully deployed, the Gyrofortress looks like a rotating tire sandwiched between two limpet-shaped bunkers. Each bunker has eight gyrojet turrets which fire 10 mm diameter gyroscopically stabilized rockets. The Gyrofortress is equipped with an overdesigned balloon landing system which also allows it to maneuver in planetary atmospheres.

(DC 27, casualty check -8 vs perception)

Pressurized Airship

Pressurized Airships are dirigibles modified for space missions. The airtight gondola sometimes contains a rotating section which simulates the experience of gravity. The balloon may be filled with extra oxygen for life support or hydrogen for fuel. Pressurized airships are often equipped with hand-pumped air guns that fire slugs or harpoons. Air guns fire projectiles using a compressed air reservoir or spring piston which compresses the air when released.

(DC 26, casualty check -7 vs strength)


Sporecraft are enormous golems, shaped like multi-story eggs with a thick exoskeletal carapace. They have 3 or more legs on the bottom which are used as landing gear and for moving about on the ground. Sporecraft are single stage launch vehicles, mostly hollow when they reach orbit, and land with a combination of aerobraking and thrusters. Sporecraft are intelligent, can speak to their crews, and have maternal personalities. Sporecraft "eat" fuel and other nutrients. They can heal on their own, navigate and defend themselves, but heal and fly better with the assistance of trained surgeons, pilots and gunners. Sporecraft grow autonomous Sporecraft defender golems which fly alongside the Sporecraft in combat, defending the Sporecraft from attackers with their biocannons. Sporecraft grow larger and larger with time if there are enough available resources.

(DC 30, casualty check -3 vs perception)


The Squidcraft is streamlined and based on sea creatures. It is the vessel of choice for space pirates. The Squidcraft has a long, tough streamlined mantle with a pair of reaction engines housed in nacelles on opposite sides of the mantle. The Squidcraft uses vectored thrust to maintain a constant rotation to simulate the experience of gravity. The front of the Squidcraft has an airlock surrounded by tentacles which can be employed very effectively as a grappling and breaching system. Squidcraft also carry electrostatic discharge mines which attach to ships and generate an electrical pulse which shocks electronics, delicate machinery and biological systems. It also tends to start fires. The Squidcraft has a color-changing skin which can mislead efforts to estimate its velocity and direction of movement.

(DC 32, casualty check -1 vs agility)


The Starflower is a small vehicle with a solar sail. The sail itself is a gigantic vegetable structure mostly composed of a thin transparent film connected by thin filaments to a small hub. The solar sailing ability allows the spacecraft to move without expending any fuel as long as the direction of each step is toward a higher planetary orbit. The crew occupies an insect-like module which can separate from the hub for combat and landings. The crew module is armed with a pair of biocannons which fire 50 mm rounds stacked in series inside a battery of barrels. Projectiles and propellant are grown or secreted inside the gun like eggs or teeth instead of being manufactured separately. Certain barrels can be engineered to produce different types of ammunition for specialized tasks like piercing armor. The Starflower can maneuver in planetary atmospheres by collapsing the solar sail into a more compact solar-powered balloon. The crew module hangs spinning from the hub to simulate the effects of gravity.

(DC 29, casualty check -2 vs perception)


The fuselage of the Treecraft is a hollow cylindrical trunk crowned by a canopy of solar energy collecting leaves. The base of the tree is essentially a bulbous rocket engine which is consumed as the fuel is expended and regenerated from nutrients acquired during refueling. The crew of the ship occupies a ring that rotates around the trunk, simulating the effects of gravity. The Treecraft is defended by bulbous growths that house insectoid smart missiles with nitrate explosive payloads. These bug bombs are also used when prospecting asteroids and comets for nutrients.

(DC 31, casualty check -4 vs agility)