The Dark Woods Role-Playing Game

Copyright © 2024 by Seth Galbraith

This is the system reference document for The Dark Woods Role-Playing Game. Please reuse this document under the terms of the Creative Common Attribution International License version 4.0.


The Dark Woods Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition book contains hundreds of illustrations, a handful of additional monsters, and the no-GM/player-vs-player Castle Blackmane adventure not found in this system reference document. Get the PDF for free when you order the hardcover book from DriveThruRPG!)

In The Dark Woods...

Make your Character

Step by Step

Character Sheet














Action Points



Adventuring Gear

Magic Items


Play your Character

Joining the Party




The Aftermath




GM an Adventure

Create an Event

Create an Encounter

Create an NPC or Template




Nonplayer Characters

In The Dark Woods... will encounter magic, monsters, medieval warriors, and adventure. You can play this game with one or more other players, dice, character sheets, and pens or pencils. You can use maps and miniatures if you have them, or you can just describe the action and let players imagine it themselves.

Most people playing this game will take on the role of one character - their Player Character (PC.) The word "you" in this book can refer to a player or their player character. One person can be the Game Master (GM) providing challenges for the other players and controlling the Nonplayer Characters (NPCs.)

Use the Make your Character chapter to create a PC. Now you are ready to play, but the Play your Character chapter will help you understand the rules better.

When you are ready to GM, read the GM an Adventure chapter. You can also peruse the Bestiary for ideas.

Rolling the Dice

Make checks to see if you succeed at challenges by rolling a twenty-sided die* (d20.) If you roll 3 or less you automatically fail. If you roll 18 or more you automatically succeed. If you do not automatically fail or succeed, you can add modifiers. If the total with modifiers is greater than or equal to a difficulty class (DC) you succeed.

Find random damage and healing by rolling a number of six-sided dice (d6.) Add the numbers on the dice together, then add up to two more points called "pips." For example, 2d6+1 means roll two six-sided dice, then add the numbers on the dice plus one pip.

* If you don't have a twenty-sided die, you can roll a six-sided die and multiply the result by 3.

Make your Character

Do you already know what kind of character you want to play? Are you trying to figure that out? Would you prefer not to make that decision yourself?

If you just want to get started playing, look through the character templates, pick any one you like, and take the suggested equipment. The elf, gnome, and orc templates give your character a magical ancestry. The bard, druid, monk, paladin, rogue, and wizard templates give your character extraordinary abilities.

If you are trying to come up with a character idea, you can think about what kind of medieval life they come from. Are you a rugged farmer, traveling merchant, aristocrat, or magical creature? Or you can think about the role you want to fill in a party of adventurers. Will you be a stealthy scout, mighty champion, or spell caster? Choose the template that best fits your idea.

If you already have a character idea in mind, choose the closest template and then customize it with a persona, training and equipment. You can even combine your template with a second template.

Step by Step

1. Get your Character Point Budget

At the beginning of the game, you have a Character Point (Pts) Budget of 100 Pts. Record this in the Character Point Budget box on your character sheet.

2. Choose your Template

Now choose a template for your character. Record the name of the template on the line labeled Template on your character sheet.

Give your character a name and record it on the line labeled Name on your character sheet.

Copy the Attributes (Agility, Perception, Strength, Coordination, Toughness and Power) from your template to your character sheet. Write the Character Point Value of each attribute on the line next to the attribute.

Copy the Abilities (but not Optional Abilities) of your template to your character sheet. If an ability has a number after the name, that is the ability's current rank. The Character Point Value of an ability is the ability's rank or 1 Pts if the ability has no rank. Record the Character Point Value of each ability on the line next to the ability.

Copy your template's Character Point Value to the Character Point Value box on your character sheet. This is the total Character Point Value of all your template's attributes and abilities.

3. Get your Action Points

Subtract your Character Point Value from your Character Point Budget and record the difference in the Action Points box on your character sheet. Your Action Points (AP) are unspent Pts which you can spend during events and encounters or training and upgrades. You can save the rest of your AP for events or encounters or use some of them now to customize your character.

4. Other Stats

Count how many of your abilities have the expertise or persona keyword. Record this number on the line labeled Focus on your character sheet.

Your initial Hit Points are equal to your Toughness. Record this in the Hit Points box on your character sheet.

Your Stamina is half of your Toughness, rounded down. Record this on the Stamina line of your character sheet.

Your Rest Dice is a number of six sided dice (d6) equal to your Toughness divided by 6, rounded down. For example, if your Toughness is 20, then your Rest Dice is 3d6 because 20 divided by 6 is 3 after rounding down. Record this on the Rest Dice line of your character sheet.

Basic Actions

Every character can perform the basic actions listed on the character sheet. Most of them are combat actions you can perform without weapons or with simple improvised weapons


The character sheet shows the effect that many states can have on your character. Most of them will only occur during combat encounters.


If you want to customize your character you can now spend AP to improve your attributes, get optional abilities, acquire equipment, or increase ability ranks. You can choose a second template and spend AP on abilities from that template. You can also spend AP to get one or more persona abilities.

The AP cost of an attribute or ability is its Character Point Value. For example, to increase Power from 2d6 (20 Pts) to 2d6+1 (23 Pts) you must spend the difference in Action Points (3 AP.) You can remove abilities and ranks of abilities or attributes to get more AP.

Character Sheet

Click HERE to DOWNLOAD a PDF of this Character Sheet



Bards are musical enchanters and smooth talkers. Using a musical instrument gives your songs special effects, so these magical performances are equipment abilities.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 12 9 2 20 2d6
(11 Pts) (12 Pts) (9 Pts) (6 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


fighting words 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): Your magical song attacks the minds of your enemies causing no damage, but if it is successful, each target you hit is intimidated until the end of your next turn.

musician (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve playing music, singing, dancing or poetry.

soothing music (action; 1 AP/use; chosen targets who can hear you each recover double Pwr HP divided by the number of targets, rounded up): Your magical song restores vitality and hope.

(total Character Point Value 81 without equipment)

suggested equipment

rapier (melee vs Agi; +2 Crd, +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): A well-timed lunge leaves you only briefly exposed.

throwing knife 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr): Each rank of this ability is 1 knife.

(total Character Point Value 83 with this equipment)

optional abilities

brawling (effect; keep Pwr while disarmed): Even when you are not armed you fight creatively and use your environment as an improvised weapon. You still lose your weapon abilities when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power.

deception (expertise): +5 to event checks that require lying and pretending.

footwork 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

persuasion (expertise): +5 to event checks to gain favor, influence or save face.

prestidigitation (expertise): +5 to event checks involving illusions and sleight of hand.

storyteller (expertise): +5 to event checks involving legends, history and tales of wonder.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

thrower 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You practice throwing weapons such as knives, axes and javelins.

vocalist (effect; use spells at full Pwr while disarmed): Your voice is magical. You can cast spells including your bard songs when disarmed, and they don't have a Power penalty for being disarmed.


Druids have primal wisdom and nature power. You use herbs and totems to cast spells, so your spells are equipment abilities.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 13 10 0 20 2d6
(10 Pts) (13 Pts) (10 Pts) (0 Pts) (20 Pts) (20 Pts)


herbalism (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving basic medicine, such as treating injuries.

speak with animals and plants (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving plants, animals and wilderness environments.

thorns 1 (1 use/rank; thorns grow 1 meter thick and 3 meters tall, in a 15 meter long path on the ground within 15 meters; target each creature the thorns touch; ranged attack vs agility): The thorns must have soil to grow out of. They last for 1 minute, regenerating immediately if damaged. They block the view but not attacks. They are difficult terrain. Creatures who enter the thorns take damage as if hit by the attack.

vine 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): Summon an entangling vine to restrain a creature. You can choose whether or not this attack causes damage..

(total Character Point Value 77 without equipment)

suggested equipment

sling 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per): You carry 1 sling stone for each rank of this ability.

staff (melee vs Agi; reach): A common walking stick can be a versatile weapon.

(total Character Point Value 81 with this equipment)

optional abilities

arcane lore (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve magic.

cure poison (action; target: not stunned): Use this to remove the lingering effects of venomous bites and poison coated weapons.

one with nature (effect; use spells at full Pwr while disarmed): You can cast spells when disarmed, and they don't have a Power penalty for being disarmed.

shillelagh 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; reach; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): You channel nature's power through a wooden stick, club or staff.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

trapper 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You practice catching livestock or prey by throwing traps such as nets or bolas.

wild transformation (action; AP varies; you: change form): Turn into an animal, plant or elemental, or turn back into your normal form. Each form has its own HP, attributes and abilities. The first time you take a particular form during an adventure, spend half the AP you would spend to make the creature a fighting companion. If you drop to 0 HP in another form, you immediately return to your normal form and you must spend the AP again next time you take that shape.

wisdom of the ancients (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve history, the fey and elementals.


Your fey ancestry grants you inhuman longevity. Unless you were raised among ordinary humans, you have more in common with fey creatures such as centaurs, dryads, nixies, pixies, and satyrs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 12 10 2 18 2d6+1
(13 Pts) (12 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (16 Pts) (23 Pts)


ancient (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving history and languages.

keen senses (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You have low light vision, sensitive ears, and a keen sense of smell.

fey resistance (effect; cover vs enchantment, distracted, intimidated or stunned): You have cover, giving you a +2 to all defenses, against enchantment spells and attacks which can cause the distracted, intimidated or stunned state.

(total Character Point Value 83 without equipment)

suggested equipment

bow 5 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Your quiver holds 1 arrow for each rank of this ability.

shortsword (melee vs Agi; +2 Crd): A feint draws their attention from your real attack.

(total Character Point Value 89 with this equipment)

DnD Elven

optional abilities

ambush (effect; while evading; any damaging attack; +½ Pwr): damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

arcane lore (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve magic.

climb (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

hunter 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You hunt using stealthy weapons such as bows, crossbows, slings and blowguns.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

tracking (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks orienteering, stalking, following tracks, covering tracks, traversing rough terrain and avoiding ambushes.

trapper 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You practice catching prey by throwing traps such as nets or bolas.

woodcraft (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks for surviving in the wilderness.


Fleeing the horrors of draconic rule, your ancestors adapted to living underground. Gnomes have small stature and an affinity for elemental magic. They are also known for highly inventive craftsmanship.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 13 9 2 16 2d6
(12 Pts) (13 Pts) (9 Pts) (6 Pts) (12 Pts) (20 Pts)


small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you. For example, you can take cover behind a chair designed for characters who aren't small.

craft (1 AP/Pts; while resting; make a -magical item): Make a common item for yourself or another creature. If the item has a Character Point Value, you must spend your AP to help the character equip it.

cunning artisan (expertise): +5 to event checks involving craftsmanship and arcane objects.

(total Character Point Value 75 without equipment)

suggested equipment

crossbow 3 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Your quiver holds 1 bolt for each rank of this ability.

lantern (effect; no darkness in a 20 meter cone for 1 hour); Lighting the lantern takes 1 minute. You can adjust the length of the cone as a free action. The lantern goes out if the length is less than 1 meter.

(total Character Point Value 79 with this equipment)

DnD gnome

optional abilities

artificer (1 AP/Pts; while resting; make a magic item): When you make an item for another character, you must spend your AP instead of theirs.

footwork 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

subterranean (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can make out shapes in near total darkness and detect danger using all your senses.


Monks are martial arts mystics.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 12 11 2 20 2d6+1
(13 Pts) (12 Pts) (11 Pts) (6 Pts) (20 Pts) (23 Pts)


martial arts (effect; keep Pwr while disarmed): Your body is a weapon. You still lose your weapon abilities when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power.

disarm (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): If the attack is successful, the target is disarmed until it uses an action (rearm) to recover its weapons.

(total Character Point Value 87 without equipment)

suggested equipment

healer's kit (expertise): +5 to event checks when healing characters after encounters or casualty checks.

staff (melee vs Agi; reach): A common walking stick can be a versatile weapon.

(total Character Point Value 89 with this equipment)

optional abilities

acrobatics (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

arcane lore (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve magic.

catch missiles (reaction to failed ranged attack against you; ranged vs Per; you: disarmed 1 turn): You can catch a projectile and throw it back, or redirect a ranged attack, or throw any object if the attack cannot be caught or redirected.

footwork 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

grappler 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

instant stand (1 use/turn; you: not prone): At any time you can stop being prone, but then you cannot use this ability again until the end of your turn.

paralyzing strike (melee vs Agi; hit: stunned 1 turn, stunned permanently if already stunned): You disable an opponent's limbs by striking pressure points.

sweep the leg (melee vs Str; hit: prone 1 turn): Kick your opponent's legs out from under them when they are unbalanced.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

touch of death (melee vs Agi; double Pwr; hit: no damage unless target drops to 0 HP; you: exposed 1 turn): When perfectly executed, the vibrations of this strike stop your opponent's heart.

vows of discipline (expertise): +5 to event checks which require you to resist temptation, exhaustion, pain, or fear.


Dragons weaponized your ancestors by infusing them with troll blood, making them larger and stronger.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 8 13 1 25 3d6
(9 Pts) (8 Pts) (13 Pts) (3 Pts) (25 Pts) (30 Pts)


rage 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

(total Character Point Value 89 without equipment)

suggested equipment

halberd (melee vs Agi; reach; -5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack targets up to 2 meters away.

throwing axe 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Each rank of this ability is 1 axe.

javelin 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): Each rank of this ability is 1 javelin.

(total Character Point Value 92 with this equipment)

DnD Hobgoblin

optional abilities

grappler 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

hunter 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You hunt using stealthy weapons such as bows, crossbows, slings and blowguns.

intimidate 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

keen hearing (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving faint sounds and vibrations.

light sensitivity (effect; -2 defense bonus in bright light; +2 defense bonus in darkness): You are vulnerable in bright light such as daylight, but expert at lurking in shadows and other dark places.

multiple heads (effect; +1 Focus, +2 initiative checks; you: not distracted): You have two or more heads. The distracted state has no effect on you.

natural weapons (effect; keep Pwr while disarmed): Your fists, claws and tusks are deadly. You still lose your weapon abilities when you are disarmed, but you do not lose Power.

nightvision (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can make out shapes in near total darkness and detect danger using all your senses.

regeneration 1 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken since resting. The rank of this ability may not exceed one sixth of your Toughness. You can use this action immediately after failing a dying check to avoid dying.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

thrower 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You practice throwing weapons such as knives, axes and javelins.

track by scent (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks where you detect and recognize smells.

trapper 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You practice catching livestock or prey by throwing traps such as nets or bolas.


Paladins are holy warriors, exorcists and healers. Some paladin abilities affect creations of dark magic. These include the undead and werewolves, even if the individual creatures themselves are not evil. Your spiritual gifts employ holy symbols and consecrated materials, so they are equipment abilities.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 11 12 1 25 2d6+2
(10 Pts) (11 Pts) (12 Pts) (3 Pts) (25 Pts) (26 Pts)


lay on hands 1 (1 use/rank; action; while target not healed; target: healed, recover target's Rest Dice HP): You cannot heal characters who are dead, who are not injured, or who have already been healed since resting.

turn the unholy 1 (1 use/rank; near area, but only dark magic creatures; ranged vs Per; target: intimidated 1 turn; hit: no damage, but stunned permanently): Use your holy symbol to repel cursed beings.

(total Character Point Value 89 without equipment)

suggested equipment

longsword (melee vs Agi; +½ Pwr): Cut, thrust and parry without fancy flourishes.

shield (melee vs Agi; -½ Pwr; you: defending 1 turn): Strike from behind this shield or bash enemies with the shield itself.

(total Character Point Value 91 with this equipment)

optional abilities

cavalier (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve taming, training and riding animals.

cure poison (action; target: not stunned): Use this to remove the lingering effects of venomous bites and poison coated weapons.

defender (action; target: defending 1 turn; reaction to melee attack vs target: any melee attack): Protect a target and use a basic action or melee attack ability to counter melee attacks against them.

desperate charge (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): Clear a path through enemy lines.

infused with virtue (effect; use spells at full Pwr while disarmed): You are filled with divine energy. You can cast spells including supernatural paladin abilities when disarmed, and they don't have a Power penalty for being disarmed.

grappler 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

inspiring charge (melee vs Per; target rushed 1 turn): Lead a bold charge which catches the enemy off guard even if your attack does not hit.

joust (effect; you: not prone unless injured): You can't be knocked off your feet or mount if your Hit Points are not less than your Stamina.

protective aura (action; 1 AP; for 1 minute, allies within 3 meters: defending against dark magic, cover against other attacks): This usually lasts one encounter. Allies gain and lose protection depending on whether your aura covers them after you or they move.

pull rank (expertise): +5 to event checks using your elite status and connections for influence.

resurrect (1 use; 1 AP; dead target: recover 1 HP): After all attempts to save a life have failed, sometimes you can bring them back.

sense evil (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve dark magic and dark magic creatures.

signs and wonders (expertise): +5 to event checks that demonstrate divine power.

smite (free action; 1 AP; +½ Pwr to your attack): You can use this after the attack roll or damage roll. damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

spiritual leader (expertise): +5 to event checks when you need to admonish and inspire others.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

summon steed (1 use; environmental; summon a horse, unicorn, or pegasus): You must be outdoors. The steed arrives at the location where you summoned it within an hour. If the steed can fly, you must spend 1 AP. The steed becomes a fighting companion until you dismiss it or use this ability again. The steed will fight with you for one encounter if you spend 15 AP for a horse or 20 AP for a unicorn or pegasus. You can recruit the steed as a fighting companion instead for the usual AP cost.

vows of discipline (expertise): +5 to event checks which require you to resist temptation, exhaustion, pain, or fear.


Rogues are burglars, spies and assassins.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 10 10 2 20 2d6+2
(13 Pts) (10 Pts) (10 Pts) (6 Pts) (20 Pts) (26 Pts)


stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

flanking (melee vs Per; while target distracted; +½ Pwr): Attack the target's vulnerable flanks.

(total Character Point Value 87 without equipment)

suggested equipment

scimitar (melee vs Agi; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): A short curved blade for twirling guards and slashes.

throwing knife 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr): Each rank of this ability is 1 knife.

(total Character Point Value 89 with this equipment)

optional abilities

acrobatics (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

backstab (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

escape artist (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

footwork 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in outmaneuvering opponents.

grappler 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You disable enemies with wrestling techniques.

impostor (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve disguises, impersonation, and forgery.

intimidate 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): Make a threat or psychological attack which causes no damage, but if it is successful, each target you hit is intimidated until the end of your next turn.

outlaw (expertise): +5 to event checks which require being streetwise or working with criminals.

poison (expertise): +5 to event checks where you concoct, administer, or detect poison.

sneaky attacks (effect; while evading; any damaging attack; +½ Pwr): damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

striker 1 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close-range, stand-up fighting.

thievery (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve burglary and picking pockets.

thrower 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You practice throwing weapons such as knives, axes and javelins.

traps (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve building or disarming traps.


Wizards are alchemists, artificers and mages who cast arcane spells. Your spells require special components, so they are equipment abilities.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 13 9 0 18 2d6+1
(10 Pts) (13 Pts) (9 Pts) (0 Pts) (16 Pts) (23 Pts)


counterspell 1 (1 use/rank; reaction to attack or spellcasting; spell interrupted or target defending 1 turn): You block a spell or shield a creature with magical energy..

detect magic (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks where you need to sense the presence and nature of magical spells, items or creatures.

eldritch bolt (ranged vs Str; hit: prone 1 turn and pushed 1 meter + 1 meter per 10 full points of damage): A blast of magical force knocks the creature off its feet.

(total Character Point Value 74 without equipment)

suggested equipment

staff (melee vs Agi; reach): A common walking stick can be a versatile weapon.

fancy clothes (expertise): +5 to event checks that require you to appear wealthy.

(total Character Point Value 76 with this equipment)

optional abilities

alchemist 1 (1 use; 1 item/rank; while equipping; DC 15 event check to craft a magic item with limited uses): Each item can be used once. You can count duplicate 1 use/rank items as ranks of the same ability until they are used up.

animate object (action; AP varies; create a NPC companion from a plant or inanimate object): If you spend no AP the object is only animated for 1 minute and does not fight. If you spend 1 AP it is permanent. If you spend half the AP of a fighting companion, it can fight but only lasts for 1 minute or until the end of the combat encounter. If you spend the full AP of a fighting companion, it is permanent.

arcane lore (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve magic.

artificer (1 AP/Pts; while resting; make a magic item): When you make an item for another character, you must spend your AP instead of theirs.

conjurer 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in summoning the elements for spells like fireball and icy blast. This also helps your thrown weapon attacks.

death curse 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; double Pwr; no use or damage if damage < HP): If the damage of this spell is less than the target's remaining Hit Points, the attack deals no damage, and you regain the one use of this spell you expended when you cast it.

enchanter 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Per; +1 Crd/rank): You use charms and illusions to lure enemies into spells like lightning bolt and sleep. This also helps with sling and bow hunting.

evoker 1 (specialty: all ranged attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You channel magical force to empower spells like death curse, eldritch bolt, or telekinesis. This also helps you throw traps like nets or bolas.

fireball 1 (1 use/rank; far area; ranged vs Agi): Any flammable objects such as dry wood or spilled oil within the exploding fireball catch flame.

fly 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): If the environment lacks features which favor flying, like a large outdoor space, you can still fly for 1 turn, but you are not defending.

icy blast 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Agi; area becomes difficult terrain; hit: rushed 1 turn): Slow your enemies with a freezing vortex.

innate power (effect; use spells at full Pwr while disarmed): You can cast spells when disarmed, and they don't have a Power penalty for being disarmed.

lightning bolt 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; double Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Wild magical energy leaps in an arc from you to the target, if you can control it.

reanimate 1 (1 use/rank; animate a skeleton or create a zombie): Animating each creature takes 1 minute. For 1 AP you can make it a fighting companion of yourself or another character. You can make it someone's fighting companion for the usual Pts cost.

scrying (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve fortune telling or learning things you cannot know with natural senses alone.

sleep 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated and prone 1 turn): Targets hit by this spell will fall asleep as soon as they can perceive no nearby threats. Loud noises or nearby movement will wake them.

summon familiar (1 use; summon an animal companion): The familiar can take the form of any animal whose Character Point Value is not more than your Character Point Budget. You can use your free action to communicate with it telepathically, optionally telling it how to move and perform free actions even if it is a fighting companion. You can make it a fighting companion by spending the usual amount of AP.

telekinesis 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; hit: ½ HP damage, moved Per): Push or pull the target up to your Perception meters in any direction. Falling, slamming, or being crushed causes the target to lose half of its remaining Hit Points, up to a maximum of two times the highest damage you can roll with your Power. You can also use this spell on inanimate objects and willing creatures without an attack roll or causing damage.

thaumaturgy (expertise): +5 to event checks that require showing off your arcane powers.


Each character has six attributes: Agility, Perception, Strength, Coordination, Toughness and Power, abbreviated Agi, Par, Str, Crd, Tgh and Pwr.

Agility (Agi)

Agility is your defense when fast movement is are critical. Blocking, dodging and running for cover require Agility. Agility combines defense training, raw speed and short reaction time.

Agility is also the maximum distance you can move (measured in meters) on your combat turns.

Average Agility is 10. Each rank of Agility is worth 1 Pts. The maximum Agility you can develop through training is your template's Agility plus 7.

Perception (Per)

Perception is your defense against stealth, deception and manipulation. It includes problem solving ability, willpower and senses.

Perception is also a bonus to initiative checks which determine the order of turns during encounters.

Average Perception is 10. Each rank of Perception is worth 1 Pts. The maximum Perception you can develop through training is your template's Perception plus 7.

Strength (Str)

Strength is your defense against grappling and attacks that test your endurance. Exercise and wrestling develop Strength.

Average Strength is 10. Each rank of Strength is worth 1 Pts. The maximum Strength you can develop through training is your template's Strength plus 7.

Coordination (Crd)

Coordination is a bonus to attack rolls. It represents your manual dexterity, combat experience, and reliable aim.

Average Coordination is 0. Below average characters can have negative Coordination. Each rank of Coordination is worth 3 Pts. The maximum Coordination you can develop through training is your template's Coordination plus 7.

Toughness (Tgh)

Toughness is your maximum Hit Points - the amount of damage you can survive. It represents resilience and protection.

Average Toughness is 20. The Character Point Value of Toughness is based on the Toughness Pts table. The maximum Toughness you can develop through training is two times your template's Toughness.


In addition to the natural, unarmored Toughness you can improve through training, armor also contributes ranks to your Toughness attribute.

Armor Tgh Description
no armor 0 clothes
greaves 2 armor for the lower legs
helmet 4 can be worn with other armor
gambeson 6 padded coat
hauberk 8 chainmail shirt
brigandine 10 armored doublet with metal plates
breastplate 12 solid plate protecting vital organs
suit of mail 14 chainmail covers all but your face
half plate armor 16 only partial arm and leg protection
lamellar armor 18 reinforced scale armor
full plate armor 20 complete suit of solid metal plates
adamantine plate 25 made from unbreakable metal

Lighter and partial sets of armor can provide less Toughness than these examples. A single greave would only add 1 Toughness. A helmet that only covers the top of the head might add 2 Toughness.

13thcentury knight ilustration
  Tgh    Pts     Tgh     Pts     Tgh     Pts     Tgh     Pts   
1 -45 31 31 82 61 210 91
2 -40 32 32 84 62 220 92
3 -35 33 33 86 63 230 93
4 -30 34 34 88 64 240 94
5 -25 35 35 90 65 250 95
6 -20 36 36 92 66 260 96
7 -15 37 37 94 67 270 97
8 -10 38 38 96 68 280 98
9 -5 39 39 98 69 290 99
10 0 40 40 100 70 300 100
11 2 42 41 105 71 310 101
12 4 44 42 110 72 320 102
13 6 46 43 115 73 330 103
14 8 48 44 120 74 340 104
15 10 50 45 125 75 350 105
16 12 52 46 130 76 360 106
17 14 54 47 135 77 370 107
18 16 56 48 140 78 380 108
19 18 58 49 145 79 390 109
20 20 60 50 150 80 400 110
21 21 62 51 155 81 420 111
22 22 64 52 160 82 440 112
23 23 66 53 165 83 460 113
24 24 68 54 170 84 480 114
25 25 70 55 175 85 500 115
26 26 72 56 180 86 520 116
27 27 74 57 185 87 540 117
28 28 76 58 190 88 560 118
29 29 78 59 195 89 580 119
30 30 80 60 200 90 600 120

Hit Points

Hit Points (HP) are your Toughness minus any damage you have taken, plus any Hit Points you have recovered by healing and resting. If an attack reduces a character to 0 Hit Points, they are dying. If a dying character's Hit Points increase they are no longer dying.

Hit Points can never be less than zero. If you take more damage than your remaining Hit Points, your Hit Points are just reduced to 0.

When you increase your toughness, increase your Hit Points by the same amount. When you lower your toughness below your current Hit Points, lower your Hit Points to your new toughness.


Stamina is half your Toughness, rounded down. If your Hit Points are less than your Stamina, you are injured. If your Hit Points are greater than or equal to your Stamina, you are healthy. For example, if you have 27 Toughness, then you are dying when you have 0 Hit Points, injured when you have 1 to 12 Hit Points, and healthy if you have 13 to 27 Hit Points.

Rest Dice

Rest Dice is one six-sided die (d6) for every 6 points of Toughness. For example, if your Toughness is 20, then your Rest Dice is 3d6 (20 divided by 6, rounded down.) If you have less than 6 Toughness, your Rest Dice is 1d6. This is how many Hit Points you recover when resting.

Power (Pwr)

Power is measured in six sided dice (d6) plus pips (+1 or +2.) To find the damage of an attack, roll that many dice, then add the pips to the total.

Power reflects your prowess with whatever damaging attacks you use. This could be your size if you wield heavy weapons or your magical power if you cast spells

Some attacks are more powerful or less powerful. If the attack has -½ Pwr, halve the damage and round it down. If the attack has +½ Pwr, increase the damage by half (rounded down.) If the attack has double Pwr, double the damage.

Average Power is 2d6. The Character Point Value of Power comes from the following table. The maximum Power you can develop through training is twice as many dice as your template's Power, plus one more die if the template's Power has any pips.

Pwr   Pts   Pwr   Pts   Pwr   Pts  
1 -20 4d6+1 42 8d6+1 61
2 -10 4d6+2 44 8d6+2 62
1d6 0 5d6 47 9d6 63
1d6+1 6 5d6+1 49 9d6+1 64
1d6+2 12 5d6+2 51 9d6+2 65
2d6 20 6d6 54 10d6 66
2d6+1 23 6d6+1 55 10d6+1 67
2d6+2 26 6d6+2 56 10d6+2 68
3d6 30 7d6 57 11d6 69
3d6+1 33 7d6+1 58 11d6+1 70
3d6+2 36 7d6+2 59 11d6+2 71
4d6 40 8d6 60 12d6 72

Nonrandom Damage

This is an option rule. The GM may choose to use nonrandom damage in a scenario instead of rolling dice for damage. In that case damage is calculated by giving three points of damage per dice, and then adding any pips. For example, 3D6+1 damage would always be 3+3+3+1 or 10 damage when using nonrandom damage. If an ability added +½ damage to that, the ability would always do 15 damage instead, and a double damage ability would do 20 damage.

Critical Damage

This is an optional rule. If the GM chooses to use this rule in an adventure, then you can also use it in that adventure. If the total roll of your attack check, including modifiers, is at least 10 points higher than the attack's DC, then your attack causes twice as much damage as it normally would. Even if you automatically succeed, add your modifier to see if you deal critical damage.


Abilities are advantages which some characters have and others do not. Abilities reflect a character's equipment and anatomy as well as learned skills. For example, many weapons have a special ability, and some templates have abilities you can use with any weapon. Some characters have no attack abilities, relying on basic actions like strike, distract and grab in combat.

Some abilities have a rank, which must be at least 1. More ranks can change how the ability works, increase the ability's effect or determine the number of times it can be used in an encounter. Some abilities have a maximum rank, but others can have unlimited ranks.

The Character Point Value of an ability is its rank or 1 Pts if the ability does not have a rank.


Attack abilities have the keyword ranged or melee, depending on whether they attack from a distance or require direct contact, followed by "vs" and which of the target's defense attributes is the difficulty of the attack roll (Agi, Per or Str.) "Ranged vs Per" means a long distance attack whose difficulty is the target's Perception. Using an attack ability is a standard action. Some attack abilities also allow you to do a second attack or prepare a counter attack. Most attacks target one character at a time, but some can hit multiple targets. By default, attacks cause your Power in damage if the attack check is successful, but some attacks have more or less Power.

Combat Specialties

Specialty abilities compensate for the limited versatility of characters who specialize in one type of attack, like melee attacks vs Strength or ranged attacks vs Intelligence. They are most effective when you only have one specialty, but two specialties can also work. Each rank gives you a +1 Coordination bonus to the specific attack type. You cannot have more than 2 ranks of any combat specialty.


Expertiseabilities are used in events rather than encounters. Events are -combat situations or fighting on a larger scale than the personal combat of encounters. Battles between vehicles are events. Battles between characters when a vehicle is boarded are encounters. Each expertise ability applies to the area of knowledge referred to in the name and description of the ability. An expertise ability gives a +5 bonus to an event check.


A persona is also an ability that is used in events rather than encounters. A persona reflects advantages gained from social skills, status, personal values, reputation or charismatic talent. Though some may have more than one persona ability, only one persona ability can be used per event check. A persona ability can be used alone or in addition to another ability. A persona gives a +2 bonus to an event check.

Each persona has an opposite and mutually exclusive persona. (For example, a character can have the lawful or chaotic persona, but not both.) The GM may choose to award or revoke a persona based on a character's consistent behavior or on other circumstances that happen in game.

attractive (persona; not repulsive): Heads tend to turn towards you.

chaotic (persona; not lawful): You are comfortable breaking the law.

charitable (persona; not greedy): You give selflessly.

chaste (persona; not lustful): You are not influenced by others flirting with you.

courageous (persona; not cowardly): You stand your ground regardless of consequences.

cowardly (persona; not courageous): You flee from unwanted conflict.

diligent (persona; not slothful): You devote maximum effort to the task at hand.

envious (persona; not kind): You attack advantages others have.

gluttonous (persona; not temperate): You thrive in situations where excess or waste is happening.

greedy (persona; not charitable): You take selfishly.

humble (persona; not proud): You defer to others' sound advice.

kind (persona; not envious): You help others realize their personal advantages.

lawful (persona; not chaotic): You obey the letter and spirit of the law.

lustful (persona; not chaste): You flirt with others regularly.

patient (persona; not wrathful): You hold back and avoid retaliation.

proud (persona; not humble): You hold opinions in the face of opposing evidence.

repulsive (persona; not attractive): Heads tend to turn away from you.

slothful (persona; not diligent): You are skilled at work avoidance.

temperate (persona; not gluttonous): You show personal constraint, avoiding excess.

wrathful (persona; not patient): You are quick to retaliate.


Focus is the total number of all of your persona and expertise abilities. (For example, if you had two persona abilities and three expertise abilities, your Focus would be 5.) This is your modifier for event checks. Characters apply their perseverance and accumulated knowledge to solve complex problems.


The rules for using each ability are summarized by keywords in parentheses after the ability name. The description following the keywords may have additional rules or explanation about how the ability works.

action: This is a standard action, but it is not an attack

2 attacks: Attack the same target twice or two targets as a single action

-5, -2, +2 or +5 Crd: add this Coordination modifier to your attack check

reaction: Once you have performed this reaction, you cannot do another reaction until the beginning of your next turn

specialty: This combat specialty gives you a bonus to some attacks

effect: This ability has a passive effect; it is not an action

environment: This ability cannot be used unless the encounter allows it

expertise: This ability is used in events rather than encounters, +5 to appropriate event checks.

far area: Choose a point you can attack at least 10 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

For example, if you are using a map divided into 2 meter squares, you can target everyone in an area which is 5 spaces long and wide, as long as there are at least 5 spaces between you and the affected area.

When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

free action: Use this ability on your turn before or after your standard action

hit: This effect applies to the target(s) if the attack succeeds

melee: Standard action, close range attack, requires physical contact with target

-½ Pwr: Halve the damage of this attack.

+½ Pwr: Increase the damage of this attack by half.

double Pwr: Double the damage if the attack succeeds

move slow: You can only use this ability while moving slowly. If you have already moved at normal speed, you cannot use this ability for the rest of your turn. If you have already used this ability, you cannot move at normal speed on this turn.

near area: Choose a point you can attack no more than 5 meters away from you. This attack targets each creature which is closer to that point than you are.

For example, if you are using a map divided into 2 meter squares, you can target everyone in an area which is up to 5 spaces long and wide as long as it is adjacent to you.

When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

not: This ability makes it impossible for you to have another specific ability.

permanently: This effect lasts until something removes it or you are no longer threatened by enemies, such as the end of a successful encounter.

persona: This ability is used in events rather than encounters, +2 to appropriate event checks.

ranged: Standard action, long range attack, does not require physical contact

reach: This melee attack can target characters 2 meters away from you instead of only adjacent targets. When you are using a map divided into hexes or squares, you can target enemies with a full space between you, even if the map scale is more than 1 meter per space.

rider: Carry riders with less Strength than you, their turn must end in your space, and 3 target attacks count you and riders as 1 target

target: This effect applies to the targets immediately after the attack, whether or not the attack succeeds.

target and 2 other targets: This effect applies to both the main target and two other characters, whether or not the attack succeeds.

2 or 3 targets: The attack can target this many characters.

target each enemy you can reach: Target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack. If you are using a square grid, you attack enemies in all 8 spaces adjacent to you, including diagonals. This does not target allies.

When you do not use a map, you can target up to 3 enemies with this attack.

1 turn: This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

1 use: You can use this ability again after equipping between encounters.

1 use/rank: You can use this ability once per rank of the ability. You regain these uses after equipping between encounters.

vs Agi: The DC of the attack check is the target's Agility.

vs Per: The DC of the attack check is the target's Perception.

vs Str: The DC of the attack check is the target's Strength.

while: You can only use the ability if these requirements are met.

you: This effect applies to the character who performed this action.


States are conditions which affect a character during encounters. Some are temporary Coordination and defense modifiers. Some states keep track of the character's health and tactical position.

borrowed: You already borrowed a weapon in this encounter.

cover: +2 to all defenses.

darkness: -2 Coordination.

defending: +5 to all defenses.

distracted: -2 Coordination vs other targets.

disarmed: -½ Power, you cannot use equipment abilities.

evading: You can escape on your next turn, unless grabbed.

exposed: -5 to all defenses.

grabbed: -5 Coordination.

healed or already healed: A healing ability was used on you since your last rest.

dying: You have 0 Hit Points, but you are not dead yet.

injured: -5 Coordination.

intimidated: -5 Coordination.

prone: -2 to all defenses vs melee attacks, +2 vs ranged.

rushed: -2 to all defenses.

stunned: -5 to all defenses.

weightless: -2 Coordination, you cannot be prone.

Coordination Modifiers

Coordination modifiers affect attack rolls and other checks where you add Coordination, like the release action. They include penalties for fighting in darkness (-2) and while weightless (-2), injured (-5), intimidated (-5) or grabbed (-5). The penalty for being distracted (-2) is not included because it only applies if you attack someone other than the character who distracted you. These modifiers stack: they are added together when you have more than one modifier, so if you are injured and grabbed your total Coordination modifier is -10.

Defense Modifiers

Defense modifiers are added to the difficulty of attacks vs Agility, Perception and Strength. They include bonuses for cover (+2) or defending (+5) and penalties for being exposed (-5), rushed (-2) or stunned (-5). The defense modifier for being prone is left out because it is a bonus (+2) against ranged attacks but a penalty (-2) against melee attacks. These modifiers stack: they are added together when you have more than one modifier, so if you are defending but rushed your total defense modifier is +3.

Action Points

Any Action Points you don't spend on training and upgrades can be spent during events and encounters. You can use 1 Action Point to use an ability for an event check which is not a recommended type of expertise for the event.

You can use 5 Action Points after making any check (including attack rolls and event checks) to re-roll the check. You can use the original roll or the new roll, whichever is better.

After rolling for any check you can use up to 5 Action Points to add a +1 modifier to the check for each Action Point used.

After learning that an attack against you was successful, but before you subtract Hit Points or apply other effects of the attack, you can use 5 Action Points to make the player or GM who rolled the attack check roll a second time and use whichever result is lower. You can only do this once per attack. You cannot do this if the attack was automatically successful.

You can use 10 Action Points to recover 1d6 Hit Points. Use this when you are dying or when recovering a few Hit Points would remove the injured state and its -5 Coordination penalty.

1 AP non-recommended ability event check
1 AP +1 modifier to any check
2 AP +2 modifier to any check
3 AP +3 modifier to any check
4 AP +4 modifier to any check
5 AP +5 modifier to any check
5 AP re-roll a check
5 AP   make attacker re-roll and use the lower roll  
10 AP recover 1d6 Hit Points

Whenever the GM gives you an Action Point, your Character Point Budget also goes up by one point. For example, if your Character Point Budget was 102, and the GM awarded you 2 new Action Points, your Character Point Budget would now be 104.


When you create a character and during your downtime between adventures, you can spend AP on abilities or attributes, or save AP for events and encounters. You can also decrease attributes and remove abilities to get AP when retraining your character.

The Character Point Value of an attribute or ability is the amount of AP it costs. For example, to increase Power from 2d6 (20 Pts) to 2d6+1 (23 Pts) you must spend the difference in Action Points (3 AP.)

Update your Character Point Value as you add and remove attributes and abilities. This will make it easier to reset your AP between adventures, when you get back the AP you spent during events and encounters.

ability or attribute    value    maximum
unranked ability 1 Pts no rank
ranked ability 1 Pts/rank    no maximum rank unless the ability specifies one
Agility (Agi) 1 Pts/rank template Agility + 7
Perception (Per) 1 Pts/rank template Perception + 7
Strength (Str) 1 Pts/rank template Strength + 7
Coordination (Crd) 3 Pts/rank template Coordination + 7
Toughness (Tgh) see below 3 × template Toughness
Power (Pwr) see below 2 × template Power dice + 1d6 if any pips

These formulas give the Character Point Value of Toughness. At Toughness 40 and higher one AP will buy multiple ranks of Toughness.

Toughness 1 to 10 5 Pts/rank - 50 Pts
Toughness 10 to 20 2 Pts/rank - 20 Pts
Toughness 20 to 40 1 Pts/rank
Toughness 40 to 100 20 Pts + 1 Pts/2 ranks
Toughness 100 to 200 50 Pts + 1 Pts/5 ranks
Toughness 200 to 400 70 Pts + 1 Pts/10 ranks
Toughness 400 to 1000 90 Pts + 1 Pts/20 ranks
Toughness 1000 to 2000 120 Pts + 1 Pts/50 ranks
    Toughness 2000 to 4000     140 Pts + 1 Pts/100 ranks

These formulas give the Character Point Value of Power.

Power 1 or 2 10 Pts/pip - 30 Pts
Power 1d6 to 1d6 + 2 6 Pts/pip
Power 2d6 to 3d6 + 2 10 Pts/die + 3 Pts/pip
Power 4d6 to 5d6 + 2 12 Pts + 7 Pts/die + 2 Pts/pip
    Power 6d6 to 15d6 + 2     36 Pts + 3 Pts/die + 1 Pts/pip
Power 16d6 to 40d6 68 Pts + 1 Pts/die
Power 40d6 to 80d6 88 Pts + 1 Pts/2 dice

Second Template

To get access to more optional abilities or higher maximum attributes, you can add a second template. List this second template on your character sheet after your first template. For example, if your first template is elf and your second template is paladin, then you would list your template as "elf paladin."

All of the second template's abilities and optional abilities are now optional abilities for you. Also, the maximum rank for each of your attributes is the highest maximum rank of that attribute from either template. For example, if one of your templates has a maximum Perception of 20 and your other template has a maximum Perception of 17, then your maximum Perception is 20.

Both of your templates can be magical ancestries. That just means you have a mixture of both magical ancestries. If neither of your templates are magical ancestries, then you might only have human ancestry.


You can use any melee weapon as an improvised weapon with your basic attacks (distract, grab, or strike.) However, you must spend AP to acquire a weapon's ranged attack ability or special melee attack ability.

Ranged Weapons

The rank of ranged weapons is the number of times you can reload a weapon without resupplying. You can carry more ammunition than this and sometimes re-use ammunition, but extra ammunition and recovered ammunition is not usable until the GM allows you to equip items.

poison darts 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): When resupplying, you apply poison to one dart for each rank of this ability.

sling 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per): You carry 1 sling bullet for each rank of this ability.

bow 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Your quiver holds 1 arrow for each rank of this ability.

crossbow 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Your quiver holds 1 bolt for each rank of this ability.

Thrown Weapons

The rank of thrown weapons is the number you carry. You can recover, repair, and replace them when the GM allows you to equip items.

throwing knife 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr): Each rank of this ability is 1 knife.

throwing axe 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Each rank of this ability is 1 axe.

javelin 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): Each rank of this ability is 1 javelin.

net 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Str; -2 Crd; hit: no damage, but grabbed permanently): If you hit a target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

bolas 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.


Polearms can attack at a longer distance than other melee weapons, including across fences, between creatures and through other barriers which may offer you some protection.

staff (melee vs Agi; reach): A common walking stick can be a versatile weapon.

spear (melee vs Agi; reach; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): Deliver piercing thrusts in hunting or battle.

halberd (melee vs Agi; reach; -5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack targets up to 2 meters away.

lance (melee vs Str; reach; -5 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: prone): Knock an opponent off his horse with this heavy spear.


Usually double edged with a sharp point, swords are elegant weapons which take many years to fully master.

shortsword (melee vs Agi; +2 Crd): A feint draws their attention from your real attack.

rapier (melee vs Agi; +2 Crd, +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): A well-timed lunge leaves you only briefly exposed.

longsword (melee vs Agi; +½ Pwr): Cut, thrust and parry without fancy flourishes.

greatsword (melee vs Agi; -2 Crd; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Use both hands to wield this mighty sword.

Slashing Weapons

These bladed weapons are especially effective for mounted charges and other hit and run attacks.

scimitar (melee vs Agi; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): A short curved blade for twirling guards and slashes.

saber (melee vs Agi; -2 Crd, +½ Pwr; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): A long curved blade for slashing and parrying.

greataxe (melee vs Agi; -2 Crd, double Pwr; target: distracted 1 turn): A long wooden haft with a blade for hacking and chopping.


These weapons concentrate blunt force in each blow.

club (melee vs Agi; hit: stunned 1 turn): A simple wooden bludgeon.

mace (melee vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn; hit: stunned 1 turn): Metal flanges or spikes direct more force directly into the target.

warhammer (melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn; hit: stunned 1 turn): Direct the full force of your attack into a two handed blow.

Other Weapons

flail (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets or near area: distracted 1 turn): Distract all of the enemies in a near area while swinging the flail at one of them.

garrote (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed 1 turn): An assassin's easily concealed strangling weapon.

manacles 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If you hit the target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

shield (melee vs Agi; -½ Pwr; you: defending 1 turn): Strike from behind this shield or bash enemies with the shield itself.

whip (melee vs Per; reach; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): The whip can wrap itself around an opponent's arm or leg.

Adventuring Gear

The tools and equipment in this list each have an ability which you can use. These abilities increase your Character Point Value when you equip the items and bring them on adventures. If you decide that your character doesn't know how to use the equipment, you don't have to equip it or bring it on adventures.

Other tools and equipment, such as common clothes or a tinderbox, do not have abilities. They can affect the game, but usually not as much as an ability with Character Point Value. For example a tinderbox with no ability can light a torch or a campfire, but a torch's ability can illuminate an area or ignite a pool of oil on the ground.

craftsman's tools (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve crafting common objects.

explorer's pack (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve survival and orienteering in the wild.

grappling hook (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): You have a grappling hook, 10 meters of rope, and other climbing gear.

healer's kit (expertise): +5 to event checks when healing characters after encounters or casualty checks.

lantern (effect; no darkness in a 20 meter cone for 1 hour); Lighting the lantern takes 1 minute. You can adjust the length of the cone as a free action. The lantern goes out if the length is less than 1 meter.

miner's tools (expertise): +5 to event checks when prospecting, exploring caves, or digging for treasure.

oil flask 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; hit: no damage but target flammable and takes 2d6 damage if ignited): You can throw the oil onto a 1 meter square area instead of a target. When that area is ignited, any creature who touches the area at least once on their turn takes 2d6 damage at the end of the turn. The oil can also refuel a torch or lantern.

poisoner's kit (1 use/rank; action; food or drink causes a +2 vs Str casualty check, next hit with a weapon: stunned permanently): Create poisons which can coat sharp weapons or be hidden in food and drink.

thief's tools (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve picking locks or disabling traps.

torch (effect; no darkness within 10 meters for 1 hour): Touching or hitting something flammable with the lit torch causes it to catch flame.

Magic Items

These items are not widely available. Crafting magic items usually requires a special ability. PCs with those abilities can craft any items in this list unless the GM provides the players with a limited list of magic items they can create.

Equipping and attuning magic items takes time, so the limited uses of a magic item are usually the maximum number of times it can be used per day. If you cannot resupply a magic item's limited uses, then it only affects your Character Point Value until it runs out.

magic armor Tgh description
amulet of protection 10 attacks tend to avoid you
shield bracelet 20 emits invisible force disk
rare magic plate 30 enchanted suit of armor
legendary plate 40 fabled armor of invincibility

Notice that the Character Point Value of magical armor depends on the wearer's natural unarmored toughness. A shield bracelet will increase a Tgh 20 character's Character Point Value by 20 points, but legendary plate will also only increase a Tgh 40 character's Character Point Value by 20 points. Both double the character's Toughness and so they have a similar value.

acid flask 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Per; hit: darkness 1 turn): For each rank of this ability, the flask contains enough acid to destroy a metal object such as a sword or a lock.

cards of fate 7 (1 use/rank; reaction; re-roll a d20): The cards of fate help you foresee things that will occur. The rank of this ability is the number of enchanted trump cards in the deck.

conjurer's chest (action; the chest appears or disappears in an adjacent space): When you twist this key, a chest appears in front of you. The chest is large enough to hold a person. When you lock the chest, it becomes invisible and intangible.

crystal ball 1 (1 use/rank; action; commune with a magical being): You can contact spirits and other supernatural creatures, wherever they are.

dice of destiny 2 (1 use/rank: reaction; re-roll damage): The dice of destiny foretell how things will end. The rank of this ability is the number of dice in the set.

divining rod 1 (1 use/rank; action; DC 15 event check; success: sense the direction of something): You can always use arcane lore expertise to locate nearby water, treasure, or active magic. Sometimes you can use other expertise or locate other things.

djinni ring (1 use; 1 AP/use; action; summon a djinni): The djinni will try to grant you one wish if it is able. It can only help you in combat by intimidating each enemy in one encounter, and only if you spend 10 AP instead of 1. If you ask the djinni specifically to hurt someone, it will bring you the smoking censer and tell you to do it yourself.

elemental gem (1 use; action; summon an earth elemental): You can bind this elemental to do one day of work for each AP you spend, or to help you fight a single creature for 10 AP until the elemental or the target is injured.

gossamer dust 1 (1 use/rank; environmental; action; target: cover, crawl on walls and ceilings): This substance allows a creature to climb on walls and ceilings for up to one hour. Being harder to reach counts as cover in environments which allow climbing.

grasshopper boots (effect; move: jump 20 meters or 10 meters up): Instead of walking or running you can leap 20 meters horizontally or 10 meters vertically. You are not rushed by this movement even if it is more than half of your Agility.

greek fire 1 (1 use/rank; action: make a wall of fire 3 meters thick and 20 meters long; you: disarmed 1 turn): The fire ignites flammable objects. Anyone touching the fire on their turn takes 2d6 damage at the end of that turn. The wall can start anywhere and follow any continuous path you want as long as you can see the path, it rests on a solid or liquid surface, and it does not extend more than 20 meters away from you.

magic mirror 1 (1 use/rank; action; see the chosen creature): When you say the magic words, this mirror shows you a creature you ask for and its surroundings.

magic tinderbox (1 use; 1 AP/use; action; summon an efreeti): The efreeti will try to grant you one wish if it is able. It can kill a single creature if you spend 15 AP instead of 1 and the creature has a Character Point Value of 180 or less. If you don't have 15 AP the efreeti will roll its eyes and bring you the smoking censer.

mimicry mask (action): Change your appearance to look like any person or humanoid creature you have seen. Even your height can appear to change by up to half a meter. Your actual height does not change.

mirage paint 1 (1 use/rank): Anything you paint with these enchanted pigments appears real and three dimensional.

pan flute (1 use; action; summon a random fey): Roll 1d6 to determine whether you summon 1: a boggart, 2: a dryad, 3: a goblin, 4: a nixie, 5: a pixie swarm, or 6: a satyr. You can recruit the creature as a fighting companion for the usual AP cost, convince it to help you in one encounter for 5 AP, or persuade it to do a less dangerous task for 1 AP.

phial of water (1 use; action; summon a water elemental): You can bind this elemental to do one task for 1 AP, or to help you fight a group of creatures for 10 AP until the elemental is injured.

pulverized pixie wings 1 (1 use/rank; reaction to creature moving or falling; near area; targets can fly for 1 minute): This does not make creatures graceful in the air, but they do not fall.

serpentine dagger (action; melee vs Agi; automatic success: stunned permanently): When you automatically succeed by rolling 18, 19, or 20, the target stabbed by this dagger becomes poisoned.

seven league boots (effect; move: double speed): You can move your Agility in meters without being rushed or move twice that distance and be rushed until the end of your next turn.

smoking censer (1 use; action; summon an elemental assassin): This invisible assassin always has full HP when you summon it. For 1 AP the assassin will try to kill a single creature for you, no matter how long it takes or where the target is, until the assassin has 0 HP. For 5 AP the assassin will assist you in one battle until it is injured. The assassin may be willing to do other quick jobs like scouting nearby for 1 AP.

tome of lore (action): You can quickly find one true fact about any creature, place, or object in this book. It is always the same fact when anyone looks up the same creature. It is not always the fact you were looking for. You cannot look up facts about specific things unless you know their names.

winged boots 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): If the environment lacks features which favor flying, like a large outdoor space, you can still fly for 1 turn, but you are not defending.


You can be accompanied by traveling companions, and sometimes you may lead other NPCs who don't travel with you. For example, if you command a militia defending a town, you may have an event to train and prepare the militia, then an encounter in which the militia fight as NPCs controlled by the GM. Depending on how well the training went, you may be able to tell the militia when to execute certain plans, but you cannot directly control the militia.

Fighting Companions

When fighting companions are present in an encounter, they do not fight or offer other strategic aid. If they are forced to defend themselves, they are controlled by the GM, not the players.

Pets, including dogs and birds trained for hunting small game, are usually fighting companions

Horses and other combat mounts are usually fighting companions. Although they can be coaxed into entering dangerous places, they do not fight and they avoid danger when they are not being ridden. The rider can control the mount's movement on its turn and the rider is not rushed if the mount sprints.

Other fighting companions steer clear of combat and avoid going into dangerous places if they can.

Your PC can have one fighting companion. Fighting companions can be people, animals or creatures summoned by magic. You control the fighting companion like your own PC.

You must spend AP equal to the difference between your Character Point Value and the group Character Point Value of you and the companion together to make them a fighting companion.

They remain your fighting companion until you refill your AP between adventures or the fighting companion dies.

Adding Group Character Points

To find the combined Character Point Value of two characters, find the difference between the Character Point Value of the two characters, and look up the Group Character Points in this table.

Difference Group Character Point Value
133 or more Pts higher Pts + 1
115 to 132 Pts higher Pts + 2
102 to 114 Pts higher Pts + 3
92 to 101 Pts higher Pts + 4
83 to 91 Pts higher Pts + 5
76 to 82 Pts higher Pts + 6
70 to 75 Pts higher Pts + 7
64 to 69 Pts higher Pts + 8
59 to 63 Pts higher Pts + 9
54 to 58 Pts higher Pts + 10
50 to 53 Pts higher Pts + 11
46 to 49 Pts higher Pts + 12
42 to 45 Pts higher Pts + 13
39 to 41 Pts higher Pts + 14
36 to 38 Pts higher Pts + 15
33 to 35 Pts higher Pts + 16
30 to 32 Pts higher Pts + 17
27 to 29 Pts higher Pts + 18
24 to 26 Pts higher Pts + 19
21 to 23 Pts higher Pts + 20
18 to 20 Pts higher Pts + 21
15 to 17 Pts higher Pts + 22
13 or 14 Pts higher Pts + 23
11 or 12 Pts higher Pts + 24
9 or 10 Pts higher Pts + 25
7 or 8 Pts higher Pts + 26
5 or 6 Pts higher Pts + 27
3 or 4 Pts higher Pts + 28
1 or 2 Pts higher Pts + 29
0 Pts higher Pts + 30

If you have a Character Point Value of 75 and your companion has a Character Point Value of 35, then your Group Character Points is 75 + 14 = 89 according to the table. You must spend 14 AP to make them a fighting companion.

On the other hand if you have a Character Point Value of 75 and your companion has a Character Point Value of 90, then your Group Character Points is 90 + 22 = 112 according to the table. You must spend 112 - 75 = 37 AP to make them a fighting companion.

Play your Character

In your adventures in The Dark Woods, you will play your PC in stories, combat encounters, and -combat events. During adventures your PC can grow by acquiring AP and increasing your Character Point Budget, but they can also be injured or killed.

Joining the Party

Your PC and the PCs of any other players will form a party of adventurers before or during their first adventure together. They may be united by personal loyalty or mutual goals. PCs can be replaced, but an adventure may end prematurely if all of the PCs die or if they all abandon the quest.

If your PC dies during the adventure, you can create a new PC to replace them after the adventure or sooner if the GM allows. Your new PC has the same Character Point Budget as your deceased PC, plus any Character Point Budget the party has earned since their passing.

In other words every PC in the party has the same Character Point Budget whether they live or die. This encourages selfless heroism and allows you to introduce a more powerful PC in later adventures instead of always building one cautious character from zero to hero.


The GM will tell you to make checks when there is a chance that circumstances will cause your character to fail at what they are trying to do.

To make a check, roll a twenty-sided die (d20). The number on top of the die is your roll's natural value. If this value is 1, 2, or 3 you automatically fail. If it is 18, 19, or 20, you automatically succeed.

If the natural value does not cause automatic failure or success, then add any modifiers that apply to your check. Compare the total to your check's difficulty class (DC.) If the total is less than the DC you fail. If the total is greater than or equal to the DC you succeed.

d6 Checks

If you don't have a twenty-sided die (d20) you can use this alternate rule to make checks using a six-sided die (d6.)

Roll the d6. If the natural value of this roll is 1 you automatically fails. If the natural value is 6, you automatically succeed.

If you do not automatically succeed or fail, multiply the roll by 3 and then add any modifiers that apply to your check. Compare this total to the DC. If the total is less than the DC, you fail. If the total is greater than or equal to the DC, you succeed.

Casualty Checks

The GM can make casualty checks against you when you may be injured by an accident, barrage, trap or environmental hazard.

The GM's modifier depends on the severity of the threat, and the DC is your Agility, Perception or Strength depending on the type of threat.

A successful casualty check causes you to take damage. If the check was automatically successful, your Hit Points are reduced to 0. Otherwise, roll your own Rest Dice to see how much damage you take. If your Hit Points are 0 you might die.

Casualty Check Example

We will use this character as the PC in all our examples of how to play your character.


Chali is an elf paladin.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 12 10 2 18 2d6+1


fey resistance (effect; cover vs enchantment, distracted, intimidated or stunned): You have cover, giving you a +2 to all defenses, against enchantment spells and attacks which can cause the distracted, intimidated or stunned state.

keen senses (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You have low light vision, sensitive ears, and a keen sense of smell.

saber (melee vs Agi; -2 Crd, +½ Pwr; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): A long curved blade for slashing and parrying.

sense evil (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve dark magic and dark magic creatures.

smite (free action; 1 AP; +½ Pwr to your attack): You can use this after the attack roll or damage roll. damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

tracking (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks orienteering, stalking, following tracks, covering tracks, traversing rough terrain and avoiding ambushes.

Character Point Value 87

Chali has been stalking an unholy monstrosity in the ruins of an underground city.

GM: The trap floor gives way, opening a chasm beneath your feet.

(The GM rolls a twenty sided die and adds a +2 casualty check modifier.)

GM: 12 vs your Perception, Chali.

Player: Unfortunately, my Perception is exactly 12, so that just barely succeeds.

GM: The floor collapsed before you could react. You fall into the pit. What are your Rest Dice?.

Player: 3d6.

(The GM rolls three six sided dice.)

GM: You take 10 damage when you hit the bottom..

Player: Ouch! I have 8 hit points left, and I'm injured.


During an event, you and other players help tell the story by describing your characters' activities and making checks to see if those activities are successful. Each event has a DC which is used for all of the event checks you make during the event. The event description explains the situation and what you must do. Certain kinds of expertise might be important to the event. There will also be benefits to succeeding at the event, consequences for failure or both.

First, the GM describes the event and tells you which areas of expertise are important. Then you and any other players take turns making event checks clockwise starting with the player to the left of the GM. When the number of successful checks or failed checks is equal to the number of players plus two, the event is over. The whole event is successful if the successful checks outnumber the failed checks.

During events, you can have your companions make event checks for you. To use a fighting companion in an event you must usually spend 1 AP, then that companion can keep making checks for you until the event is finished.

Event Checks

At the beginning of your turn, decide what you are trying to do and which abilities will apply to that activity. If at least one of your persona abilities affects what you are doing, add a +2 modifier to your Focus for this check. If you have at least one expertise ability the GM says is important, add a +5 modifier. You only get one persona modifier and one expertise modifier for each event check, even if you have several that apply.

You can use an improvised ability instead of an expertise ability your GM says is important, but you must spend 1 AP to do it. If this ability is not expertise, it only gives you a +2 modifier.

After deciding which abilities to use, describe what you are doing. You do not always have to do what the GM expects. If the GM suggests sneaking past guards you could try offering them a bribe instead.

Finally, make the check, using your Focus as the modifier, plus a persona modifier and an expertise modifier if you have them. When an event check automatically succeeds, it counts as two successful checks. When an event check automatically fails, it counts as two failed checks.

Sometimes the GM may ask you or one of your companion characters to make a single event check outside of an event.

Event Example

Chali is injured but continues exploring the underground city. Maybe she can track the monster to its lair and return with reinforcements. Along the way she finds a strange fountain and the GM lets her do an event to investigate it.

The GM has the following notes about the event.

Description: You see an ornate fountain flowing with fresh, clear water. The fountain is covered in engraved symbols and elaborate carvings.

Difficulty: DC 17

Expertise: Knowledge of history, writing, and stonework will help you interpret the carvings. You can also use magical expertise to determine if the water is enchanted.

Success: Each successful check reveals an encouraging clue, suggesting the water has beneficial effects. Succeeding at the event reveals that it is a healing fountain. Each PC gets 1 AP and their Pts Budget increases by 1. You can drink from the fountain to recover your Rest Dice in Hit Points.

Failure: Each failed check reveals a disturbing clue that something is wrong with this fountain. Failing at the event leaves you with the impression that the fountain is cursed. If you drink from the fountain anyway, make a +2 vs Strength casualty check.

Usually an event for new PCs will have a DC of 15, but the reward for this event is very useful, so the difficulty has been increased.

The event will end when Chali has three failed event checks or three successful event checks. (This is the number of players in this event plus two.)

Chali has two expertise abilities, sense evil and tracking. This gives her Focus 2, and a +5 to event checks when those areas of expertise are important.

(The GM begins by reading the event description.)

GM: You see an ornate fountain flowing with fresh, clear water. The fountain is covered in engraved symbols and elaborate carvings.

(After reading the description, the GM needs to tell the players about the important areas of expertise.)

GM: Do you have history, writing or stonework expertise?

Player: Nope.

GM: Do you have magical expertise?

Player: I can sense evil.

GM: That will help you tell if the water is cursed. What will you try first?

Player: I close my eyes and try to detect the presence of evil magic.

GM: Okay, roll.

(The player rolls a twenty sided die, adding Chali's Focus 2 plus 5 for her sense evil expertise.)

Player: I rolled a total of 18.

GM: That's a success. You do not feel an evil presence in the room. What next?

Player: I guess I'll taste the water.

GM: Getting right to the point, I see. Roll again.

(The player rolls the twenty-sided die again, adding Chili's Focus 2 plus 5 for her sense evil expertise. Magical expertise remains important regardless of what Chali is trying to do at the moment.)

Player: I only rolled 15 this time.

GM: That's a failure. As you are about to take a sip of the water you notice a pile of rat bones in the corner. It could be a bad sign. Will you try tasting the water anyway, or do you want to try something else?

Player: I guess it won't hurt to try reading the symbols before drinking the water.

(The player rolls a twenty-sided die again. Chali still has Focus 2 plus 5 for her sense evil expertise, but this time the player rolls a natural 19 before adding those modifiers.)

Player: Automatic success!

GM: That counts as two successes. You have three successes now, and that is enough to complete this event. The ancient elvish script explains that this is a magical healing fountain. You get one Action Point and your Character Point Budget increases by 1. Do you drink the water?

Player: Might as well try.

GM: roll your Rest Dice

(The player rolls 3d6.)

Player: I rolled 12.

GM: you recover 12 Hit Points.

Player: I have my maximum 18 Hit Points now, so I'm healthy again.


During encounters you fight with nonplayer characters (NPCs.) The PCs and NPCs take turns until one side is defeated. Your side is defeated if you are all dying, grabbed or unable to fight. You are unable to fight if you escape the encounter or die.


At the beginning of the encounter, make an initiative check using your Perception as the modifier. This check does not automatically succeed or fail. The player or GM with the highest initiative check decides who gets the first turn. Break a tie for highest initiative by having the tied players or GM each roll a die until one of them has a higher roll.

If you control more than one character (as a player or GM,) each of those characters gets a turn during your turn. You choose the order of their turns within your turn.

At the end of your turn, the player or GM to your left gets a turn. In other words, the players and GM take turns clockwise, starting with the person chosen by the winner of the initiative check.

All characters are defending from the beginning of an encounter until their first turn ends.


On your turn you may move and then perform a standard action.

You can perform one free action per turn before moving, while moving, after moving or after your standard action. As a free action you can jump, climb or swim; draw, holster or sheath a weapon; open and close doors; push buttons; speak quickly; drop, pass or pick up a handheld object; stand up or drop prone.

You can also perform one reaction between turns. As a reaction you can take an object handed to you, drop an object in your hand, or allow someone to squeeze past you, or answer a quick question.


Most attacks are standard actions. An attack requires a check with your Coordination as a modifier and the target's Agility, Perception or Strength as the difficulty class (DC.) If your attack is successful, the target takes damage equal to your Power roll. This damage is subtracted from the target's Hit Points (HP.)

Basic Actions

All characters can use these basic actions on their turn.

strike (melee vs Agi): Strikes can be many kinds of simple, close range, damaging attacks, such as kicks and punches, swinging a weapon or burning the target with a hot iron.

distract (melee vs Per; target: distracted 1 turn, +2 to hit you): Draw enemy ire toward yourself with a provoking attack, giving them a +2 bonus to hit you, but a -2 to hit anyone else even if you miss. If the enemy is already distracted, this replaces the previous effect. To keep the target distracted, use this action each turn.

grab (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Grab an enemy and hold him through your next turn. Being grabbed gives the target -5 Coordination, but this attack causes half as much damage as strike or distract. You and your enemy can only move by dragging each other. To maintain your hold you must make another successful grab attack each turn.

evade (action; you: defending, evading 1 turn): Avoid attacks instead of attacking. The defending state gives you +5 to all defenses until the end of your next turn. The evading state allows you to escape on your next turn.

escape (action; while evading, not grabbed; you: leave encounter): You can only escape if you are evading but not grabbed. If you used the evade action on your previous turn, then you are evading. When using a map, you can only escape if you start your turn in an exit area, sometimes the edge of the map. After leaving the encounter you have no more turns and cannot be targeted by actions.

rearm (action; you: not disarmed): You are no longer disarmed.

borrow (1 use; action; unresisting target: disarmed 1 turn; you: use target's equipment action): The target must be willing, dead, dying or already disarmed by you. You cannot borrow weapons from a character who is disarmed by someone other than you. When you use one of the target's weapons, use your own Coordination and Power.

release (action; while target grabbed permanently; Crd vs DC 10; success: not grabbed): Attempt to free a character who has been restrained. Make a Coordination check vs DC 10. If the check succeeds the target is no longer grabbed. This does not free a character who has been grabbed for a duration of 1 turn, it only removes a grabbed status which lasts until released. You cannot use the release action if your whole party is already dying, grabbed, or unable to fight.

coup de grace (melee vs Str; while target dying; hit: dead): Finish off a dying enemy who has no more Hit Points. If the attack succeeds, the target dies.


If an action has Power or Coordination modifiers, these apply to the action and its immediate consequences (like damage the action causes to an enemy.) Other effects of actions - such as effects beginning with the keywords hit, target or you - begin immediately after you attack but before any counterattacks.

The grab action, for example, has a -1/2 Power modifier, so a grab causes half as much damage as a strike. Grab also has a hit effect: the target is grabbed (-5 Coordination) for 1 turn if the grab is successful. This effect begins after your successful attack check, so if the target has a counterattack ready, the counterattack has a -5 Coordination penalty because the grabbed effect begins before the counterattack.

Many effects last until the end of your next turn or the end of your attacker's next turn. These effects are continuous.

If you were grabbed by an opponent for 1 turn and then grabbed 1 turn again on the opponent's next turn, you were not grabbed, released, then grabbed a second time; You were grabbed and held continuously for two turns.

If you were knocked prone for 1 turn, then hit by another attack that gives you the prone state for 1 turn, you were not knocked down twice; You were knocked down by the first attack and held down or prevented from standing by the second attack.


Although it is not necessary, you can use a map and markers or miniatures to keep track of character locations. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, you occupy any spaces covered or partially covered by your marker or the base of the miniature representing your character. For example a 1 inch circle shaped marker can occupy a single 1 inch square space by standing in the center of that space, two spaces by standing on the edge of those spaces, or four spaces by standing on the corner those spaces share.

You cannot move through walls or occupy spaces on both sides of a wall. Squeezing up against a wall or in a passage narrower than your marker does not occupy spaces on the far side of that wall or the passage's walls. You cannot attack through walls. Attacks which affect an area must have no walls between you and the center of the area you are targeting, and they only affect targets if there are no walls between the center and the target.

Distance Without Maps

If you are not using a map, assume that characters who make ranged attacks use their movement to keep their distance from characters making melee attacks. If you make a ranged attack and you are not grabbed, anyone who makes a melee attack against you before your next turn is rushed for 1 turn.

If you are not using a map, you can escape from combat regardless of whether you can outrun your pursuers. Slower characters can use endurance, stealth, distractions or obstacles to throw off their pursuers.


If the map is divided into hexes or squares, you can attack from any point in a space you occupy. You can also be targeted by any effect that can reach a space you occupy. For example, you can attack from any corner of your space to any corner of a space occupied by your target, even if the area between the middle of your spaces is blocked by a wall.

Unless an ability gives you more reach, your melee attacks can only target characters adjacent to you. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, adjacent means that you occupy at least one space that shares a corner with at least one space occupied by the target.

Moving Fast

Normally you can move a number of meters equal to your Agility on your turn. Sprinting doubles the distance you can move, but you are rushed until the end of your next turn.

You can split up your movement to move more than once per turn, but you can only continue moving after quick, free actions. For example, if you have 10 Agility you can move 3 meters, open a door and then move 7 more meters.

You cannot move after performing a standard action. Fighters are constantly moving, but they are particularly vulnerable while attacking. Because you move before your action, your marker remains where you performed your last attack or other major action, which is where you were most likely to be attacked by an enemy.

Moving Slow

When you move slowly, the distance you can move is halved. If the map is divided into hexes or squares, you may move at least one hex or square per turn if you can move at all, regardless of the map scale. If the squares are 2 meters wide, then you can move at least 2 meters per turn unless you can't move at all.

You must move slowly on difficult terrain such as thick undergrowth, tight spaces, knee-deep snow or water, sticky mud, slippery and unstable surfaces. You must move slowly up steep slopes, but you can move normally down or across the slope.

You must move slowly while climbing or burrowing. If you have no swimming abilities you must move slowly when swimming. If you do not have a crawling ability, you must move slowly while prone. If you can fly, you do not have to move slowly over difficult terrain below you.

You must move slowly around enemies who can reach you with melee attacks, but you don't have to move slowly when moving into their reach.


To make a running jump, move in a straight line and jump during the second half of that straight line movement. The maximum distance you can jump is half your Agility in meters, even if you sprint. You can make a standing jump up to half that distance.

After any jump, you are rushed until the end of your next turn.

To jump across a gap and land on your feet you must clear the gap with at least 1 meter to spare. If you don't have any room to spare, you can hang on the other side of a gap, but you are exposed until you drop down or use an action to pull yourself up on the other side. So, to jump across a 2 meter gap and land on your feet, you need to jump 3 meters. To jump across a 2 meter gap and hang on the edge, you only need to jump 2 meters.

Dragging and Carrying

When using a map, a character is much larger if its marker or the base of its miniature is at least twice as wide as yours. When you are not using a map, a character is much larger if its Strength is at least 5 ranks higher than yours.

If you have grabbed another character or they have grabbed you, and you are not much larger than them, then you must move slowly, dragging them with you. However, if you are much larger than them, then they are immobilized and you can carry them.

When you are immobilized you do not move unless dragged or carried by another character, and you can only use close range attacks against enemies who have used a close range attack against you since your last turn.


If you are dying at the beginning of your turn, make a DC 15 check with no modifiers (roll a d20.) If you automatically fail (3 or less) you die. If you fail (14 or less) you fall prone and may not move or perform actions. If you are successful (15, 16 or 17) you may move slowly and perform free actions, but not reactions or standard actions like attacking. If you are automatically successful (18, 19, or 20) you may move normally and perform a standard action like attacking. Instead of making dying checks for NPCs, assume they fail their checks, fall prone and cannot perform actions.

dying check effect
1 to 3 dead
4 to 14 prone, immobilized, no actions
15 to 17 move slowly, only free actions
18 to 20 normal movement and actions

Encounter Example

Chali has caught up with the creature she has been hunting in the ruined underground city. It is an axe-wielding skeleton which has been animated by forbidden magic.


Animated bones trained for combat.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 8 8 0 18 2d6


ambush (effect; while evading; any damaging attack; +½ Pwr): You emerge suddenly from a pile of jumbled bones or from beneath murky water and attack. damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

reassemble 3 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

submerge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

throwing axe 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Hurl an axe before you overrun your prey.

Character Point Value 68

GM: Roll initiative.

(The GM and the player each roll a twenty sided die and add it to their character's Perception.)

Player: I got 23.

GM: The skeleton got 17. You can go first.

Player: I swing my big old saber, which gives me cover and keeps the skeleton distracted.

(The player rolls a twenty sided die, adding Chali's Coordination 2, and the saber's -2 Coordination modifier.)

Player: 14 vs Agility.

GM: You are the only other person nearby, but you definitely have the skeleton's attention. The skeleton is defending because it hasn't had its first turn yet. It ducks your swing and then it evades by crumbling into a pile of bones.

Player: I'll use a basic strike to stomp on the bones. That should give me a better chance to hit them.

(The player rolls the twenty sided die again, adding Chali's Coordination 2.)

Player: 17 vs Agility.

(The player rolls two six sided dice and adds 1 to the total for Chali's Power 2d6+1.)

Player: 8 damage.

GM: You hear a crunch, but the bones, slightly crushed but still intact, roll across the floor, reassembling three meters behind you, throwing an axe.

(The GM rolls a twenty sided die, adding the skeleton's Coordination 0.)

GM: 12 vs Agility.

Player: My Agility is 13. I dodge it.

GM: It has a second attack, lunging at you with a dagger while you are dodging the axe.

(The GM rolls the die again, adding the same modifier.)

GM: 15 vs Agility. It hit you this time.

(The GM rolls the skeleton's two six sided Power dice.)

GM: You take 7 damage. The skeleton is rushed because it used those special attacks.

Player: I still have 11 Hit Points. I swing my saber again.

(The player makes another attack roll with Coordination 2 and the saber's -2 Coordination modifier.)

Player: I only rolled 8 vs Agility.

GM: That barely hits because the skeleton is rushed.

(The player rolls Chali's Power 2d6+1 again.)

Player: 8 damage again, plus the saber adds half more for a total of 12 damage.

GM: You cleave the bones, destroying the skeleton, but then the scattered, broken bones begin to reassemble.

(The GM rolls 3d6 for the skeleton's reassemble ability.)

GM: Wow. It recovers 16 hit points.

Player: Not good. I cleave it with the saber again.

(The player makes another saber attack roll.)

Player: 11 vs Agility

GM: That hits.

(The player rolls Chali's Power 2d6+1 again.)

Player: 9 damage plus half is only 14. I use my new Action Point to use smite, making it double damage. The skeleton takes 18 damage.

GM: It is destroyed.

Player: I do a coup de grace, smashing the skeleton's skull.

GM: You have totally destroyed it. You can no longer sense the evil magic which animated it..

The Aftermath

After casualty checks or successful encounters you are no longer threatened, and you find a way to end permanent states like being grabbed or stunned. However, if you are dying, that state could end with your recovery or your demise.

If you have any healing abilities that require actions, you can use them now in any order, without needing to take turns, even if you are dying yourself.

Then, if you are not dying, you can make one DC 15 event check to heal a character. If your check succeeds and that character is not already healed, they can roll their Rest Dice and recover that many Hit Points. If they are already healed, a successful check can only increase their Hit Points to 1.

Next, if you are still dying, make a DC 10 check with no modifiers. If this check succeeds, you recover 1 Hit Point. This is your chance to pull through on your own, even if you have no help.

Finally, you can spend 10 Action Points to recover 1d6 Hit Points. 

If you still have 0 Hit Points, you die.


Between encounters the GM will say whether you have the resources you need to reload and resupply abilities that have a limited number of uses, such as collecting, repairing, and replacing used ammunition. When you do have the resources, you regain all expended uses of those abilities.

The GM may allow you to sell back abilities for AP. For example, if you run out of ammunition early in the adventure and cannot get more, the GM may allow you to unequip your ranged weapons and trade their abilities for AP.

The GM may determine that you can acquire new abilities or improved attributes from found equipment by spending AP on those abilities and attributes.


You can rest between events and encounters if the GM says you have enough food, water, shelter and time. While resting, if you are not already healed, roll your Rest Dice and recover Hit Points equal to that roll. After resting you are no longer already healed and can be healed again.


Between adventures, surviving PCs recover all of their Hit Points, so their Hit Points are equal to their Toughness. Any players without surviving PCs can make new PCs.

Reset your AP to your current Character Point Budget minus your current Character Point Value. Now you can improve attributes or pick up new abilities by spending AP. You can also change your training to reduce attributes or get rid of abilities and get some AP back. You can acquire a second template if you do not already have one, or even change your persona if you think that makes sense.

GM an Adventure

As the GM you control the World of the Dark Woods, describing things to provide the players with entertaining challenges, even challenges which can be deadly for their PCs.

Let the players decide what their PCs and fighting companions do while you control their enemies and other NPCs. The Bestiary contains game stats for monsters, animals and other NPCs. These stats resemble PC templates, but NPCs don't need character sheets. You can use the stats right out of the book, print them out, or write them down.

Allow players to try things that are not covered in the adventure you have planned. Usually these can be played out by storytelling and acting in character.

However, when there is a chance of success and a chance of failure you can require a character to make a single event check, create an event for the whole party of PCs to work together, or begin an encounter if the PCs are engaging in combat.

You decide which expertise abilities are important for event checks. Players can make suggestions, but you have the final say. You can also require a character to use a defense attribute (Agility, Perception or Strength) minus 10 instead of Focus for a single event check.

Sometimes players are able to come up with very impressive solutions, and other times players don't have a lot of good options. When a player makes an event check, you can give feedback in the form of a modifier to the roll. You can subtract 2 for impractical actions or add 2 for very appropriate actions. This modifier is based purely on your personal opinion, and players are not allowed to argue with that decision.

Create an Event

When describing an event, consider how characters can work together instead of just relying on their individual attributes and abilities. A character may be able to shield allies from an avalanche with their own body or use deception and speed to lead predators away from slower allies.

In events that lead to a single moment of success, like searching for hidden objects or creatures, show how each successful event check is a step toward the goal. Each success may bring you closer to finding a secret door, or each success might be a different ambush you spotted and avoided.

For events where one character's failure means defeat, like sneaking and escaping, failed checks are merely close calls, while successful checks can help everyone. Characters can protect allies, draw fire and distract predators.

For events where many degrees of success or failure are possible, set the consequences of success as if the event were mostly successful but not the best possible outcome, and set the consequences of failure as if the event were less successful but not a total failure.

Difficulty, Success and Failure

As a rule of thumb, event DC should be around one tenth of a single PC's Character Point Budget plus 5. If PCs start with a budget of 100 Pts, then events should have a DC of about 15 (10 + 5.)

Increase the DC by 2 ranks if the event is harder with greater rewards. Decrease the DC by 2 ranks if the event is easier with less rewards or if one player is making a single event check instead of a whole event.

For example, when the PCs must make casualty checks for failing the event, that is very bad (-2 DC,) but if their enemies must make casualty checks when the PCs succeed, that is very good (+2 DC.)

Do not adjust the DC for modest rewards or consequences. A modest reward would be giving 1 AP to each PC and increasing their Character Point Budget by the same amount.

(Multiple event checks curve the result toward an average number of successful checks, so 2 ranks of DC change the chance of success for the whole event by about 20%, even though they only change the chance of success for single event checks by about 10%.)

Player vs Player Events

In most adventures the PCs do not compete directly against each other, but if that happens, divide the players into teams. Players take turns as if they were doing a single event, but each team has its own pool of successes and failures. The first team to get twice as many successes as they have PCs wins. The first team to get twice as many failures as they have PCs loses. The event ends when either team wins or loses.

Create an Encounter

Usually you will make the NPCs a bit less powerful than the PC party so that the PCs are challenged but will probably win.

Character Point Budget level Character Point Budget example
100 new PCs 0 cat
100 to 129 adventurers 30 child
130 to 159 heroes 60 youth
160 to 199 paragons 75 peasant
200 or more legends 250 ancient dragon

Encounter Character Point Budget

Adding 50 points to the Character Point Budget of the PCs will give you a Character Point Budget for a single NPC who is a little bit less powerful than a full party of four PCs.

For example, a single 150 point enemy should be challenging but not too difficult for a party of four 100 point characters. Adding 10 points will make the encounter more difficult. Subtracting 10 points will make it easier.

You can ignore the Character Point Value of abilities NPCs never use. For example a 71 point enemy with an unused expertise ability can count as a 70 point enemy.

Group Character Points

Use these tables to find the combined Character Point Value of a group of characters.

Multiplying Group Character Points

Use this table to find the Group Character Point Value of several characters with the same individual Character Point Value.

Quantity Group Character Point Value
2 characters individual Character Point Value + 30 Pts
3 characters individual Character Point Value + 48 Pts
4 characters individual Character Point Value + 60 Pts
5 characters individual Character Point Value + 70 Pts
6 characters individual Character Point Value + 78 Pts
7 characters individual Character Point Value + 84 Pts
8 characters individual Character Point Value + 90 Pts
9 characters individual Character Point Value + 96 Pts
    10  characters     individual Character Point Value + 100 Pts

Adding Group Character Points

To find the Group Character Point Value of two characters or groups of characters, find the difference between the Character Point Value of the two characters or groups, and look up the Group Character Point Value in this table.

Difference Group Character Point Value
133 or more Pts higher Pts + 1
115 to 132 Pts higher Pts + 2
102 to 114 Pts higher Pts + 3
92 to 101 Pts higher Pts + 4
83 to 91 Pts higher Pts + 5
76 to 82 Pts higher Pts + 6
70 to 75 Pts higher Pts + 7
64 to 69 Pts higher Pts + 8
59 to 63 Pts higher Pts + 9
54 to 58 Pts higher Pts + 10
50 to 53 Pts higher Pts + 11
46 to 49 Pts higher Pts + 12
42 to 45 Pts higher Pts + 13
39 to 41 Pts higher Pts + 14
36 to 38 Pts higher Pts + 15
33 to 35 Pts higher Pts + 16
30 to 32 Pts higher Pts + 17
27 to 29 Pts higher Pts + 18
24 to 26 Pts higher Pts + 19
21 to 23 Pts higher Pts + 20
18 to 20 Pts higher Pts + 21
15 to 17 Pts higher Pts + 22
13 or 14 Pts higher Pts + 23
11 or 12 Pts higher Pts + 24
9 or 10 Pts higher Pts + 25
7 or 8 Pts higher Pts + 26
5 or 6 Pts higher Pts + 27
3 or 4 Pts higher Pts + 28
1 or 2 Pts higher Pts + 29
0 Pts higher Pts + 30


Some environment types have special rules. Abilities which have the environmental keyword, such as burrowing, climbing, diving or flying abilities, can only be used in environment types that allow them. An encounter can combine several environment types.

arctic: This environment allows burrowing, diving and flying.

darkness: Characters without blind fighting abilities have -2 Coordination. Apply this rule in environments with no light, very dim light, fog or smoke that makes seeing difficult. Also use this effect when the environment has big, dark shadows that large characters can hide in.

concealment: Characters have -2 Perception. Apply this rule to cluttered environments where characters can easily hide, like thick undergrowth. This makes it easier for everyone to sneak up on their opponents with clever footwork and hunting tactics.

high gravity: All characters have a -2 Agility modifier.

hungry predators: If any PCs are dying, the predators will attack them with coup-de-grace attacks until they are dead. The predators will fight each other for the corpse. They will not attack evading PCs if there is at least one dead or dying PC. If a PC attacks one of the predators while they are fighting over the corpses, the predators will resume fighting the PCs. If a predator is alone and injured, it will try to escape.

jungle: Everyone has a -2 perception modifier. Characters can climb the trees and vines.

loose soil: This environment allows burrowing. Loose soil can be dry sand or tilled earth, but it can also mean deep snow or terrain riddled with tunnels left by other burrowing creatures.

no concealment: Characters have +2 Perception. There is nowhere for characters to hide in this wide open environment. That makes it more difficult to sneak up on opponents with clever footwork and hunting tactics.

no escape: Characters cannot escape from this encounter. Everyone is trapped in this encounter until it is over. If one group of characters is trapped by their opponents, this rule may only apply to one side of the conflict.

sand: This environment allows burrowing.

scalable: This environment allows climbing. It has vertical terrain such as climbable walls, trees, rocks, ladders, poles, ropes, chains, big furniture and stacks of stuff. However, if the walls are too sheer to scale quickly, the environment may not be scalable.

spacious: This environment allows flying. This environment type usually applies outdoors and in large rooms or caves with very high ceilings. It does not apply in dense jungle where large flying characters do not have room to maneuver.

swamp: This environment allows swimming and climbing. Concealing foliage gives everyone a -2 Perception modifier.

water: This environment allows swimming. If there are tactically useful places where large characters can dive or submerge themselves, the encounter has this environment type.

weightless: Characters cannot be prone and have -2 Coordination.

Create an NPC or Template

As the GM, you can design new templates or create characters and creatures from scratch without a template. See the Make your Character chapter for the Character Point Value of attributes and abilities. Agility 0, Perception 0, Strength 0, Coordination 0, Toughness 10 and Power 1d6 are each worth 0 character points. Characters can have less than 0 character points, but Toughness and Power must be at least 1.

Character Point Value

typical adolescent 75 Pts
typical adult 90 Pts
    experienced soldier or athlete     105 Pts
elite soldier or athlete 120 Pts

Speed and Attributes

Fast creatures have more Agility and Coordination.

Speed Example Agility Coordination
slowest snail 1 0
slower tortoise 2 0
slow pig 5 0
medium human 10 0
fast rabbit 15 5
faster horse 20 10
fastest cheetah 25 15

Intelligence and Attributes

Human-like and relatively intelligent creatures have more Perception and Coordination.

Type of Intelligence Perception Coordination
animal 5 0
human 10 0
Relative Intelligence Perception Coordination
smart add 2 add 1
clever add 4 add 2
talented add 6 add 3
gifted add 8 add 4
genius add 10 add 5

Size and Attributes

Big creatures have higher attributes.

Size Example
tiny 1 lb (500 g) rat
small 33 lb (15 kg) dog
medium 165 lb (75 kg) human
large 660 lb (300 kg) horse
huge 4 ton elephant
gargantuan 100 ton whale
Size Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
tiny 6 8 0 0 4 1 or 2
small 8 9 5 0 10 1d6
medium 10 10 10 0 20 2d6
large 12 11 15 5 40 3d6
huge 16 12 20 10 60 4d6
gargantuan 20 15 25 15 100 5d6

To combine attributes from speed, intelligence and size, pick whichever value you like, something within the same range, or the average. For example, a large, fast, clever animal could have Agi 12, Per 9 and Crd 2 if you take the lowest options, Agi 15, Per 11 and Crd 5 if you take the highest options, or Agi 13, Per 10, and Crd 3 if you take the average for each attribute.


The Dark Woods is inhabited by people, animals and fantastical creatures. Animals and human NPCs have their own sections of the bestiary after the monsters.


Most people have never seen these fantastical creatures. A whole adventure could revolve around a sighting of one of these creatures, a search for a legendary creature, or rescuing people and treasure captured by one of them. On the other hand, the adventure could be fighting off waves of monsters or defeating a villain defended by a menagerie of monsters.

Animated Armor

This empty suit of armor moves under its own uncanny power. The armor may be haunted or doing the bidding of a wizard who enchanted it. Most suits of animated armor do not speak. Even without a weapon the armor can strike hard with its plate gauntlets.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 15 0 32 2d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You can lie in a heap or hang on a stand like any other empty suit of armor.

don (action: merge with an unarmored humanoid you can reach, then split damage equally): You take half of the damage inflicted on the wearer until you have 0 Hit Points. They take half of the damage inflicted on you until they have 0 Hit Points. You can still take actions, but this effect ends if you move away from the wearer.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 90

Animated Flytrap

This carnivorous plant has uncanny mobility. Carnivorous plants are often found in swamps with nutrient-poor soil. This one may have been awakened by a spell or part of a cursed forest. Most animated plants do not speak, but druids can communicate with them.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 5 10 0 12 1d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): Blend in with herbs and undergrowth.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

regenerate 2 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Use water and sunlight to regrow. Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

trap 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): Lock prey in with long, sticky spines.

Character Point Value 35

Animated Fungus

This big mushroom can uproot itself and break down living tissue. It may be animated by a spell or spawned by a subterranean hive mind. Fungi do not usually speak but druids know how they communicate through mycelium in the soil.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 5 10 0 10 1d6


absorb (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: you recover 1d6 HP): Dissolved parts of your prey become part of you immediately. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness.

mycelium (effect; +5 to initiative checks): This network of underground fungus alerts you to the presence of enemies.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

spores 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choke enemies with a puff of toxic spores.

Character Point Value 28

Animated Object, Large

A piece of furniture or other heavy object begins to move on its own. Is it enchanted or being moved by a spirit? Large animated objects can entrap people or protect secret hiding places. Animated objects do not usually speak.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 15 2 30 3d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You appear to be an inanimate object until you move of your own accord.

flight 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 102

Animated Object, Small

A tool or other common object springs magically to life. It could be a magical artificer's assistant, or it could be wielded by an invisible, intangible ghost.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 5 0 10 1d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You appear to be an inanimate object until you move of your own accord.

flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

Character Point Value 33

Animated Object Swarm

These small, ordinary objects have been brought to life by magic. Swarms of animated objects may be household servants of a powerful wizard or haunt an abandoned castle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 12 2 20 2d6


flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

Character Point Value 86

Animated Tree

The tree springs to life with vigor. Animated trees are sometimes natural protectors of healthy woodlands, but they could also be the trees of a cursed forest, or created by a powerful wizard. Many magical trees are able to speak, but until it opens its mouth, the tree's face might appear to be nothing more than strange cracks in the tree's bark.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 13 18 8 100 3d6


bashing branches 2 (1 use/rank; target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): Attack in all directions around you.

camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): Blend in with trees and natural terrain.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

regenerate 8 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Use water and sunlight to regrow. Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

throw boulder 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +2 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from long range.

Character Point Value 176

DnD treant

Animated Weapon

This flying weapon wields itself. It may be part of a magical trap, possessed by a ghost, or have a mind of its own. Some animated weapons are able to speak or communicate telepathically with people who grip the weapon.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 5 5 15 2d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You appear to be an ordinary weapon until you move of your own accord.

flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 80


Merely looking at this monstrous reptile is deadly. The six legged lizard is big enough to swallow a person whole, but victims usually suffer a stranger fate. Each time someone makes eye contact with the basilisk in their peripheral vision, they become stiffer and heavier, eventually turning into a stone statue.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 8 15 5 72 3d6


natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

petrifying gaze 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If the target dies, it turns to stone.

venomous bite 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Your fangs inject paralytic venom.

Character Point Value 137

DnD Basilisk


With a humanoid upper body and the four legs of a horse, centaurs are known both for their wildness and their wisdom.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 13 14 6 40 3d6


bow (ranged vs Agi; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Aim carefully.

hooves (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm target with hoof attacks.

lance (melee vs Str; reach; -5 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: prone): Overrun opponents with this heavy spear.

Character Point Value 132

DnD Centaur


The chimera is a vicious predator with parts of a lion, a dragon and a goat. It has slain many heroes and hunting parties who tried to stop its rampage.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
17 12 19 7 70 4d6


dragon breath 2 (1 use/rank; far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Blast your victims with fire.

dragon wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

goat horns 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

kick, claw, and bite 2 (1 use/rank; target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): Use all of your parts to lash out at every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

lion fangs 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Wrench your prey apart with a bone crushing bite.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 174

DnD Chimera


Part serpent and part fowl, the deadly cockatrice can turn flesh to stone. Each time someone makes eye contact with it in their peripheral vision, they become stiffer and heavier, eventually turning into a statue.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
17 9 6 2 12 1d6+2


natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

petrifying gaze 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If the target dies, it turns to stone.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

startled takeoff 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

venomous spurs 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Spines on your feet inject paralytic venom.

Character Point Value 61

DnD Cockatrice

Death Worm

This massive armored worm shows no mercy when it emerges from the earth. For some the worm is just a terrifying legend. For some it is a blight which destroys livestock and spreads desert. Still others worship the worm in secretive cults.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 5 25 5 300 10d6


bite (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): You can use your opponent as a shield while strangling them.

burrow 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

swallow 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The swallowed target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 227

DnD PurpleWorm

Dragon, Celestial

Celestial dragons are wise rulers of their subjects and terrifying monsters to their enemies. They hunt in the sea, gulping down schools of fish and grappling with great sea beasts. Unlike infernal dragons who have wings and breathe fire, celestial dragons control the weather and use it to fly and strike down their foes.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 16 20 15 200 4d6


bite 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Wrench prey apart with with your fangs.

cunning tactics 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): You lead your warriors into battle with a wise strategy that catches opponents off guard.

icy blast 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Agi; area becomes difficult terrain; hit: rushed 1 turn): Slow your enemies with a freezing vortex.

lightning bolt 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; double Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Wild magical energy leaps in an arc from you to the target, if you can control it.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not need handheld weapons or spell components.

ride the wind 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

tail (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): You sweep the area with your tail like a tidal wave.

Character Point Value 238

Dragon, Infernal

Infernal dragons are giant, flying, fire breathing catastrophes. Greedy and cruel, these dragons are also fiendish schemers who are proud of their power and wit.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 12 20 10 200 5d6


bite 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Wrench prey apart with with your fangs.

command minions 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: rushed 1 turn): Rally your brutal servants to guard you as you overwhelm the enemy ranks.

fire breath 3 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Exhale a cone of burning destruction which engulfs the enemies in front of you.

leathery wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

tail (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): Topple surrounding foes with your whipping tail.

Character Point Value 229

DnD Dragon


Dryads are tree faeries who have been known to entrap people and make them serve the dryad to protect her forest.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 16 12 0 18 1d6


beguiling scent (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve persuasion.

speak with plants (expertise): +5 to nature and survival event checks.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You can use your wooden limbs as weapons.

tangling vines 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str;-½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently):The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 60

DnD Dryad

Elemental Assassin

Made of air and wind, this magical mercenary is completely transparent but feels solid.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 12 2 20 2d6


blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense unseen objects and creatures by subtle movements of the air.

invisibility (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You are completely transparent and make very little sound.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

sneaky attacks (effect; while evading; any damaging attack; +½ Pwr): damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

Character Point Value 82

DnD Invisible stalker

Elemental, Djinni

This powerful air elemental can be bound to an enchanted vessel such as a ring or a lamp. Whoever possesses the vessel can summon the djinni and compel it to grant wishes.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
20 20 20 12 100 4d6


miracle worker (expertise): +5 to event checks which require elaborate mechanisms or repairs.

rematerialize (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

secrets of the universe (expertise): +5 to event checks which require arcane knowledge.

whirlwind (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 210

DnD Djinn

Elemental, Earth

This living pile of rocks can meld with the earth.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 20 8 150 4d6


burrow 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

earthquake (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

reform 12 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

Character Point Value 199

DnD Stone Elemental

Elemental, Efreeti

This powerful fire elemental can be bound to an enchanted vessel and compelled to grant wishes. However, it is also wicked and cunning, and it will try to undermine its master unless the master can be corrupted.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 15 20 15 100 5d6


all-seeing (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve divination or keen senses.

conjure flame 2 (1 use/rank; far area; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

flaming swords (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

shooting star 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

throw flames 2 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Sacrifice defense to fire repeatedly.

trickery (expertise): +5 to event checks which involve deception.

Character Point Value 220

DnD Efreeti

Elemental, Water

This liquid creature can completely disappear in water. It is tougher than it looks because most attacks seem to pass through it without causing much damage.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 10 18 7 150 3d6+2


crushing surge (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

engulf 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The engulfed target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

gelatinous (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

water breathing 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

Character Point Value 188

DnD Ochre Jelly

Flying Carpet

This animated floor covering can be used for transportation or as a trap. Animated objects do not usually speak, but this flexible object can pose and gesture in expressive ways.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 15 2 20 1d6


camouflage (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You appear to be an inanimate rug until you move of your own accord.

flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

passengers 4 (effect; carry 1 medium humanoid per rank or equivalent weight when you move): Area attacks can hit you and all your passengers.

Character Point Value 75


The fearsome stone statue springs to life. Gargoyles are carved to keep evil out of hallowed places. Unlike most animated objects, gargoyles can often growl and even speak.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 11 15 4 60 2d6


bite and claw (melee vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

pounce 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

rooftop perch (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

stone wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

vicious 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Agi; +1 Crd/rank): You specialize in aggressive, close range, stand-up fighting.

Character Point Value 126

DnD Gargoyle


Ghouls are undead cannibals. Lone ghouls lurk in the wild and pick off isolated wanderers. Packs of ghouls stalk and attack caravans. People who are scratched or bitten by ghouls can become ghouls themselves if they escape but succumb to their wounds later.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 8 12 2 33 2d6


natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

poison claws 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

relentless 1 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 92

DnD Wights


Monstrous giants dwell in the mountains, hurling boulders and causing avalanches to repel intruders. In times long gone the ancestors of these giants were conquerors who ruled mighty empires.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 9 25 11 200 6d6


giant sword (armed; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn; reach): If you are playing on a grid, this attack can reach enemies up to 2 spaces away.

gigantic (effect; use gigantic equipment): Characters who are not gigantic cannot disarm you or use your equipment, but you also cannot use their equipment.

hurl boulder 1 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Attack from a distance with deadly accuracy.

Character Point Value 223

DnD Giant


Most of these hyena-faced humanoids live as cackles of violent bandits.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 9 12 3 20 1d6+2


bite 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Grapple a foe with a bone crushing bite.

throwing axe 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Hurl an axe before you overrun your prey.

throwing knife 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr): Fling one of your knives as you charge toward the enemy.

Character Point Value 76

DnD Gnoll


These quick little humanoids lurk in dark places, playing cruel tricks and doing dark deeds.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 8 4 10 1d6+2


backstab 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): This special ambush only works on targets who are distracted.

blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can make out shapes in near total darkness with keen ears and night vision.

scimitars (melee vs Agi; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Lure enemies into an ambush with flashing curved blades.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

Character Point Value 61

DnD Goblin


She has venomous snakes for hair, and her curse is so deadly that images of her are used as protective symbols. Famous gorgons include Medusa and her sisters. Each time someone makes eye contact with a gorgon in their peripheral vision, they become stiffer and heavier, eventually turning into a stone statue.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 15 10 10 60 4d6


hissing sentries (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

petrifying gaze 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): If the target dies, it turns to stone.

snake hair 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Snakes lash out, injecting paralytic venom..

Character Point Value 167

DnD Medusa


This legendary beast combines the body of a lion with the head, wings, and talons of an enormous eagle. Magical treasures are often guarded by gryphons, and wild gryphons roost in the crumbling towers of ancient ruins.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 10 16 6 50 3d6


feathered wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

large mount 2 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

raptorial beak 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

sharp eyesight (expertise): +5 to event checks which require seeing small details, tracking fast moving objects, or spotting things from great distances.

talon pounce (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Character Point Value 148

DnD Griffon

Half Dragon

This draconic humanoid has armored scales and deadly breath. Some half dragons are giant kobolds. Others were humans transformed by a curse or their own magical experiments to gain power.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 16 5 50 2d6+2


bite 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Chomp and wrench an enemy with your fangs.

flail (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets or near area: distracted 1 turn): Swing the flail in wild circles before bringing it down on your foe..

fire breath 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Exhale a stream of destruction.

greedy (persona; not charitable): You selfishly take whatever you want.

shield (melee vs Agi; -½ Pwr; you: defending 1 turn); Block and parry while bashing targets with your shield and flail.

Character Point Value 127


This legendary beast has the hindquarters of a horse, and the head, wings, and talons of a gigantic eagle. These improbable hybrids of horses and gryphons were made by powerful magic. Only a few mighty paladins have been able to tame them.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 9 13 5 35 2d6+2


feathered wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

mount 2 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

raptorial beak 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

sharp eyesight (expertise): +5 to event checks which require seeing small details, tracking fast moving objects, or spotting things from great distances.

talon pounce (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

Character Point Value 118

DnD Hippogriff


These warrior goblins have been bred for size and strength to dominate the battlefield.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 11 16 5 30 2d6+2


blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense foes in the dark with your keen hearing and night vision.

cleave (2 targets; melee vs Agi; you: exposed 1 turn): Unleash a quick, powerful combination of strikes.

rampage 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

throw weapons (range = Crd; ranged vs Agi; +5 Crd; you: exposed 1 turn): Target an enemy whose distance is no further than your Coordination in meters.

Character Point Value 114

DnD Orc


The hydra is a venomous dragon with many heads. It seems impossible to kill because each time one head is cut off, two more grow to replace it. The hydra's toxic miasma seeps into the water and air wherever it goes, slowly making the place uninhabitable.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 10 20 10 100 3d6


hold breath 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

many eyes (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

many mouths 3 (1 use/rank; target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Agi; -2 Crd): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

regrow heads 10 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

two heads replace one 3 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

Character Point Value 192

DnD Hydra


This bronze bull can be used as an armored weapon or a cruel form of execution. Its smoky breath slowly petrifies flesh, turning anyone the khalkotaur kills into stone.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 8 20 8 120 4d6


breath 2 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): If a target dies, it turns to stone.

gore (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

trample (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 182

Dnd Gorgon


Kobolds are little draconic humanoids. Although not individually powerful, kobolds attack in large groups and are sometimes accompanied by fearsome half dragons.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 9 7 4 6 1d6


javelin 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): Hurl a short spear before surrounding the enemy.

pack tactics 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): This attack only works on targets who are distracted.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

Character Point Value 26

DnD kobold


This flying undead abomination has no legs, but latches onto victims with its thirsty tendrils.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 10 8 5 33 3d6


echolocation (blind fighting; effect; no Crd penalty in darkness)

blood feeding 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

leathery wings 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

wall crawling (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 121


The manticore has a lion's body, a human-like face, the jaws of a dragon, and the tail of a gigantic scorpion. It can fling venomous barbs by flicking its tail. Despite being able to mimic human speech, the manticore is a cruel predator that likes to eat people.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 12 17 5 70 3d6


pounce (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

bite 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

leathery wings 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

sting 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 153

DnD Manticore


This large humanoid beast has the head of a bull. Cursed minotaurs with insatiable rage have been trapped in dungeons and used to execute prisoners.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 9 16 6 70 4d6


goring horns 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

grappling arms (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

maze ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

Character Point Value 154

DnD Minotaur


An ancient undead ruler, the mummy seeks revenge against the robbers who disturbed its tomb. Then the restless mummy may raise an army of skeletons and take back its kingdom from beyond the grave.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 18 17 9 80 4d6


relentless 3 (1 use/rank; while you or target injured; strike, distract or grab attack; +5 Crd): You or the target must be injured. Perform a strike, distract or grab attack. Aside from the +5 Coordination bonus, these attacks are exactly like the standard strike, distract or grab action.

patient stalker (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

locusts 3 (1 use/rank; far area; ranged vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Choose a point you can attack at least 15 meters away from you. This attack targets every character within 5 meters of that point.

Character Point Value 179

DnD Mummy


Half serpent and half humanoid, this naga has two arms, but the body of a giant snake instead of legs. Temples of the naga cult are hidden deep in the jungle.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 10 13 3 33 2d6+2


constrict 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

greatsword (melee vs Agi; -2 Crd; double Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Use both hands to wield this mighty sword.

slither (effect; while prone; +1 defense vs melee attacks): When you are prone you have -1 to all defenses (Agility, Perception and Strength) against melee attacks instead of the normal -2 penalty for being prone. This helps when you are knocked down and when you drop prone intentionally to avoid ranged attacks.

undulate 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

Character Point Value 110


Nixies are water faeries who take the form of people or animals to lure victims into their lakes and ponds.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 12 9 1 14 1d6+2


javelin 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): Throw a barbed spear to snag prey.

mimicry (effect; +5 to initiative checks): You can change your voice and appearance to mimic medium sized humanoids and animals.

water breathing 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

Character Point Value 60

DnD Nixie


This lesser giant is small enough to raid human communities without crushing all of the buildings. Ravenous ogres have been known to eat their captives.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 7 19 4 68 3d6+2


cleaver 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

grab and bite 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

hurl net 1 (1 use/rank; near area; ranged vs Str; -2 Crd; hit: no damage, but grabbed permanently): If you hit a target, it is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

javelin 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Agi; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr): This small spear looks like an arrow compared to the ogre's hand.

Character Point Value 143

DnD Ogre


This legendary flying horse can only be tamed by one who is worthy. A wild herd of these majestic beasts is said to migrate between the valleys of distant mountains.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
20 10 16 6 50 3d6


feathered wings 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

flying kick (melee vs Per; -2 Crd; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Sucker punch and run away to lead enemies away from allies or into a flanking trap.

mount 1 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 143

DnD Pegasus


Pixies are little winged faeries. They use magical illusions and enchantments to hide and play tricks on bigger creatures. People who leave gifts to appease the pixies may find that these tricks start to work in their favor, but if the gifts stop coming the pixies can become vengeful.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 14 3 6 4 1d6


daze 1 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Enchant the target with a distracting illusion or other hilarious magical prank.

disguise (effect; +5 to initiative checks): Your diminutive size makes it easy to hide behind illusions.

read emotions (expertise): +5 to event checks which require empathy or insight.

tiny (effect; cover behind small objects; use tiny equipment): You can take cover behind small objects and characters. Characters who are not tiny cannot disarm you or use your equipment, but you also cannot use their equipment.

wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

Character Point Value 30

DnD Pixie

Pixie Swarm

Pixies can be big trouble when they gang up.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
18 14 10 3 10 1d6


daze 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Enchant the target with a distracting illusion or other hilarious magical prank.

disguise (effect; +5 to initiative checks): Your diminutive size makes it easy to hide behind illusions.

read emotions (expertise): +5 to event checks which require empathy or insight.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

tiny (effect; cover behind small objects; use tiny equipment): You can take cover behind small objects and characters. Characters who are not tiny cannot disarm you or use your equipment, but you also cannot use their equipment.

wings 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

Character Point Value 61


This bounty hunter from purgatory seeks to destroy targets with unnatural lifespans. The targets can include undead parasites and alchemists experimenting with life extending elixirs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 15 11 4 38 2d6


bane blade 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

chilling wail 2 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): Make a threat or psychological attack which causes no damage, but if it is successful, each target you hit is intimidated until the end of your next turn.

hover 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

reap 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

Character Point Value 120


This colossal bird of prey can snatch an elephant with its talons and lift it into the air. Though they seldom eat people, rocs do steal larger cattle, and they aggressively protect their nests.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 10 20 13 150 6d6


downdraft (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

hooked beak 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

soar 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

talons 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The restrained target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 226

DnD Roc


Satyrs are people with the hooves and horns of a goat. They love music and celebration, but they are also wild creatures with a passion for adventure and mischief.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 10 9 2 16 1d6+2


goring horns 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

scimitar (melee vs Agi; target: distracted 1 turn; you: cover 1 turn): Engage your foe with rapid slashes.

Character Point Value 66


This animated mass of vegetation is trying to swallow you whole. Shamblers lurk in the depths of cursed forests and fetid swamps

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 9 20 8 70 3d6


constrict (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Squeeze the target with entangling tendrils.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

swallow 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The swallowed target is grabbed until the target or one of its allies successfully uses the release action to free it.

Character Point Value 151


Dry bones articulate themselves and move as if clothed in flesh. Skeletons can be created by dark magic, or haunt battlefields where their bones never received a proper burial.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 8 8 0 18 2d6


ambush (effect; while evading; any damaging attack; +½ Pwr): You emerge suddenly from a pile of jumbled bones or from beneath murky water and attack. damaging attacks become -½ Pwr attacks. -½ Pwr attacks become normal damage attacks. +½ Pwr attacks become double Pwr attacks. Double Pwr attacks deal three times normal damage instead.

reassemble 3 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

submerge 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water.

throwing axe 1 (1 use/rank; 2 attacks; melee and ranged vs Agi; you: rushed 1 turn): Hurl an axe before you overrun your prey.

Character Point Value 68

DnD skelleton

Slime, Dripping Ooze

Revolting strands of this green goo hang from stone walls and tree branches. This plant-like slime likes to bask in sunlight, but it does not need light to see, and it can live on the flesh of poor creatures trapped in dank caves. In fact, the dripping ooze is particularly attracted to warm blood and does not discriminate between people and animals. The ooze hunts by flowing up onto high places and sagging down until it falls onto unsuspecting prey.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 6 15 4 40 3d6


absorb (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: you recover 1d6 HP): Dissolved parts of your prey become part of you immediately. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness.

blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

climb (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): You drip from walls and ceilings. When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

grappler 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You are composed of stretchy mucus.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

slime (effect; while prone: not slow, +1 defense vs melee attacks): You are always prone, but you do not have to move slowly and your defense is only slightly reduced against melee attacks.

trap (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; hit: no damage but grabbed 1 turn): You wrap around and entangle as many creatures as you can.

Character Point Value 117

DnD Green slime

Slime, Slippery Oil

Slippery oil is a transparent liquid with a foul, rusty odor, and it is alive. Acidic and corrosive, the oil dissolves metal weapons and animal bones as well as flesh and plant matter. It moves by flowing in a thin film along the ground. Alchemists seek out slippery oil to help them dissolve stubborn materials, but this can be a very dangerous enterprise. Although the oil is easily split into many pieces, even tiny droplets can flow back together until they become a small but dangerous layer of slime.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 6 10 3 16 1d6+1


blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

digest (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): You leave a layer of yourself on weapons until they are rearmed by wiping it off. If this does not happen within 1 minute, the weapons are destroyed.

grappler 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You are very elastic and slippery.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

regenerate 2 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): The remaining parts of you or others of your kind flow back together. Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

slime (effect; while prone: not slow, +1 defense vs melee attacks): You are always prone as you flow along the ground, but you do not have to move slowly and your defense is only slightly reduced against melee attacks.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

stealth (effect; +5 bonus to initiative checks): You look like a puddle of water except for a subtle oily iridescence.

trip (melee vs Str; hit: prone 1 turn): Slide under the target to make them slip and fall.

Character Point Value 61

DnD Gray Ooze

Slime, Sticky Tar

Dark and disgusting, the amorphous sticky tar bubbles up from underground. Huge masses of this tar are rumored to lurk in the deepest caves. Sticking to everything, they creep along walls and ceilings as easily as floors. With no internal organs, the tar can split in two and each half can keep moving and hunting on its own.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
5 6 20 5 80 5d6


blind fighting (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense enemies in the dark.

climb (effect; environmental; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): You stick to walls and ceilings. When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

cling (melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: disarmed permanently): You catch a weapon with your sticky body. Targets can use the rearm action to pull it out.

grappler 2 (specialty: all melee attacks vs Str; +1 Crd/rank): You are malleable and very sticky.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

slime (effect; while prone: not slow, +1 defense vs melee attacks): You are always prone, but you do not have to move slowly and your defense is only slightly reduced against melee attacks.

split (1 use; action; while injured; become two creatures with half HP, rounded down): After you split, each half can move in the same or different directions and attack the same or different targets on your turn until they are destroyed. Attacks that affect multiple targets can hit both halves.

Character Point Value 161

DnD Black pudding


This vengeful apparition has returned from the dead to feed on the living. The spectre's icy touch drains people of their courage, vitality, and will to live.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 17 7 2 18 2d6


chilling wail 1 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): Make a threat or psychological attack which causes no damage, but if it is successful, each target you hit is intimidated until the end of your next turn.

hover 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

possess 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; -½ Pwr; hit: grabbed permanently): The target or one of its allies can use the release action to try to free the target from possession.

touch 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

Character Point Value 89

DnD Spectre


Trolls are grotesque lesser giants. They heal too quickly to be slain by ordinary weapons. Hostile and uncivilized, they lurk along less well traveled paths, robbing and devouring the unwary.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 6 17 4 60 2d6+2


natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

regenerates 5 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

Character Point Value 126

DnD Troll


This magical beast resembles a horse with a single spiraling horn. The wary unicorn can sense your intentions, making it very difficult for any but the pure in heart to capture.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 17 15 7 60 3d6


hard to capture (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself from a grab without making a check.

healing horn 2 (1 use/rank; action; while target not healed; target: healed, recover target's Rest Dice HP): You cannot heal characters who are dead, who are not injured, or who have already been healed since resting.

impaling horn 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

sense emotions (expertise): +5 to event checks which require empathy or insight.

Character Point Value 154

DnD Unicorn


Consuming the blood of living people allows these undead monsters to maintain a healthy appearance. It also grants them unnatural strength, speed, and stamina. Rather than haunting wastelands like most undead creatures, vampires try to control the people they feed upon by subversion and subjugation.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 12 16 6 50 2d6+1


drink blood 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

parasitic growth 4 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

Character Point Value 137

DnD Vampire

Vampire Mage

This elder vampire has used his stolen time to master powerful magic. The vampire mage can twist minds or even split its body into a swarm of vermin.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 17 18 9 100 2d6+2


change into a swarm of bats or rats 1 (action; you: change form; rank must be half the AP of a fighting companion): You turn into a swarm of bats or rats, or you turn back into your humanoid form. Each form you take has its own HP, attributes and abilities. If you drop to 0 HP in another form, you immediately return to your default form and cannot assume the 0 HP form again during this adventure. The rank of this ability must be at least half of the AP a PC would spend to have each form as a fighting companion. Do not include the Character Point Value of this ability when determining what a fighting companion would be worth.

drink blood 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; hit: rushed 1 turn, you recover 1d6 HP): Parasitize an opponent for a quick energizing snack. You recover 1d6 Hit Points only if the attack succeeds. This ability cannot make your Hit Points greater than your Toughness. This ability does not depend on or affect the healed state, so you can recover Hit Points every time this attack succeeds, before or after being healed.

hypnotic gaze (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): Make a threat or psychological attack which causes no damage, but if it is successful, each target you hit is intimidated until the end of your next turn.

regrow parts 8 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

Character Point Value 187


The werewolf or lycanthrope is a cursed, shapeshifting monster which lives as a person by day, but becomes a ravening wolf-like monster at night. People who are bitten by the werewolf and survive contract the curse, turning into a werewolf and losing control of their actions on nights when the moon is full.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 11 14 4 52 2d6+2


bite 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

human and wolf forms 20 (action; you: change form; rank must be half the AP of a fighting companion): You turn into an adult NPC or a wolf, or you turn back into your hybrid werewolf form. Each form you take has its own HP, attributes and abilities. If you drop to 0 HP in another form, you immediately return to your default form and cannot assume the 0 HP form again during this adventure. The rank of this ability must be at least half of the AP a PC would spend to have each form as a fighting companion. Do not include the Character Point Value of this ability when determining what a fighting companion would be worth.

natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

pounce (melee vs Str; hit: grabbed or prone 1 turn; you: prone 1 turn if target grabbed): Throw an enemy to the ground, hurting the target and slowing it down. You are also prone until the end of your next turn unless you choose to release the target, in which chase the target is not grabbed, just prone.

shifting hybrid form 4 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

Character Point Value 149

DnD Lycantrop


The zombie is an animated corpse with unnatural strength and durability. Zombies can be created to serve necromancers, but people with scores to settle will sometimes return from the grave to terrorize those who have wronged them.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
7 5 13 0 30 1d6


natural weapons (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

reanimate 4 (1 use; action; while injured or dying; you: recover 1d6 HP/rank): Reduce the HP recovered by the total acid, cold, and fire damage you have taken. Only a coup de grace can kill you until you have used this ability. You can use this ability when your Hit Points are 0.

wrathful (persona; not patient): You are quick to retaliate.

Character Point Value 61

DnD Ghoul


The Dark Woods is inhabited by local wildlife, beasts of burden, livestock and exotic animals people have brought from distant lands.


This large monkey has a wolf-like snout with huge fangs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 8 10 2 20 2d6


climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

fangs and claws (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 79


A formidable omnivore which is difficult to grapple with because of its thick hide and loose skin.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
9 5 9 1 12 1d6+2


burrow 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: burrowing; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

ferocious claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 46

Bat Swarm

Swarms of bats stream from caves at night.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 6 10 2 12 2


echolocation (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can sense prey with sound.

flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

sharp teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

tiny (effect; cover behind small objects): You can take cover behind small objects and characters.

Character Point Value 39

Bear, Black

This is the most common type of bear.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 7 15 3 30 3d6


charge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 104

Bear, Brown

This is the largest naturally occurring land predator.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 7 20 6 40 4d6


charge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 138


This wild pig is known for harassing and injuring humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 9 14 2 25 2d6+1


ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

tusks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 92

Bovine, Draft Bull

This large herbivore can be unfriendly even when domesticated.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 20 6 40 4d6


charge 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

horns (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 136

Bovine, Milk Cow

This herbivore is bred as an agricultural product.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 16 2 30 3d6


charge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

horns (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 99


This steed is adapted for thriving in arid environments.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 6 16 2 30 1d6+2


angry bite (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

seating 1 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 87


This small harmless land foul is a popular source of protein with numerous common recipes involving either its flesh or eggs.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 4 5 -2 4 1


flying kicks and beak pecks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

startled takeoff 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

Character Point Value -38


This ape is much stronger than most humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 9 15 4 25 2d6+1


climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

dynamic force (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

rip arm out of socket 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Yank with giant arms and shoulders.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 99

Crocodile, Freshwater

An amphibious pest known to be dangerous to pets.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 16 3 30 3d6


dive 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

rip apart 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

snapping jaws and lashing tail (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 105

Crocodile, Saltwater

An amphibious apex predator known to prey on humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 20 4 40 4d6


dive 2 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

rip apart 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

snapping jaws and lashing tail (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 132


This wild herbivore is fearful of predators.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 6 10 2 15 1d6+1


long legs (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 55


Pack hunting canine.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 8 9 2 15 1d6+2


desperate bite (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

flanking 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

interference (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 63


This sea mammal is known for being friendly to humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 13 17 5 30 1d6+1


dive 4 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

ram 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

sleek body (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 104


This steed can not carry heavy riders.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 8 15 0 30 1d6+1


angry kicks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

bucking (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

seating 1 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 73

Elephant, Tamed

This is the largest domesticated animal.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 21 6 60 4d6+1


plow (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

tusks and stomping (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 152

Elephant, Wild

This is the largest naturally occurring land herbivore.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 10 23 7 80 4d6+2


plow (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

tusks and stomping (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 169


This wild herbivore is unfriendly.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 6 17 3 30 3d6


charge 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

horns (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 108


This is the tallest land animal and has powerful legs capable of killing predators.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 7 18 4 40 3d6


long legs and neck (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

whipping kicks and headbutts (reach, melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; you: rushed 1 turn): Target an enemy up to 2 meters away or with one space between you.

Character Point Value 124


An uncooperative domestic quadruped.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 8 11 1 20 2d6


charge 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

horns (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 75


This silverback can pound you with its giant fists.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 9 18 6 35 3d6+1


climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

fists the size of your head (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

rip arm out of socket 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Yank with giant arms and shoulders.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 127


This amphibious omnivore is known for stalking and killing humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 22 5 50 4d6+1


dive 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

giant teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 141


This steed is agile for its size.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
16 8 18 4 35 3d6


bucking (melee vs Per; reaction to melee attack against you: second attack): Prepare a second melee vs Per attack which you can use immediately after an enemy attacks you with a melee attack before your next turn.

powerful kicks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

seating 2 (effect; 1 rider/rank; riders have cover if you are healthy): When you use a map, riders move with you, but they must end their turn in spaces you occupy. When you are targeted by an attack which has multiple targets, your riders can be targeted without counting toward the maximum number of targets. For example, if you have two riders and your enemy uses an attack which normally has three targets, the attack can target you, your riders and two other targets.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 124


A common feline predator.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
14 8 13 4 25 2d6+2


ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

sharp claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 102


A large pack hunting feline predator.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 9 16 5 30 3d6


ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

sharp claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 116


This is a veteran of warring monkey troops.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 7 8 0 10 1d6+1


climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

primal ferocity (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 38


This large bird is not capable of flight.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
15 6 12 2 20 1d6+1


low kicks and beak pecks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 67


This invasive omnivore may be rabid.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 7 7 0 10 1d6+1


climb (effect; environment: climbing; while defending; any attack; +5 Crd): When you evade in an encounter which allows climbing, you have a +5 Coordination bonus to your next attack.

rabid focus (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 36

Raven Swarm

These clever birds work together to mob enemies.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
17 8 12 2 12 1d6


flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

pecking beaks (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

Character Point Value 54

Rat Swarm

Swarms of rats thrive in urban areas.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 5 12 2 12 1d6


gnawing incisors (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

nocturnal (effect; no Crd penalty in darkness): You can maneuver in the dark with your sensitive nose, whiskers, hearing, and low-light vision.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

tiny (effect; cover behind small objects): You can take cover behind small objects and characters.

Character Point Value 42


This armored herbivore is known for homicidal rage.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 6 21 6 50 4d6+1


charge 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

huge horn (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 144

Shark, Great White

The largest of sharks.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 7 21 5 40 4d6


dive 5 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

rip apart 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

rows of razor sharp teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 144

Shark, Tiger

An average man eating shark.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 6 19 4 36 3d6+2


dive 4 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

rip apart 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

rows of razor sharp teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 129

Snake, Constrictor

This large serpent is known for its life threatening grappling attacks.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 7 16 2 25 2d6


crush 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

long powerful body (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 85

Snake, Venomous

This serpent deals out more damage than it can take.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
6 7 7 2 10 3d6


small (effect; medium sized objects provide cover): You have cover whenever a larger person, creature or object is between you and anyone attacking you.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

venom 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; +2 Crd; -½ Pwr; hit: stunned permanently): Lingering effects of this attack hinder your opponent.

wicked fangs (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

Character Point Value 62


The largest naturally occurring feline predator.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 9 17 5 35 3d6+1


ambush (while evading; melee vs Per; double Pwr): Set up a deadly attack with stealth and patience.

sharp claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 125

Wasp Swarm

These stinging insects gang up on creatures who threaten their nest.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 4 8 2 8 1d6


survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

flight 3 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features which favor flying, typically a large outdoor space.

swarm (action; while grabbed; you: not grabbed): Release yourself without making a check.

tiny (effect; cover behind small objects): You can take cover behind small objects and characters.

venomous stingers (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

Character Point Value 25

Whale, Orca

This pack hunting whale is known for being friendly towards humans, and perhaps as intelligent.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 12 23 6 60 4d6


dive 5 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

potent bite (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

rip apart 1 (1 use/rank; melee vs Str; -2 Crd; +½ Pwr; hit: grabbed 1 turn): Subdue opponent with a powerful grappling attack.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 163

Whale, Sperm

This is the largest naturally occurring predator but it rarely attacks humans.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 12 30 3 100 3d6+1


dive 5 (1 use/rank; free action; environment: diving; you: defending 1 turn): The environment must have features that allow diving, like deep water. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending until the end of your next turn.

ram (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

tail slap 2 (target each enemy you can reach; melee vs Str; -½ Pwr; hit: prone 1 turn): When you use a map, target every enemy within reach at the moment you attack.

Character Point Value 173


A large pack hunting canine.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
13 9 12 3 25 2d6+1


bone crushing bite (effect; cannot be disarmed): You do not use handheld weapons.

flanking 2 (1 use/rank; melee vs Per; while target distracted; +2 Crd; +½ Pwr): By harrying the enemy on all sides, you can outmaneuver them with wits rather than speed. This attack only works on targets who are distracted. The distract action and some abilities distract targets.

interference (melee vs Per; target and 2 other targets: distracted 1 turn): Get in your opponent's face to protect an ally or set up a flanking attack.

survival (expertise: survival): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 96


Larger, tougher and more ferocious than a badger.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 6 11 3 18 2d6


burrow 1 (1 use/rank; free action; environmental; you: cover, defending and prone 1 turn; move slow): The environment must have features that allow burrowing, like loose soil or deep snow. You must move slowly while burrowing. You can use this ability as a free action. You are defending, prone and have cover until the end of your next turn.

ferocious claws and teeth (effect; cannot be disarmed): This creature does not use handheld weapons

survival (expertise): +5 bonus to emergency and wilderness survival event checks.

Character Point Value 75

Nonplayer Characters

These nonplayer characters (NPCs) can be humans, demihumans or other humanoids. Some NPCs can be persuaded to help the PCs or even join them as traveling companions. Other NPCs may prefer to mind their own business, ask the PCs to help them, or fight against the PCs.


Children are not mature enough to take care of themselves.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 6 0 12 1d6

Character Point Value 30


Youth can fend for themselves, but have not reached their full adult stature.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 8 0 16 2d6

Character Point Value 60


Common people lack extraordinary abilities but they can do many jobs. Local leaders can organize commoners for defense or mob violence.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 10 0 20 2d6

Character Point Value 70


This robber is skilled in the art of ambush.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 9 11 1 20 2d6


bow 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; +½ Pwr; you: rushed 1 turn): Your quiver holds 1 arrow for each rank of this ability.

chaotic (persona; not lawful): You are comfortable breaking the law.

shortsword (melee vs Agi; +2 Crd): A feint draws their attention from your real attack.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

Character Point Value 80


Armed only with fancy clothes and an ornate dagger, this emissary’s real power is sharp wit.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 14 10 0 20 2d6


attractive (persona; not repulsive): Heads tend to turn towards you.

lawful (persona; not chaotic): You obey the letter and spirit of the law.

navigation (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving geography or using maps.

negotiation (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving making deals.

politics (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving cultural or ideological differences.

proud (persona; not humble): You stubbornly hold opinions in the face of opposing evidence.

Character Point Value 80


This hunter is a skilled stalker of both man and beast.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 11 10 3 20 2d6


crossbow 5 (1 use/rank; while evading; ranged vs Per; +5 Crd; double Pwr): Your quiver holds 1 bolt for each rank of this ability.

navigation (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving geography or using maps.

patient (persona; not wrathful): You hold back and avoid retaliation.

stealth (effect): +5 bonus to the initiative check at the beginning of encounters.

tracking (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks involving following specific targets.

Character Point Value 90


This mysterious person is a powerful magician.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
11 18 10 7 20 2d6+2


arcane lore (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve magic.

counterspell 3 (1 use/rank; reaction to attack or spellcasting; spell interrupted or target defending 1 turn): You block a spell or shield a creature with magical energy.

detect magic (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks where you need to sense the presence and nature of magical spells, items or creatures.

diligent (persona; not slothful): You devote maximum effort to the task at hand.

eldritch bolt (ranged vs Str; hit: prone 1 turn and pushed 1 meter + 1 meter per 10 full points of damage): A blast of magical force knocks the creature off its feet.

fireball 3 (1 use/rank; far area; ranged vs Agi): Any flammable objects such as dry wood or spilled oil within the exploding fireball catch flame.

lightning bolt 3 (1 use/rank; ranged vs Per; -2 Crd; double Pwr; hit: stunned 1 turn): Wild magical energy leaps in an arc from you to the target, if you can control it.

scrying (expertise): +5 bonus to event checks that involve fortune telling or learning things you cannot know with natural senses alone.

Character Point Value 120


Professional farmers and their families provide the basic necessities of civilization.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
10 10 10 0 20 2d6


animal handling (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve livestock and working animals.

brute force (expertise): +5 to event checks that require fortitude, hard work, and manual labor

cooking (expertise): +5 to event checks when preparing food and serving meals.

farming (expertise): +5 to event checks involving agriculture, farm work, or maintaining a farm.

repair (expertise): +5 to event checks when fixing common items, tools, and structures.

Character Point Value 75


This wise elder is a scholar and a healer.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
8 16 8 0 20 1d6+2


charitable (persona; not greedy): You give selflessly.

historian (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve using knowledge of the past.

lay on hands 3 (1 use/rank; action; while target not healed; target: healed, recover target's Rest Dice HP): You cannot heal characters who are dead, who are not injured, or who have already been healed since resting.

musician (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve playing music, singing, dancing or poetry.

sense evil (expertise): +5 to event checks that involve dark magic and dark magic creatures.

spiritual leader (expertise): +5 to event checks when you need to admonish and inspire others.

turn the unholy 3 (1 use/rank; near area, but only dark magic creatures; ranged vs Per; target: intimidated 1 turn; hit: no damage, but stunned permanently): Repel cursed beings with a holy symbol.

Character Point Value 75


This guard or champion is clad in heavy armor.

Agi Per Str Crd Tgh Pwr
12 9 15 2 44 2d6+2


charge 3 (1 use/rank; melee vs Agi; double Pwr; you: exposed 1 turn, but not rushed): You can charge at full speed before this attack without being rushed.

courageous (persona; not cowardly): You stand your ground regardless of the consequences.

defender (action; target: defending 1 turn; reaction to melee attack vs target: any melee attack): Protect a target and use a basic action or melee attack ability to counter melee attacks against them.

intimidate 3 (1 use/rank; targets all enemies; ranged vs Per; no damage; hit: intimidated 1 turn): This threat causes no damage, but may encourage healthy NPCs to evade, and injured NPCs to retreat.

longsword (melee vs Agi; +½ Pwr): Cut, thrust and parry without fancy flourishes.

shield (melee vs Agi; -½ Pwr; you: defending 1 turn): Strike from behind this shield or bash enemies with it.

Character Point Value 120